pemiluAPI / peta-caleg

design & development of a candidate map for Indonesia's 2014 legislative elections
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Style/write the breadcrumb navigation to emphasize functionality #24

Closed tmaybe closed 10 years ago

tmaybe commented 10 years ago

I think with some work, we can make it clearer what the breadcrumbs are good for (aside from telling you where you are) – maybe making the items that don't do anything not links, and making the ones that do more prominent or with more descriptive text? For example, at:

clicking on 'Caleg' or 'Sumsel' doesn't change anything. Clicking on 'Provinsi' or 'DPD' zooms the map to show the whole country and deselects Sumsel.

We could change the size or color of the DPD/Provinsi links, or add text, the equivalent of 'back to Provinsi' or something like that? Maybe a little icon sitting next to links that step you back?

shawnbot commented 10 years ago

ref: #36

shawnbot commented 10 years ago

Here's an idea: rather than flowing those path bits inline, why don't we break it up into levels, with a line for each level in the hierarchy?

Lembaga / DPD
Provinsi / Aceh
Lembaga / DPR
Provinsi / Babel
Partai / Partai Hurana

Then each line could be a link. Or (and this is not what I'm recommending, but I've seen it done before) there could be a little × on each line to "close" that level of the hierarchy.

tmaybe commented 10 years ago

Yep, I like that. But I'd prefer to keep it horizontal so we don't push results down further than they already are.

Lembaga:DPR / Provinsi:Babel / Partai:Partai NasDem

and maybe when the next step is to choose something it could prompt you:

Lembaga:DPR / Provinsi:Babel / Choose a Partai...

shawnbot commented 10 years ago

Just need to get that "Choose a XXX" bit in and we're good here.

shawnbot commented 10 years ago

I went with "Select a XXX" because it sounded better, but I imagine we'll need to translate those to Indonesian anyway. Assigning to you for that one, @tmaybe.

tmaybe commented 10 years ago

Already on it!

tmaybe commented 10 years ago

Translations are in:

Closing now.