pelzvieh / IPv6Droid

IPv6 tunnel client for use on Android
20 stars 5 forks source link

IPV4 Route #59

Open mimesm opened 3 months ago

mimesm commented 3 months ago

Hi Is it possible for IPv4 traffic to pass through the tunnel? If it needs to be implemented or if your software supports this issue by default, please let me know And if you need to implement it separately, I would be grateful if you could give me a path and a small explanation, the only important thing is that you don't need root

pelzvieh commented 2 months ago

Can you explain which kind of problem you would be trying to solve with this functionality? Given your description, it sounds as if you'd be going well with one of the VPN offerings? Note that the intention of IPv6Droid is to provide an IPv6 connection in networks that lack IPv6 support, and using VPN as technology to achieve this; it is not intended to provide a VPN.