pemistahl / lingua-py

The most accurate natural language detection library for Python, suitable for short text and mixed-language text
Apache License 2.0
1.02k stars 43 forks source link

Language recognition fails for programming language code #195

Closed Savan2708 closed 7 months ago

Savan2708 commented 7 months ago

When I provide any code(c#, c++, c) as input then i am getting mostly Language.YORUBA, Language.ESPERANTO or any rendom language, it should be detected as Language.ENGLISH

pemistahl commented 7 months ago

Lingua's purpose is to recognize natural languages only but not programming languages.

Savan2708 commented 7 months ago

Lingua's purpose is to recognize natural languages only but not programming languages.

I know Lingua's purpose is to recognize natural languages only but i have cleaned all punctuation, all extra spaces and did other text pre processing as well then Lingua's should detect it as English because all variable names, class names, function names are in English.

pemistahl commented 7 months ago

Please give me an example for a text after doing your pre-processing. Otherwise, I'm not able to help you.

Savan2708 commented 7 months ago

Please give me an example for a text after doing your pre-processing. Otherwise, I'm not able to help you.


gt list xe model rt priority db seriesmodel nt color ov connect ev datatool gv dependencies dv disconnect wb disconnect kv dispose ov env bt extendchartview cz extendcomponentmodel fz extendcomponentview hz extendseriesmodel vz format vv getcoordinatesystemdimensions vv getinstancebydom gd getinstancebyid nv getmap zv graphic hv helper lv init rv innerdrawelementoncanvas ed matrix iv number uv parsegeojson bd parsegeojson bd registeraction dr registercoordinatesystem zb registerlayout xb registerloading xd registerlocale np registermap kb registerpostinit ub registerpostupdate yb registerpreprocessor md registerprocessor registertheme yd registertransform jb registerupdatelifecycle nf registervisual xa setcanvascreator bv setplatformapi jm throttle xf time fv use ct util cv vector nv version pv zrutil av zrender sv var av ft av ft av hashmap radian_to_degree go assert de bind clone et concatarray bo createcanvas cp createhashmap createobject zo curry it defaults disableuserselect xv each eqnan ti extend filter lt find guid mv hasown indexof ht inherits isarray isarraylike fe isbuiltinobject sv isdom wi isfunction isgradientobject no isimagepatternobject isnumber wt isobject isprimitive ci isregexp isstring isstringsafe kl istypedarray re keys mt logerror xl map merge ot mergeall ql mixin zt noop xt normalizecssarray ql reduce qe retrieve ee retrieve st retrieve rr setasprimitive vo slice jl trim ke var nv ft nv ft nv add wv applytransform se clone er copy ge create ta dist ta distsquare aa distance tu distancesquare div kp dot op len fo lensquare tv length pp lengthsquare rp lerp wo max ra min ea mul ep negate np normalize vn scale ho scaleandadd set sub ca var iv ft iv ft iv clone copy eu create ge identity uo invert cn mul kr rotate ma scale ru translate gr var ov ft ov ft ov fastlerp fastmaptocolor lerp uv lift vu lum es maptocolor modifyalpha ts modifyhsl ii parse te random stringify mr tohex var sv ft sv ft sv dispose ir disposeall or getinstance sr init pc registerpainter version lr var fn ft fn ft fn arc ff beziercurve zs boundingrect ut circle tr compoundpath hf ellipse lf group rt image ue incrementaldisplayable rx line ie lineargradient eo orientedboundingrect pf path pt point lt polygon de polyline le radialgradient wp rect st ring bs sector me text xt applytransform ar clippointsbyrect xp cliprectbyrect vx createicon ao extendpath kx extendshape ex getshapeclass yf gettransform ua grouptransition fs initprops zt iselementremoved gi linelineintersect bx linepolygonintersect hs makeimage yp makepath gs mergepath ye registershape or removeelement za removeelementwithfadeout bs resizepath zp settooltipconfig no subpixeloptimize mf subpixeloptimizeline ro subpixeloptimizerect fn transformdirection traverseelements ya updateprops ct var lv ft lv ft lv createdimensions tb createlist wb createscale yb createsymbol kt createtextstyle xb datastack ub enablehoveremphasis ba getecdata nt getlayoutrect jt mixinaxismodelcommonmethods zb var uv ft uv ft uv max_safe_integer gc asc we getpercentwithprecision fr getpixelprecision dc getprecision xr getprecisionsafe isnumeric sc isradianaroundzero us linearmap it nice mc numerictonumber vr parsedate ue quantile au quantity quantityexponent cu reformintervals remradian yc round wt var fv ft fv ft fv format as parse ue var hv ft hv ft hv arc ff beziercurve zs boundingrect ut circle tr compoundpath hf ellipse lf group rt image ue incrementaldisplayable rx line ie lineargradient eo polygon de polyline le radialgradient wp rect st ring bs sector me text xt clippointsbyrect xp cliprectbyrect vx createicon ao extendpath kx extendshape ex getshapeclass yf gettransform ua initprops zt makeimage yp makepath gs mergepath ye registershape or resizepath zp updateprops ct var vv ft vv ft vv addcommas fp capitalfirst fk encodehtml we formattime uk formattpl pp gettextrect gettooltipmarker qs normalizecssarray bn tocamelcase hp truncatetext p_ var cv ft cv ft cv bind clone et curry it defaults each extend filter lt indexof ht inherits isarray isfunction isobject isstring map merge ot reduce qe var pv function return pv object setprototypeof proto instanceof array function proto function for var in object prototype hasownproperty call function if function typeof null throw new typeerror class extends value string is not constructor or null function this constructor pv prototype null object create prototype prototype new var cp function this firefox this ie this edge this newedge this wechat hn new function this browser new cp this node this wxa this worker this svgsupported this toucheventssupported this pointereventssupported this domsupported this transformsupported this transform dsupported this hasglobalwindow typeof window typeof self hn node hn svgsupported function dp var browser match firefox match msie match trident rv match edge micromessenger test firefox version ie version edge version newedge split wechat svgsupported typeof svgrect domsupported typeof document navigator useragent hn const bt hn var km sans serif wa px km sp function _p var if typeof json return for var length var string fromcharcode charcodeat return llmw llllllllll nnnlzww wqb fwlg bwb wq wrwwq cl llfll ll gllll lf fff dr createcanvas function return typeof document length else for var length var sp null return width loadimage function var new image return onload onerror src function jm for var in dr dr var qm qe function regexp date error canvasgradient canvaspattern image canvas function return object jm qe int uint uint clamped int uint int uint float float function return object array bi object prototype tostring yl array prototype xp yl foreach bp yl filter gv yl slice wp yl map function constructor zl prototype null yv proto tp function mv return tp function xl for var arguments length arguments typeof console console error apply console function et if null object typeof return var bi call if object array if ci for var length et else if jm if ci var constructor if from from else for new length length else if qm ci wi for var in hasownproperty yv et return function ot if return et for var in if hasownproperty yv var wi wi sv sv ci ci in et ot return function ql for var length ot return function if object assign object assign else for var in hasownproperty yv return function for var mt length var null null return var cp dr createcanvas function ht if if indexof return indexof for var length if return return function _v var prototype function for var in prototype prototype prototype new hasownproperty prototype prototype constructor superclass function zt if prototype in prototype prototype in prototype object getownpropertynames for var object getownpropertynames length var constructor null null else function fe return string typeof number typeof length function if if foreach foreach xp foreach else if length length for var length call else for var in hasownproperty call function if return if return jl if map map wp return map for var length push call return function qe if for var length call return function lt if return if return jl if filter filter bp return filter for var length call push return function if for var length if call return function mt if return if object keys return object keys var for var in hasownproperty push return var zl zl bind zl call bind zl bind function ap for var arguments length arguments return function return apply concat gv call arguments function it for var arguments length arguments return function return apply this concat gv call arguments function return array isarray array isarray object array bi call function return function typeof function return string typeof function kl return object string bi call function wt return number typeof function var typeof return function object function sv return qm bi call function re return jm bi call function wi return object typeof number typeof nodetype object typeof ownerdocument function no return null colorstops function return null image function return object regexp bi call function ti return function ee for var arguments length arguments for var length if null return function st return function rr return function jl for var arguments length arguments return gv apply function ql if number typeof return var length return function de if throw new error function ke return null null function typeof trim trim replace ufeff xa ufeff xa var ec_primitive function vo function ci return var mp function function this data return prototype delete function var this has return delete this data prototype has function return this data hasownproperty prototype get function return this data prototype set function return this data this prototype keys function return mt this data prototype foreach function var this data for var in hasownproperty function typeof map function function var this data function dp return new map new mp var this function set set instanceof each return prototype haskey function return this data has prototype get function return this data get prototype set function return this data set prototype each function this data foreach function call prototype keys function var this data keys return array from prototype removekey function this data delete function return new function bo for var new constructor length length length var length for length return function zo var if object create object create else var function prototype new return function xv var style webkituserselect none userselect none webkittaphighlightcolor rgba webkit touch callout none function return hasownproperty function xt var go math pi bv function return bv object setprototypeof proto instanceof array function proto function for var in object prototype hasownproperty call function bt if function typeof null throw new typeerror class extends value string is not constructor or null function this constructor bv prototype null object create prototype prototype new function ta return null null function ge return function er return function return function wv return function return function ca return function fo return math sqrt tv var pp fo function tv return var rp tv function ep return function kp return function op return function ho return function vn var fo return function tu return math sqrt var ta tu function return var aa function np return function wo return function se var return function ea return math min math min function ra return math max math max var ai function this target this toptarget toptarget vp function function this handler on mousedown this dragstart this on mousemove this drag this on mouseup this dragend this return prototype dragstart function for var target draggable parent hosttarget this draggingtarget dragging this offsetx this offsety this handler dispatchtoelement new ai dragstart event prototype drag function var this draggingtarget if var offsetx offsety this this this this drift this handler dispatchtoelement new ai drag event var this handler findhover target this droptarget this droptarget this handler dispatchtoelement new ai dragleave event this handler dispatchtoelement new ai dragenter event prototype dragend function var this draggingtarget dragging this handler dispatchtoelement new ai dragend event this droptarget this handler dispatchtoelement new ai this droptarget drop event this draggingtarget null this droptarget null const bp vp var zp function function this eventprocessor return prototype on function this handlers this handlers var this handlers if function typeof null return this var this eventprocessor null normalizequery normalizequery for var length if return this var query ctx this callatlast zreventfulcallatlast length return callatlast splice push this prototype issilent function var this handlers return length prototype off function var this handlers if return this if return this handlers this if if for var length push length delete else delete return this prototype trigger function for var arguments length arguments if this handlers return this var this handlers this eventprocessor if for var length length var if filter null query filter query switch case call ctx break case call ctx break case call ctx break default apply ctx return aftertrigger aftertrigger this prototype triggerwithcontext function for var arguments length arguments if this handlers return this var this handlers this eventprocessor if for var length length var if filter null query filter query switch case call break case call break case call break default apply slice return aftertrigger aftertrigger this const je zp var gp math log function cv var length if hasownproperty return if var math round math log gp return for var for var var cv return function var cv if for var for var null cv return function var var zreventsaved av function mv if getboundingclientrect bt domsupported var function hp var markers if return markers for var left right top bottom style csstext position absolute visibility hidden padding margin border width user select none width height auto auto join important appendchild push return function wp for var invtrans trans srccoords var getboundingclientrect left top push push offsetleft offsettop return srccoords if return return function return canvas nodename touppercase var up yp amp gt quot function we return null replace up function return yp var zp mouse pointer contextmenu drag drop click dv xp bt browser firefox bt browser version split var touchend targettouches changedtouches lv else lv var function qp var wheeldelta if return var deltax deltay return null null math abs zrdelta detail var button return null which void zp test type which function pv addeventlistener function kp removeeventlistener var aa function preventdefault stoppropagation cancelbubble function return which which var jp function function this track return prototype recognize function return this dotrack this recognize prototype clear function return this track length this prototype dotrack function var touches if for var points touches target event length length var isfinite pinchscale var function qp return return pinchx pinchy type pinch target target event function ge return function uo return function eu return function kr var return function gr return function ma var math sin math cos return function ru var return function cn var return null function var return eu var jp function function this this return prototype copy function return this this this prototype clone function return new this this prototype set function return this this this prototype equal function return this this prototype add function return this this this prototype scale function this this prototype scaleandadd function this this prototype sub function return this this this prototype dot function return this this prototype len function return math sqrt this this this this prototype lensquare function return this this this this prototype normalize function var this len return this this this prototype distance function var this this return math sqrt prototype distancesquare function var this this return prototype negate function return this this this this this prototype transform function if var this this return this this this prototype toarray function return this this prototype fromarray function this this set function copy function len function return math sqrt lensquare function return dot function return add function sub function scale function scaleandadd function lerp function var const lt jp var au math min nu math max pn new lt dn new lt gn new lt yn new lt yo new lt zo new lt function function this this this width this height return prototype union function var au this au this this width isfinite this isfinite this width nu width this this width width this height isfinite this isfinite this height nu height this this height height this this prototype applytransform function applytransform this this prototype calculatetransform function var this width width height height return gr ru gr prototype intersect function if return instanceof create var this width height width height if var math abs math abs math abs math abs math min math min lt set zo lt set yo lt set zo lt set yo height prototype clone function return new this this this width this height prototype copy function copy this prototype plain function return this this width this width height this height prototype isfinite function return isfinite this isfinite this isfinite this width isfinite this height prototype iszero function return this width this height create function return new width height copy function width width height height applytransform function if if var return width width height height width width width width void height var ignore ignorecoarsepointer parent parent ignorecoarsepointer ev copy getboundingrect transform ev applytransform transform ev intersect push if length for var math pi math pi for var var void if ignore toptarget toptarget silent target break function var painter return getwidth getheight click mousedown mouseup mousewheel dblclick contextmenu function prototype function var zrx zry this if mouseup this findhover target mousedown this downel this downpoint zrx zry this upel else if mouseup this upel else if click if this downel this upel this downpoint ta this downpoint zrx zry return this downpoint null this dispatchtoelement const function var if return if for function for var else for return function for for var function kv var if for else for var for return function ov var if for var else for for return function iu length var if var if return void var function var function var var ov kv function var for var if if for var do if if break else if break while if break do if ov for if break if break if kv for if break if for else if throw new error for else for else for function var for var if if for var var do if if break else if break while if break if break if kv for if if break if else if throw new error for else for var if break forcemergeruns function for var return do if pushrun mergeruns while forcemergeruns var function nv console warn zlevel of displayable is invalid which may cause unexpected errors function return zlevel zlevel zlevel zlevel var function function this roots this displaylist this displaylistlen this displayablesortfunc return prototype traverse function for var this roots length this roots traverse prototype getdisplaylist function var this displaylist return length this updatedisplaylist prototype updatedisplaylist function this displaylistlen for var this roots this displaylist length this updateandadddisplayable null length this displaylistlen iu prototype updateandadddisplayable function if ignore beforeupdate update afterupdate var getclippath if ignoreclip null else if slice for var parent updatetransform push getclippath if childrenref for var childrenref clippaths isnan nv isnan nv isnan zlevel nv zlevel this displaylist this displaylistlen var getdecalelement getdecalelement this updateandadddisplayable var gettextguideline this updateandadddisplayable var gettextcontent this updateandadddisplayable prototype addroot function zr zr storage this this roots push prototype delroot function if instanceof array for var length this roots splice prototype delallroots function this roots this displaylist this displaylistlen prototype getroots function return this roots prototype dispose function this displaylist null this roots null const var bt hasglobalwindow window requestanimationframe window requestanimationframe bind window window msrequestanimationframe window msrequestanimationframe bind window window mozrequestanimationframe window webkitrequestanimationframe function return settimeout const vv var ou linear function return quadraticin function return quadraticout function return quadraticinout function return cubicin function return cubicout function return cubicinout function return quarticin function return quarticout function return quarticinout function return quinticin function return quinticout function return quinticinout function return sinusoidalin function return math cos math pi sinusoidalout function return math sin math pi sinusoidalinout function return math cos math pi exponentialin function return math pow exponentialout function return math pow exponentialinout function return math pow math pow circularin function return math sqrt circularout function return math sqrt circularinout function return math sqrt math sqrt elasticin function var return math asin math pi math pow math sin math pi elasticout function var return math asin math pi math pow math sin math pi elasticinout function var return math asin math pi math pow math sin math pi math pow math sin math pi backin function var return backout function var return backinout function var return bouncein function return ou bounceout bounceout function return bounceinout function return var da su uu su uu var da return function ia var function var or or for var je re je re aa or je for var di re di re aa di or return re re da function for var var re re math sqrt return function le var return function bv return function var return function jo var function var or or for var je le je le aa or je for var else di le di le var aa di or return le le da function for var var le le math sqrt return var cubic bezier function zv var exec if var split ke ke ke ke if isnan return var return function return fu re var function function this inited this starttime this pausedtime this paused this life life this delay delay this loop loop this onframe onframe xt this ondestroy ondestroy xt this onrestart onrestart xt easing this seteasing easing return prototype step function if this inited this starttime this delay this inited this paused var this life this starttime this pausedtime this maxsize var head remove delete key value this lastremovedentry value new key insertentry return prototype get function var this map this list if null return tail remove insertentry value prototype clear function this list clear this map prototype len function return this list len const qo var transparent aliceblue antiquewhite aqua aquamarine azure beige bisque black blanchedalmond blue blueviolet brown burlywood cadetblue chartreuse chocolate coral cornflowerblue cornsilk crimson cyan darkblue darkcyan darkgoldenrod darkgray darkgreen darkgrey darkkhaki darkmagenta darkolivegreen darkorange darkorchid darkred darksalmon darkseagreen darkslateblue darkslategray darkslategrey darkturquoise darkviolet deeppink deepskyblue dimgray dimgrey dodgerblue firebrick floralwhite forestgreen fuchsia gainsboro ghostwhite gold goldenrod gray green greenyellow grey honeydew hotpink indianred indigo ivory khaki lavender lavenderblush lawngreen lemonchiffon lightblue lightcoral lightcyan lightgoldenrodyellow lightgray lightgreen lightgrey lightpink lightsalmon lightseagreen lightskyblue lightslategray lightslategrey lightsteelblue lightyellow lime limegreen linen magenta maroon mediumaquamarine mediumblue mediumorchid mediumpurple mediumseagreen mediumslateblue mediumspringgreen mediumturquoise mediumvioletred midnightblue mintcream mistyrose moccasin navajowhite navy oldlace olive olivedrab orange orangered orchid palegoldenrod palegreen paleturquoise palevioletred papayawhip peachpuff peru pink plum powderblue purple red rosybrown royalblue saddlebrown salmon sandybrown seagreen seashell sienna silver skyblue slateblue slategray slategrey snow springgreen steelblue tan teal thistle tomato turquoise violet wheat white whitesmoke yellow yellowgreen function yr return math round function jo return function gv var return length charat length yr parsefloat yr parseint function mn var return length charat length jo parsefloat jo parsefloat function fv return parseint slice li void void var indexof indexof if var substr substr split switch case rgba if length return length mn pop case rgb return length gv gv gv length mn li void case hsla return length void mn wv li case hsl return length void wv li default return function wv var parsefloat mn mn return yr fv yr fv yr fv length function vu var te if for var return mr length rgba rgb function var te if return var length math floor math ceil te te mr yr pa yr pa yr pa jo pa rgba return color leftindex rightindex value var uv function ii var te if return function if var math min math max if else var var return null push null function return math round null mn null mn mr wv rgba function ts var te if null return jo mr rgba function mr if length var return rgba hsva hsla function es var te return function return mr math round math random math round math random math round math random rgb var rs math round function as var if transparent if string typeof indexof rgba var te rgb else none return color opacity function ra return function cu return rs function yv return rs var left start right end center middle middle middle function return image function zv return function return svgelement function return linear type function return radial type function return linear type radial type function pu return url function var getglobalscale math max return math max math ceil math log math log function var rotation go st scalex st scaley skewx skewy return push translate px px push rotate push scale push skew rs go deg rs go deg join var bt hasglobalwindow window btoa function return window btoa unescape encodeuricomponent typeof buffer function return buffer from tostring base function return null xv array prototype slice function na return function qv for var length na return function du for var length return function for var length length for var math min color offset length else for var push xv call var length for length if isnan else for var isnan function ns if fe var length if fe for var prototype getadditivetrack function return this additivetrack prototype addkeyframe function this needssort var this keyframes length if fe var function return fe wt wt else if wt ti else if if isnan var te else else if no var colorstops colorstops function return offset offset color te color this valtype this valtype this discrete this discrete var time value rawvalue percent return easing easingfunc zv push prototype prepare function var this keyframes this needssort sort function return time time for var this valtype length this discrete var value value percent time colorstops colorstops if this needsanimate needsanimate valtype finished this additivetrack var value for additivevalue value additivevalue du value _u additivevalue du value value prototype step function if this finished this additivetrack this additivetrack finished this additivetrack null var null this additivetrack additivevalue value this valtype this keyframes length this propname this lastfr math min if else if else if percent else for if this lastfr this lastfrp var percent percent percent easingfunc easingfunc var this additivevalue os if this additivevalue this discrete rawvalue rawvalue else if qv function for var length length for var na else if var type linear radial na na colorstops colorstops function var colorstops return offset na offset offset color gu qv color color global global na na na else if qv gu else var na this additivevalue this addtotarget prototype addtotarget function var this valtype this propname this additivevalue te os du os os gu os du function function this tracks this trackkeys this maxtime this started this clip null this target this loop xl can use additive animation on looped animation this additiveanimators this allowdiscrete return prototype getmaxtime function return this maxtime prototype getdelay function return this delay prototype getloop function return this loop prototype gettarget function return this target prototype changetarget function this target prototype when function return this whenwithkeys mt prototype whenwithkeys function for var this tracks addkeyframe ns this trackkeys push addkeyframe ns return this maxtime math max this maxtime this prototype pause function this clip pause this paused prototype resume function this clip resume this paused prototype ispaused function return this paused prototype duration function return this maxtime this force this prototype donecallback function this settracksfinished this clip null var this donecbs if for var length call this prototype abortedcallback function this settracksfinished var this animation this abortedcbs if removeclip this clip this clip null for var length call this prototype settracksfinished function for var this tracks this trackkeys length setfinished prototype getadditivetrack function var this additiveanimators if for var this started for var this this maxtime this trackkeys length var this trackkeys this tracks this getadditivetrack keyframes length if prepare needsanimate if this allowdiscrete discrete var target propname rawvalue setfinished else push if length this force var new life loop this loop delay this delay onframe function started var additiveanimators if for var length if clip break additiveanimators null for length step target var onframecbs if for length target ondestroy function donecallback this clip this animation this animation addclip seteasing else this donecallback return this prototype stop function this clip this clip onframe this abortedcallback prototype delay function return this delay this prototype during function return this onframecbs this onframecbs this onframecbs push this prototype done function return this donecbs this donecbs this donecbs push this prototype aborted function return this abortedcbs this abortedcbs this abortedcbs push this prototype getclip function return this clip prototype gettrack function return this tracks prototype gettracks function var this return this trackkeys function return tracks prototype stoptracks function if length this clip return for var this tracks this trackkeys length var isfinished step this target this started step this target setfinished var for length if isfinished break return this abortedcallback prototype saveto function if this trackkeys for var length var this tracks if isfinished var keyframes length ns rawvalue prototype changefinalvalue function mt for var var pop addkeyframe time prepare this maxtime getadditivetrack const qv function pi return new date gettime var function function var call this this return running time pausedtime pausestart paused stage stage return bt prototype addclip function animation this removeclip this head this tail next prev this tail next null this tail this head this tail animation this prototype addanimator function animation this var getclip this addclip prototype removeclip function if animation var prev next next this head prev this tail next prev animation null prototype removeanimator function var getclip this removeclip animation null prototype update function for var pi this pausedtime this time this head var next step ondestroy this removeclip this time this trigger frame this stage update this stage update prototype startloop function var this this running vv function running vv paused update prototype start function this running this time pi this pausedtime this startloop prototype stop function this running prototype pause function this paused this pausestart pi this paused prototype resume function this paused this pausedtime pi this pausestart this paused prototype clear function for var this head var next prev next animation null this head this tail null prototype isfinished function return null this head prototype animate function this start var new qv loop return this addanimator je const var jv bt domsupported function var click dblclick mousewheel wheel mouseout mouseup mousedown mousemove contextmenu pointerdown pointerup pointermove pointerout return mouse touch touchstart touchend touchmove pointer function var replace mouse pointer return hasownproperty _mouse mousemove mouseup _pointer pointermove pointerup function tc var pointertype return pen touch function ec zrbytouch function for var nodetype dombelongtozr painterroot parentnode return var function this stoppropagation xt this stopimmediatepropagation xt this preventdefault xt this type type this target this currenttarget dom this pointertype pointertype this clientx clientx this clienty clienty mousedown function qe this dom this maypointercapture zrx zry this trigger mousedown mousemove function qe this dom var this maypointercapture zrx zry this togglepointercapture this trigger mousemove mouseup function qe this dom this togglepointercapture this trigger mouseup mouseout function this qe this dom toelement relatedtarget this pointercapturing zreventcontrol no_globalout this trigger mouseout wheel function qe this dom this trigger mousewheel mousewheel function qe this dom this trigger mousewheel touchstart function ec qe this dom this lasttouchmoment new date this handler processgesture start mousemove call this mousedown call this touchmove function ec qe this dom this handler processgesture change mousemove call this touchend function ec qe this dom this handler processgesture end mouseup call this new date this lasttouchmoment var sn ri sc lc math abs function function return prototype getlocaltransform function return getlocaltransform this prototype setposition function this this prototype setscale function this scalex this scaley prototype setskew function this skewx this skewy prototype setorigin function this originx this originy prototype needlocaltransform function return _n this rotation _n this _n this _n this scalex _n this scaley _n this skewx _n this skewy prototype updatetransform function var this parent this parent transform this needlocaltransform this transform this getlocaltransform kr eu this transform this resolveglobalscaleratio prototype resolveglobalscaleratio function var this globalscaleratio if null this getglobalscale sn var sn sn sn sn sn sn this invtransform this invtransform cn this invtransform prototype getcomputedtransform function for var this push parent for pop updatetransform return this transform prototype setlocaltransform function if var math atan math pi math atan math sqrt math cos math sqrt this skewx this skewy this rotation this this this scalex this scaley this originx this originy prototype decomposetransform function if this transform var this parent this transform transform kr ri invtransform ri var this originx this originy sc sc kr ri sc ri ri ri this setlocaltransform prototype getglobalscale function var this transform return math sqrt math sqrt lc math sqrt lc prototype copytransform function this getlocaltransform function var originx originy scalex scaley anchorx anchory rotation skewx math tan skewx skewy math tan skewy if var else return ma initdefaultprops function var prototype scalex scaley globalscaleratio originx originy skewx skewy rotation anchorx anchory nr originx originy anchorx anchory rotation scalex scaley skewx skewy function for var nr length var nr const ia var function he var o_ wa o_ new qo var get return null dr measuretext width put function var he bu ls ei return new ut function ss var split if length return for var new ut parsefloat parsefloat function wu var position inside null distance distance height width left top if instanceof array sr width sr height null null else switch case left right middle break case right middle break case top center bottom break case bottom center break case inside center middle break case insideleft middle break case insideright right middle break case insidetop center break case insidebottom center bottom break case insidetopleft break case insidetopright right break case insidebottomleft bottom break case insidebottomright right bottom return align verticalalign var uc zr_normal fc nr concat ignore qe nr function return ignore ki new ut hc function function this id mv this animators this currentstates this states this init return prototype init function this attr prototype drift function switch this draggable case horizontal break case vertical var this transform this transform this decomposetransform this markredraw prototype beforeupdate function prototype afterupdate function prototype update function this updatetransform this dirty this updateinnertext prototype updateinnertext function var this textcontent if ignore this textconfig this textconfig var this textconfig local innertransformable void void parent this null var if copytransform null position var copy layoutrect layoutrect this getboundingrect applytransform this transform this calculatetextposition this calculatetextposition ki wu ki ki ki ki align ki verticalalign var origin if null rotation var void void center width height sr width sr height originx originy null rotation rotation rotation var offset originx originy var inside string typeof position position indexof inside this innertextdefaultstyle this innertextdefaultstyle void void void this canbeinsidetext insidestroke null insidefill auto this getinsidetextfill null auto this getinsidetextstroke outsidestroke null outsidefill auto this getoutsidefill null auto this getoutsidestroke fill stroke autostroke align verticalalign fill stroke autostroke align verticalalign setdefaulttextstyle dirty dirtystyle prototype canbeinsidetext function return prototype getinsidetextfill function return fff prototype getinsidetextstroke function return prototype getoutsidefill function return this zr this zr isdarkmode oc ic prototype getoutsidestroke function var this zr this zr getbackgroundcolor string typeof te for var this zr isdarkmode return mr rgba prototype traverse function prototype attrkv function textconfig this settextconfig textcontent this settextcontent clippath this setclippath extra this extra this extra this extra this prototype hide function this ignore this markredraw prototype show function this ignore this markredraw prototype attr function if string typeof this attrkv else if for var mt length var this attrkv return this markredraw this prototype savecurrenttonormalstate function this innersavetonormal for var this normalstate this animators length var this animators fromstatetransition if getloop uc var targetname saveto prototype innersavetonormal function var this normalstate this normalstate textconfig textconfig textconfig this textconfig this saveprimarytonormal fc prototype saveprimarytonormal function for var prototype getstate function return this states prototype ensurestate function var this states return prototype clearstates function this usestate uc prototype usestate function var uc if this hasstate var this currentstates this statetransition if ht length var if this stateproxy this stateproxy this states this states return void xl state not exists this savecurrenttonormalstate var hoverlayer this togglehoverlayerflag this applystateobj this normalstate this inhover duration var this textcontent this textguide return usestate usestate this currentstates this normalstate this currentstates push this currentstates this updateanimationtargets this markredraw this inhover this togglehoverlayerflag this dirty prototype usestates function if length var this currentstates length length if for var if break if return for var this textcontent this textguide usestates usestates this updateanimationtargets this currentstates slice this markredraw this inhover this togglehoverlayerflag this dirty else this clearstates prototype updateanimationtargets function for var var this currentstates slice splice this usestates prototype replacestate function var this currentstates slice ht ht splice push this usestates prototype togglestate function this usestate this removestate prototype mergestates function for var length var textconfig textconfig return textconfig prototype applystateobj function var textconfig this textconfig this textconfig textconfig this textconfig textconfig textconfig this textconfig textconfig for var fc length var fc null this null this if for this animators length var this animators targetname getloop changefinalvalue this transitionstate prototype attachcomponent function if zr hosttarget this var this zr addselftozr zr hosttarget this prototype detachcomponent function zr removeselffromzr zr zr null hosttarget null prototype getclippath function return this clippath prototype setclippath function this clippath this clippath this removeclippath this attachcomponent this clippath this markredraw prototype removeclippath function var this clippath this detachcomponent this clippath null this markredraw prototype gettextcontent function return this textcontent prototype settextcontent function var this textcontent this removetextcontent innertransformable new ia this attachcomponent this textcontent this markredraw prototype settextconfig function this textconfig this textconfig this textconfig this markredraw prototype removetextconfig function this textconfig null this markredraw prototype removetextcontent function var this textcontent innertransformable null this detachcomponent this textcontent null this innertextdefaultstyle null this markredraw prototype gettextguideline function return this textguide prototype settextguideline function this textguide this textguide this removetextguideline this attachcomponent this textguide this markredraw prototype removetextguideline function var this textguide this detachcomponent this textguide null this markredraw prototype markredraw function this dirty var this zr this inhover refreshhover refresh this hosttarget this hosttarget markredraw prototype dirty function this markredraw prototype togglehoverlayerflag function this inhover var this textcontent this textguide inhover inhover prototype addselftozr function if this zr this zr var this animators if for var length animation addanimator this clippath this clippath addselftozr this textcontent this textcontent addselftozr this textguide this textguide addselftozr prototype removeselffromzr function if this zr this zr null var this animators if for var splice this animators push animation addanimator wakeup prototype updateduringanimation function this markredraw prototype stopanimation function for var this animators length var scope push stop return this animators this prototype animateto function vc this prototype animatefrom function vc this prototype transitionstate function for var vc this length fromstatetransition prototype getboundingrect function return null prototype getpaintrect function return null initdefaultprops function var prototype function function object defineproperty get function return set function object defineproperty get function return set function object defineproperty get function return this this this this set function this this this this type element name ignore silent isgroup draggable dragging ignoreclip inhover dirty object defineproperty position _legacypos scale _legacyscale scalex scaley origin _legacyorigin originx originy function vc var var length done aborted function function during during function during for var length var done aborted force duration duration start easing return function cc for var function if fe if fe re var length length new constructor cc else var length if function return fe for var length cc array prototype slice call else cc length length else function for var mt duration delay additive settofinal animators length var if null null if fe no push else if updateduringanimation continue else updateduringanimation push var length if for var length if targetname stoptracks var ht splice if force lt function return function tr return fe fe function er var length if length return for var force length var void void void if for else if for var ns new qv lt function return targetname null targetname scope scope scope whenwithkeys whenwithkeys whenwithkeys delay addanimator push zt hc je zt hc ia const hc var function function var call this this return isgroup children attr return bt prototype childrenref function return this children prototype children function return this children slice prototype childat function return this children prototype childofname function for var this children splice this doadd return this prototype replace function var ht this children return this replaceat this prototype replaceat function var this children if this parent this parent null var this zr removeselffromzr this doadd return this prototype doadd function parent parent remove parent this var this zr zr addselftozr refresh prototype remove function var this zr this children ht return splice parent null removeselffromzr refresh this prototype removeall function for var this children this zr length var removeselffromzr parent null return length this prototype eachchild function for var this children length call return this prototype traverse function for var this children length var this children call isgroup traverse return this prototype addselftozr function prototype addselftozr call this for var this children length this children addselftozr prototype removeselffromzr function prototype removeselffromzr call this for var this children length this children removeselffromzr prototype getboundingrect function for var new ut this children null length var if ignore invisible var getboundingrect getlocaltransform ut applytransform clone union clone union return prototype type group const rt f_ var tu xn nr function function var this this sleepafterstill this stillframeaccum this needsrefresh this needsrefreshhover this darkmode this dom this id var new renderer canvas tu mt tu usedirtyrect usedirtyrect var new tu ssr ssronly this storage this painter var bt node bt worker null new getviewportroot root usecoarsepointer null auto bt toucheventssupported st pointersize this handler new root this animation new stage update null function return flush this animation start return prototype add function this storage addroot addselftozr this this refresh prototype remove function this storage delroot removeselffromzr this this refresh prototype configlayer function this painter configlayer this painter configlayer this refresh prototype setbackgroundcolor function this painter setbackgroundcolor this painter setbackgroundcolor this refresh this backgroundcolor this darkmode function ar if return if string typeof return es if colorstops for var colorstops length es color return this stillframeaccum this stillframeaccum this sleepafterstill this animation stop prototype setsleepafterstill function this sleepafterstill prototype wakeup function this animation start this stillframeaccum prototype refreshhover function this needsrefreshhover prototype refreshhoverimmediately function this needsrefreshhover this painter refreshhover canvas this painter gettype this painter refreshhover prototype resize function this painter resize width height this handler resize prototype clearanimation function this animation clear prototype getwidth function return this painter getwidth prototype getheight function return this painter getheight prototype setcursorstyle function this handler setcursorstyle prototype findhover function return this handler findhover prototype on function return this handler on this prototype off function this handler off prototype trigger function this handler trigger prototype clear function for var this storage getroots if return else if return if for var slice length indexof return math max function dc var math log math ln math floor math round math abs math min math max return isfinite function fr return function var qe function return isnan if return for var math pow function return isnan function return math floor qe function return function return for var number negative_infinity null length return function return function hr var math max xr xr return wt var gc function yc var math pi return function us return function mc var cu math pow return tofixed function au var length math floor return function _c sort function return for var length for var interval close splice return function return interval interval interval interval close close function vr var parsefloat return indexof nan function sc return isnan vr function return math round math random function return function return null null function return var series function pt return instanceof array null function bn if emphasis emphasis emphasis emphasis for var length var emphasis hasownproperty hasownproperty emphasis var fontstyle fontweight fontsize fontfamily rich tag color textbordercolor textborderwidth width height lineheight align verticalalign baseline shadowcolor shadowblur shadowoffsetx shadowoffsety textshadowcolor textshadowblur textshadowoffsetx textshadowoffsety backgroundcolor bordercolor borderwidth borderradius padding function oi return instanceof date value function cr return instanceof array function var normalmerge replacemerge replaceall slice var function null var function pr var if replaceall return for var length var null id set id push existing replacemerge hs null newoption null keyinfo null brandnew null return return function dr function if null id var fs id get if null var de newoption duplicated option on id newoption existing null function gr function if null name for var length var existing if newoption null id null id hs hs name return newoption void null function yr function if for var newoption hs existing existing null id id existing newoption brandnew push newoption brandnew existing null keyinfo null function mr function push newoption brandnew existing null keyinfo null function _r var function var existing set id function var newoption de null id get id get id id duplicates id null id set id keyinfo keyinfo function var existing newoption keyinfo if if name null name fs name name id fs id else if null id id fs id else var do id name while get id set id function var te null te null return null null function fs return te function te return null wt kl function xc var name return indexof function hs return null id fs id indexof _ec function wn return null dataindexinside dataindexinside null dataindex dataindex dataindex function return indexofrawindex indexofrawindex dataindex null name name name function return indexofname indexofname name void function tt var ec_inner_ tr return function return var tr function vs var bc queryoptionmap others defaultmaintype null return maintypespecified set each function var cs usedefault enableall null enableall enableall enablenone null enablenone enablenone models models model models function bc var if var index else var return function if dataindex dataindexinside var match index id name tolowercase includemaintypes ht includemaintypes get set else maintypespecified queryoptionmap others var qt usedefault enableall enablenone cr usedefault enableall enablenone function cs qt var index id name models null specified null null null if specified var void return models usedefault getcomponent return none de enablenone none or false is not valid value on index option models all de enableall all is not valid value on index option null models querycomponents maintype index id name function setattribute setattribute function wc var return function var get push set push keys buckets function var null auto if null return if wt return wt math max xr xr if return for var math max length length var getdimensioninfo if ordinal type else var wt math max xr xr return var tn ec component container ec extended_class function br var main sub if var split main sub return function tc constructor extend function var this return function pr return class test function prototype tostring call function function return apply this arguments this return function constructor apply this arguments this prototype d_ extend this extend supercall kr superapply or superclass function extend extend var rr math round math random function kr for var arguments length arguments return this superclass prototype apply function or return this superclass prototype apply function mu var registerclass function var type prototype type if function lr de za za test componenttype illegal prototype type var br if sub if sub tn var function var main return tn main tn sub else main return getclass function var if tn null throw new error component is used but not imported type should be specified return getclassesbymaintype function var br main return tn function tn push push hasclass function var br return main getallclassmaintypes function var return function push hassubtypes function var br main return tn function cn for var length return function for var ht var getshallow null return var vr cn fill color shadowblur shadowoffsetx shadowoffsety opacity shadowcolor br function function return prototype getareastyle function return vr this cc new qo function zr if string typeof var cc get return image return function ac if if string typeof if zrimagesrc return var cc get hostel cb cbpayload return du image pending push dr loadimage zrimagesrc cc put cachedimgobj image pending return return function var this cachedimgobj this onload this onerror this cachedimgobj null for var pending length var pending cb this cbpayload hostel dirty pending length function du return width height var mc za function if return var split for var length return join function var font st maxiterations st maxiterations var minchar st minchar cncharwidth he fd var asccharwidth he placeholder st placeholder for var math max var he return ellipsis ellipsiswidth contentwidth containerwidth function var containerwidth font contentwidth if return var he if return for var if maxiterations ellipsis break var gr asccharwidth cncharwidth math floor length he substr return placeholder function gr for var length var charcodeat accumwidth width split accumwidth else var width breakall accumwidth accumwidth accumwidth lineswidths lines else split for var zr function for var push push push push push push push push else push push return length push push length accumwidth lines lineswidths var lc zr_style_ math round math random an shadowblur shadowoffsetx shadowoffsety shadowcolor opacity blend source over lu style shadowblur shadowoffsetx shadowoffsety shadowcolor opacity an lc var invisible qr invisible kr function function return call this this return bt prototype init function for var mt length var style this usestyle prototype attrkv call this this style this usestyle prototype beforebrush function prototype afterbrush function prototype innerbeforebrush function prototype innerafterbrush function prototype shouldbepainted function var this transform if this ignore this invisible this style opacity this culling function jr return ic copy getboundingrect transform ic applytransform transform pc width pc height ic intersect pc this return if this clippaths for var this clippaths length if this clippaths iszeroarea return if this parent for var this parent if ignore return parent return prototype contain function return this rectcontain prototype traverse function call this prototype rectcontain function var this transformcoordtolocal return this getboundingrect contain prototype getpaintrect function var this paintrect if this paintrect this dirty var this transform this getboundingrect this style shadowblur shadowoffsetx shadowoffsety this paintrect this paintrect new ut ut applytransform copy width math abs height math abs math min math min var this dirtyrecttolerance iszero math floor math floor width math ceil width height math ceil height return prototype setprevpaintrect function this prevpaintrect this prevpaintrect new ut this prevpaintrect copy this prevpaintrect null prototype getprevpaintrect function return this prevpaintrect prototype animatestyle function return this animate style prototype updateduringanimation function style this dirtystyle this markredraw prototype attrkv function style prototype attrkv call this this style this setstyle this usestyle prototype setstyle function return string typeof this style this style this dirtystyle this prototype dirtystyle function this markredraw this dirty this rect this rect null prototype dirty function this dirtystyle prototype stylechanged function return this dirty prototype styleupdated function this dirty prototype createstyle function return zo an prototype usestyle function lc this createstyle this inhover this hoverstyle this style this dirtystyle prototype isstyleobject function return lc prototype innersavetonormal function prototype innersavetonormal call this var this normalstate style style style this mergestyle this createstyle this style this saveprimarytonormal prototype applystateobj function prototype applystateobj call this var if style style this mergestyle this createstyle style this mergestyle style this mergestyle this createstyle this style style this mergestyle style style if var this style if this style this createstyle for var mt length in this style var mt for length this style this style this transitionstate style this getanimationstyleprops else this usestyle var this inhover qr n_ for length var null this null this prototype mergestates function for var prototype mergestates call this length var style this mergestyle style return style prototype mergestyle function return prototype getanimationstyleprops function return lu initdefaultprops prototype type displayable invisible zlevel culling cursor pointer recthover incremental rect null dirtyrecttolerance void dirty var ic new ut pc new ut const tr kr var ee math min ke math max rc math sin ec math cos mn math pi iu ta pu ta ru ta function eu if length for var length ee ke ee ke function ee ee ke ke var function qr var re for var var b_ ee ke for var z_ ee ke ee ke ee ke ee ke ee ke function jr var le ke ee ke ee ee ee ke ke function var ea ra math abs if mn return void if iu ec iu rc pu ec pu rc iu pu iu pu mn mn mn mn mn var for var ru ec ru rc ru ru var kt dn ln zr ea gr fr kc math min oc math max in math cos pn math sin oa math abs nc math pi ka nc vc typeof float array ps function bc return math round nc nc function var bc ka ka ka ka ka bc this ux oa xu this uy oa xu prototype setdpr function this dpr prototype setcontext function this ctx prototype getcontext function return this ctx prototype beginpath function return this ctx this ctx beginpath this reset this prototype reset function this savedata this len this pathseglen this pathseglen null this pathlen this version prototype moveto function return this drawpendingpt this adddata kt this ctx this ctx moveto this this this xi this yi this prototype lineto function var oa this xi oa this yi this ux this uy if this adddata kt this ctx this ctx lineto this xi this yi this pendingptdist else var this pendingptdist this pendingptx this pendingpty this pendingptdist return this prototype beziercurveto function return this drawpendingpt this adddata kt this ctx this ctx beziercurveto this xi this yi this prototype quadraticcurveto function return this drawpendingpt this adddata kt this ctx this ctx quadraticcurveto this xi this yi this prototype arc function return this drawpendingpt ps ps ps this adddata kt ps ps this ctx this ctx arc this xi in this yi pn this prototype arcto function return this drawpendingpt this ctx this ctx arcto this prototype rect function return this drawpendingpt this ctx this ctx rect this adddata kt this prototype closepath function this drawpendingpt this adddata kt var this ctx this this return closepath this xi this yi this prototype fill function fill this tostatic prototype stroke function stroke this tostatic prototype len function return this len prototype setdata function var length this data this data length vc this data new float array for var this data this len prototype appendpath function instanceof array for var length this len len for vc this data instanceof float array this data new float array for var data length this expanddata this data for var this ctx this ctx lineto this pendingptx this pendingpty this pendingptdist prototype expanddata function if this data instanceof array for var this data new float array prototype getboundingrect function zr zr gr gr number max_value ea ea fr fr number max_value var this data for this len var switch case kt gr gr fr fr break case kt gr fr break case kt qr gr fr break case kt jr gr fr break case kt var var in pn gr fr in pn break case kt gr fr break case kt ea zr zr gr ra ea ea fr return zr zr ea ea new ut zr zr ea zr ea zr prototype calculatelength function var this data this len this ux this uy this pathseglen this pathseglen for var this pathseglen oa math sqrt break case kt var break case kt break case kt var in pn oc kc ka math abs in pn break case kt break case kt var math sqrt return this pathlen prototype rebuildpath function var this data this ux this uy this len if this pathseglen this calculatelength this pathseglen this pathlen for var lineto case kt moveto break case kt var oa oa if if if lineto break lineto else var break case kt var if if ia dn ia ln beziercurveto dn ln dn ln dn ln break beziercurveto break case kt if if jo dn jo ln quadraticcurveto dn ln dn ln break quadraticcurveto break case kt var tt dt mt gt at yt oa vt tt dt if vt tt dt yt ellipse ellipse mt tt vt gt arc at tt vt gt break in tt pn tt in vt pn vt break case kt var ft ht if if var at moveto lineto kc at ft at ft lineto ft kc at ht at ht lineto oc ft at ht at ft lineto oc ht at break rect ft ht break case kt if var if var lineto break closepath prototype clone function var new this data return data slice slice array prototype slice call len this len cmd kt initdefaultprops function var prototype savedata ux uy pendingptdist version const hr te function oa if return var if return if return math abs var return null null var math pi function na return return if math abs ds ds var math atan return ds return var var va hr cmd rn math pi ce er function ie var er er er er function oe if return var fu ce if return for var void void var ce re er er ie re er re er er er er var da for var le var ce ce le ce ce return return ce ce le ce return var math sqrt ce ce var math abs if rn rn var return ce var rn rn for var var math atan rn math pi math pi return function for var data len sa case va break case va if if oa return else sa break case va if if ee return else oe break case va if if return else se break case va var var math cos math sin sa var if if re return else le math cos math sin break case va if if oa oa oa oa return else sa sa break case va if if oa return else sa return function ne return math abs sa var ku fill stroke null strokepercent fillopacity strokeopacity linedashoffset linewidth linecap butt miterlimit strokenoscale strokefirst an he style fill stroke strokepercent fillopacity strokeopacity linedashoffset linewidth miterlimit lu style zc nr concat invisible culling zlevel parent ve function function return call this this return bt prototype update function var this prototype update call this var this style if decal var this decalel this decalel new buildpath prototype buildpath buildpath function buildpath shape silent var style for var in fill fill decal null decal null shadowcolor null strokefirst stroke null for var zc length zc this zc dirty else this decalel this decalel null prototype getdecalelement function return this decalel prototype init function var mt this shape this getdefaultshape var this getdefaultstyle this usestyle for var ic eee oc if return oc return ic prototype getinsidetextstroke function var this style fill if var this zr if isdarkmode es prototype hasfill function var this style fill return null none prototype getboundingrect function var this rect this style if var this path this createpathproxy var this path this dirty beginpath this buildpath this shape this pathupdated getboundingrect if this rect this hasstroke this path this path len var this rectstroke this rectstroke clone if this dirty copy var strokenoscale this getlinescale linewidth this hasfill math max this strokecontainthreshold width height return return prototype contain function var this transformcoordtolocal this getboundingrect this style if contain var this path if this hasstroke var linewidth strokenoscale this getlinescale if this hasfill math max this strokecontainthreshold function fe return return if this hasfill return function ue return return prototype dirtyshape function this dirty this rect this rect null this decalel this decalel dirtyshape this markredraw prototype dirty function this dirtystyle this dirtyshape prototype animateshape function return this animate shape prototype updateduringanimation function style this dirtystyle shape this dirtyshape this markredraw prototype attrkv function shape this setshape prototype attrkv call this prototype setshape function var this shape return this shape string typeof this dirtyshape this prototype shapechanged function return this dirty prototype createstyle function return zo ku prototype innersavetonormal function prototype innersavetonormal call this var this normalstate shape shape shape this shape prototype applystateobj function prototype applystateobj call this var if shape shape shape shape this shape shape shape shape if this shape this shape for var mt length var object typeof this shape this transitionstate shape else this shape this dirtyshape prototype mergestates function for var prototype mergestates call this prototype hasfill function var this style fill return null none prototype createstyle function return zo ce prototype setboundingrect function this rect prototype getboundingrect function var this style if this rect var text null var ss font textalign textbaseline if this hasstroke var linewidth width height this rect return this rect initdefaultprops void prototype dirtyrecttolerance tr prototype type tspan const gs u_ var pe an de style width height sx sy swidth sheight lu style function function return null apply this arguments this return bt prototype createstyle function return zo pe prototype getsize function var this style if null return var function ge return string typeof width height image image this image if return var width height width return null prototype getwidth function return this getsize width prototype getheight function return this getsize height prototype getanimationstyleprops function return de prototype getboundingrect function var this style return this rect this rect new ut this getwidth this getheight this rect tr prototype type image const ue y_ var ni math round function if var var linewidth return ni ni en ni ni en function if var width height width height var linewidth return en en width math max en height math max en function en if return var ni return ni var me function this this this width this height function function return call this this return bt prototype getdefaultshape function return new me prototype buildpath function var if this subpixeloptimize var this style width height else width height function ye var width height moveto lineto arc math pi lineto arc math pi lineto arc math pi math pi lineto arc math pi math pi rect prototype iszeroarea function return this shape width this shape height pt prototype type rect const st q_ var fill se style fill stroke fillopacity strokeopacity linewidth fontsize lineheight width height textshadowcolor textshadowblur textshadowoffsetx textshadowoffsety backgroundcolor padding bordercolor borderwidth borderradius lu style function function var call this this return type text children defaultstyle attr return bt prototype childrenref function return this children prototype update function prototype update call this this stylechanged this updatesubtexts for var this children length var this children zlevel this zlevel this this culling this culling cursor this cursor invisible this invisible prototype updatetransform function var this innertransformable updatetransform transform this transform transform prototype updatetransform call this prototype getlocaltransform function var this innertransformable return getlocaltransform prototype getlocaltransform call this prototype getcomputedtransform function return this hosttarget this hosttarget getcomputedtransform this hosttarget updateinnertext prototype getcomputedtransform call this prototype updatesubtexts function this childcursor function we rs rich rs this style this style rich this updaterichtexts this updateplaintexts this children length this childcursor this styleupdated prototype addselftozr function prototype addselftozr call this for var this children length this children zr prototype removeselffromzr function prototype removeselffromzr call this for var this children length this children zr null prototype getboundingrect function if this stylechanged this updatesubtexts this rect for var new ut this children null length var getboundingrect getlocaltransform copy applytransform clone union clone union this rect return this rect prototype setdefaulttextstyle function this defaultstyle k_ prototype settextcontent function prototype mergestyle function if return var rich rich return this mergerich rich rich prototype mergerich function for var mt var math floor slice if null for var ellipsis minchar truncateminchar placeholder placeholder length var for null width truncate overflow break overflow breakall overflow calculatedlineheight dc substring dc mc lastindex length dc substring length var padding truncate truncate lineoverflow function width lineheight math max for var lines length for var lines tokens tokens slice lines lines slice lines lines slice break var width null auto if string typeof charat length percentwidth push contentwidth he text else if var backgroundcolor image du zr width math max width width height var null null null width text width contentwidth text text ellipsis minchar truncateminchar width contentwidth he text contentwidth he text width width math max lineheight for outerwidth width st outerheight height st contentheight contentwidth outerwidth outerheight length var width parseint percentwidth width return os width outerwidth outerheight padding this defaultstyle verticalalign verticalalign ls align align ei var gc this renderbackground for var backgroundcolor lines length for var lines tokens length lineheight width void right align this placetoken right width width for textshadowblur text text shadowblur textshadowblur textshadowblur shadowcolor textshadowcolor textshadowcolor transparent shadowoffsetx textshadowoffsetx textshadowoffsetx shadowoffsety textshadowoffsety textshadowoffsety textalign textbaseline middle font font wa opacity rr opacity opacity ts linewidth rr linewidth linewidth linedash st linedash linedash linedashoffset linedashoffset stroke fill var contentwidth contentheight setboundingrect new ut ls textalign ei textbaseline prototype renderbackground function var backgroundcolor borderwidth bordercolor image borderradius this if lineheight this getorcreatechild st usestyle createstyle style fill null var shape width height dirtyshape if style fill null fillopacity st fillopacity else if this getorcreatechild ue onload function dirtystyle var style image image width height style linewidth stroke strokeopacity st strokeopacity linedash borderdash linedashoffset borderdashoffset strokecontainthreshold hasfill hasstroke strokefirst linewidth var style shadowblur shadowblur shadowcolor shadowcolor transparent shadowoffsetx shadowoffsetx shadowoffsety shadowoffsety opacity rr opacity opacity makefont function var return es fontstyle fontweight fontsize fontfamily sans serif join ke textfont font tr xe left right center be top bottom middle fontstyle fontweight fontsize fontfamily function return string typeof indexof px indexof rem indexof em isnan px px function ts for var length var j_ null function es return null fontsize fontfamily fontweight function rs if font makefont var align middle center align null xe left var verticalalign center middle verticalalign null be top padding padding ql padding function as return null if instanceof pt var us selectfill normalfill selectstroke normalstroke if bi bi var style inherit fill fill bi fill bi fill hs bi stroke bi stroke hs style return null emphasislift this if blur return function ie var ht currentstates style opacity null function me for var style length var for animators length var animators fromstatetransition fromstatetransition indexof style targetname saveto return opacity opacity style return null opacity opacity opacity style this if select return function le return null selectlift this return function on stateproxy yc var gettextcontent gettextguideline stateproxy yc stateproxy yc function gs xs highbyouter la vs function ys xs highbyouter la cs function ua highbyouter la vs function fa highbyouter la cs function ms la uc function zc la ps function _s la ce function ss la ae function xs return highdownsilentontouch zrbytouch function bs var getmodel eachcomponent function var hc series getviewofseriesmodel getviewofcomponentmodel push isblured group traverse function ps push isblured function toggleblurseries toggleblurseries function xc var getmodel function for var length var getitemgraphicel zc if coordinatesystem null none var getseriesbyindex coordinatesystem master master var eachseries function var coordinatesystem if master master series coordinatesystem series if getviewofseriesmodel group traverse function uc fe getdata else if for var mt length getdata push hc isblured eachcomponent function if series var getviewofcomponentmodel toggleblurseries toggleblurseries function qc if null null var getmodel getcomponent if hc isblured var getviewofcomponentmodel focusblurenabled group traverse function uc function kc var focusself dispatchers null if null series null null return var getmodel getcomponent if return var getviewofcomponentmodel if findhighdowndispatchers return for var findhighdowndispatchers var dataindex seriesindex seriesindex null datatype push function ba nn la on jc function ut function ne nn ba function jc var nt null focus blurscope focus focus null var ts emphasis blur select ve itemstyle getitemstyle linestyle getlinestyle areastyle getareastyle function he itemstyle for var var duration duration delay delay easing easing done force settofinal scope during animatefrom animateto else stopanimation attr function ct jc update function zt jc enter function gi if zr return for var animators length if leave animators scope return return function za gi jc leave function ms removetextcontent removetextguideline za style opacity function bs function parent parent remove isgroup traverse function isgroup ms ms function br as oldstyle style var gu function ds for var ae length var ae ensurestate style style style text var currentstates slice clearstates setstyle text normal usestates function var labelfetcher labeldataindex labeldimindex normal getformattedlabel normal null get formatter null interpolatedvalue null null defaulttext defaulttext defaulttext for var normal ae length var ae st getformattedlabel null get formatter null return function ve gu for var instanceof xt ms length if ms getshallow show break var gettextcontent if new xt settextcontent stateproxy stateproxy stateproxy var normal getshallow show ot normal for text normal settextconfig fu ae length var ae if var ensurestate st getshallow show ignore style ot style text ensurestate textconfig fu silent getshallow silent null style style null style style ignore usestyle dirty enabletextsetter fi setlabeltext function var ds else ignore dirty function ae for var normal getmodel label ae length var ae getmodel return function ot var return function he gu var ecmodel option textstyle function we for var ecmodel var option gu rich if for var mt length parentmodel return if for var in if hasownproperty var getmodel rich rs rich var get overflow overflow var get minmargin null margin rs function fu var getshallow rotate st getshallow distance null getshallow offset return outside getshallow position null inside defaultoutsideposition top null position null offset null math pi rotation null distance outsidefill inherit get color inheritcolor null auto var ls fontstyle fontweight fontsize fontfamily textshadowcolor textshadowblur textshadowoffsetx textshadowoffsety is align lineheight width height tag verticalalign ps padding borderwidth borderradius borderdashoffset backgroundcolor bordercolor shadowcolor shadowblur shadowoffsetx shadowoffsety function rs gu var inheritcolor getshallow color getshallow textbordercolor st getshallow opacity opacity inherit auto null inherit auto null color textbordercolor null fill null stroke var st getshallow textborderwidth textborderwidth null linewidth var st getshallow textbordertype textbordertype null linedash var st getshallow textborderdashoffset textborderdashoffset null linedashoffset null defaultopacity null opacity null fill inheritcolor fill inheritcolor for var ls length null st getshallow ls for is length null getshallow is if null verticalalign var getshallow baseline null verticalalign if disablebox for ps length var null getshallow ps var getshallow bordertype null borderdash auto backgroundcolor inherit backgroundcolor backgroundcolor auto bordercolor inherit bordercolor bordercolor function es var getmodel textstyle return ke fontstyle getshallow fontstyle fontweight getshallow fontweight fontsize getshallow fontsize px fontfamily getshallow fontfamily sans serif join var fi tt function ks if var fi prevvalue value value var normal valueanimation get valueanimation valueanimation precision get precision defaultinterpolatedtext statesmodels function os var fi if valueanimation prevvalue value var defaultinterpolatedtext st interpolatedvalue prevvalue value percent null prevvalue zt ct percent null function var precision interpolatedvalue null var labeldataindex labelfetcher defaulttext statesmodels ds var ue textstyle color tp fontstyle fontweight fontsize fontfamily padding lineheight rich width height overflow ep new xt ye function function return prototype gettextcolor function var this ecmodel return this getshallow color get ue null prototype getfont function return es fontstyle this getshallow fontstyle fontweight this getshallow fontweight fontsize this getshallow fontsize fontfamily this getshallow fontfamily this ecmodel prototype gettextrect function for var text verticalalign this getshallow verticalalign this getshallow baseline tp length tp this getshallow tp return ep usestyle ep update ep getboundingrect const ze ye var ns linewidth width stroke color opacity shadowblur shadowoffsetx shadowoffsety shadowcolor linedash type linedashoffset dashoffset linecap cap linejoin join miterlimit xe cn ns qe function function return prototype getlinestyle function return xe this vs fill color stroke bordercolor linewidth borderwidth opacity shadowblur shadowoffsetx shadowoffsety shadowcolor linedash bordertype linedashoffset borderdashoffset linecap bordercap linejoin borderjoin miterlimit bordermiterlimit ke cn vs je function function return prototype getitemstyle function return ke this vn function function this parentmodel this ecmodel this option return prototype init function for var arguments length arguments prototype mergeoption function ot this option prototype get function return null this option this doget this parsepath this parentmodel prototype getshallow function var this option null if null var this parentmodel getshallow return prototype getmodel function var null this parsepath null return new this doget this option this parentmodel this parentmodel getmodel this resolveparentpath this ecmodel prototype isempty function return null this option prototype restoredata function prototype clone function return new this constructor et this option prototype parsepath function return string typeof split prototype resolveparentpath function return prototype isanimationenabled function if bt node this option if null this option animation return this option animation if this parentmodel return this parentmodel isanimationenabled prototype doget function var this option if return for var zh en function np touppercase ap new rt wu function ip return ap np en time month january february march april may june july august september october november december monthabbr jan feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec dayofweek sunday monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday dayofweekabbr sun mon tue wed thu fri sat legend selector all all inverse inv toolbox brush title rect box select polygon lasso select linex horizontally select liney vertically select keep keep selections clear clear selections dataview title data view lang data view close refresh datazoom title zoom zoom back zoom reset magictype title line switch to line chart bar switch to bar chart stack stack tiled tile restore title restore saveasimage title save as image lang right click to save image series typenames pie pie chart bar bar chart line line chart scatter scatter plot effectscatter ripple scatter plot radar radar chart tree tree treemap treemap boxplot boxplot candlestick candlestick line chart heatmap heat map map map parallel parallel coordinate map lines line graph graph relationship graph sankey sankey diagram funnel funnel chart gauge gauge pictorialbar pictorial bar themeriver theme river map sunburst sunburst aria general withtitle this is chart about title withouttitle this is chart series single prefix withname with type seriestype named seriesname withoutname with type seriestype multiple prefix it consists of seriescount series count withname the seriesid series is seriestype representing seriesname withoutname the seriesid series is seriestype separator middle end data alldata the data is as follows partialdata the first displaycnt items are withname the data for name is value withoutname value separator middle end np zh time month db monthabbr dayofweek db dayofweekabbr db legend selector all inverse cd toolbox brush title rect polygon linex liney eb keep fdd clear dataview title fe lang fe ed datazoom title zoom df back df fd magictype title line ebf fe bar fe stack tiled fa restore title fd saveasimage title fdd fe lang fe series typenames pie fe bar fe line ebf fe scatter fe effectscatter fe radar fbe fe tree fe treemap fe boxplot bb fe candlestick ebf fe ebf fe heatmap ed fe map fe parallel fe lines ebf fe graph cfb fe sankey fa fe funnel fe gauge eea fe pictorialbar fe themeriver cb fe sunburst ed fe aria general withtitle fd title fe withouttitle fd fe uff series single prefix withname fe seriestype uff seriesname withoutname fe seriestype multiple prefix seriescount fe cfb ec withname seriesid cfb seriesname seriestype uff withoutname seriesid cfb seriestype uff separator middle uff end data alldata partialdata uff displaycnt withname name value withoutname value separator middle uff end var ts rr ts zs rr cs year yyyy month mmm day hour hh mm minute hh mm second hh mm ss millisecond hh mm ss sss none yyyy mm dd hh mm ss sss uu yyyy mm dd gs year yyyy month yyyy mm day uu hour uu cs hour minute uu cs minute second uu cs second millisecond cs none lp year month day hour minute second millisecond fs year half year quarter month week half week day half day quarter day hour minute second millisecond function oe return substr length function wi switch case half year case quarter return month case week case half week return day case half day case quarter day return hour default return function nk return wi function as var ue up ui math floor yu get utc day ms zu xu qu instanceof rt ip bs function ak return ap en getmodel time get month get monthabbr get dayofweek get dayofweekabbr return replace yyyy replace yy replace replace mmmm replace mmm replace mm oe replace replace dd oe replace replace eeee replace ee replace replace hh oe replace replace hh oe replace replace mm oe replace replace ss oe replace replace sss oe replace function hs var ue ui yu ms zu xu qu return year month day hour minute second millisecond function ws var wt ue switch hs case year return up case half year return ui case quarter return math floor ui case month return ui case day return yu case half day return ms case hour return ms case minute return zu case second return xu case millisecond return qu function up return getutcfullyear getfullyear function ui return getutcmonth getmonth function yu return getutcdate getdate function ms return getutchours gethours function zu return getutcminutes getminutes function xu return getutcseconds getseconds function qu return getutcmilliseconds getmilliseconds function sk return setutcfullyear setfullyear function us return setutcmonth setmonth function ys return setutcdate setdate function zs return setutchours sethours function xs return setutcminutes setminutes function qs return setutcseconds setseconds function ks return setutcmilliseconds setmilliseconds function fp if sc return var split return replace length function hp return tolowercase replace function return touppercase charat touppercase slice var bn ql function vp function return ke function return null isnan isfinite var time instanceof date if var ue if isnan return as yyyy mm dd hh mm ss if return if ordinal return kl wt var vr return fp kl boolean typeof var js cp function return function pp var length if return for var vars length var js replace cp cp for var for var length var replace cp js we return function qs var color extracsstext color type extracsstext var rendermode html return html subitem rendermode content markerid markerx style subitem width height borderradius backgroundcolor width height borderradius backgroundcolor function uk week month quarter half year year mm dd nyyyy var ue getutc get fullyear month date hours minutes seconds milliseconds return replace mm oe replace replace yyyy replace yy oe replace dd oe replace replace hh oe replace replace mm oe replace replace ss oe replace replace sss oe function fk return charat touppercase substr function zn return transparent colorstops colorstops color function ku if _blank blank var window open opener null location href else window open var ju js left right top bottom width height gn width left right height top bottom function dp var null null var eachchild function var getboundingrect childat getboundingrect if horizontal var width newline height math max height else var height newline width math max width newline markredraw horizontal var fn dp function jt bn var width height left top right bottom width height aspect switch isnan isnan null isnan isnan isnan isnan isnan isnan left right case center break case right switch top bottom case middle case center break case bottom isnan isnan var new ut return margin function qu var hv hv hv hv boundingmode all if return if raw group type new ut width height getboundingrect else if getboundingrect needlocaltransform var getlocaltransform clone applytransform var jt width width height height return raw markredraw function ds var layoutmode constructor layoutmode return type null function fa var ignoresize var gn gn function var if ju function ju function return null null if return if return for var ot defaultoption return defaultoption prototype getreferringcomponents function var id return cs this ecmodel index this get index id this get prototype getboxlayoutparams function var this return left get left top get top right get right bottom get bottom width get width height get height prototype getzlevelkey function return prototype setzlevel function this option zlevel protoinitialize prototype type component id name maintype subtype void componentindex var rt zi rt mu zi function je var registersubtypedefaulter function var br main determinesubtype function var type if var br main hassubtypes return zi function function return predecessor successor topologicaltravel function if length var function var return function var function var return function ht push originaldeps entrycount length entrycount push function ht predecessor predecessor push var ht successor successor push graph noentrylist graph noentrylist for function length var pop call originaldeps slice delete successor function throw new error function entrycount entrycount push function zi function pk var return zi getclassesbymaintype function concat dependencies prototype dependencies function return br main dataset ht dataset unshift dataset const _t zi var typeof navigator navigator platform var xi rgba const dk darkmode auto colorby series color cc fac ee de ba fc ea ccc gradientcolor efa bf aria decal decals color xi dasharrayx dasharrayy symbolsize rotation math pi color xi symbol circle dasharrayx dasharrayy symbolsize color xi dasharrayx dasharrayy rotation math pi color xi dasharrayx dasharrayy color xi dasharrayx dasharrayy rotation math pi color xi symbol triangle dasharrayx dasharrayy symbolsize textstyle fontfamily match win microsoft yahei sans serif fontsize fontstyle normal fontweight normal blendmode null stateanimation duration easing cubicout animation auto animationduration animationdurationupdate animationeasing cubicinout animationeasingupdate cubicinout animationthreshold progressivethreshold progressive hoverlayerthreshold useutc var tooltip label itemname itemid itemgroupid seriesname ar original ye arrayrows nr objectrows wr keyedcolumns ha typedarray unknown ur column qi row tt function var yp if return var ecmodel datasetmap uid serieslayoutby slice function var name ordinal type null name var get set categorywaydim valuewaydim function for var push function var dimsdef return length return function var name if null valuewaydim valuewaydim else if else var categorywaydim categorywaydim length itemname length seriesname function gp var if yp return var sourceformat dimensionsdefine nr wr function name name var function for var math min var data serieslayoutby startindex push var if null null return null null function return null null return null if value var itemname seriesname return function yp if get data return cs ecmodel dataset index get datasetindex id get datasetid qt models function return data sourceformat serieslayoutby dimensionsdefine startindex function var if re return if var name type if null return ordinal if ye var if qi for var length if null return else for length var if null return else if nr var if return for length if null return else if wr if return if re return for length if null return else if ar var for length var oi if return if null return function var return null isfinite void return var mp tt sk tt function function return prototype getcolorfrompalette function var pt this get color this get colorlayer return this prototype clearcolorpalette function function bk paletteidx palettenamemap this function sp var pt get aria decal decals return sk null function var paletteidx palettenamemap palettenamemap if hasownproperty return var null function xk for var length return return if length var return paletteidx length var ju ls _ec_inner function function return null apply this arguments this return prototype init function this option null this theme new rt this locale new rt this optionmanager prototype setoption function var this optionmanager setoption this resetoption null prototype resetoption function return this resetoption prototype resetoption function var this optionmanager if recreate var mountoption recreate this option recreate this restoredata this mergeoption this if timeline media this restoredata recreate timeline var gettimelineoption this this mergeoption if recreate media var getmediaoption this length function this mergeoption this return prototype mergeoption function this mergeoption null prototype mergeoption function var this option this componentsmap this componentscount replacemergemaintypemap function gk datasetmap this function null hasclass push set null et ot each function _t hasclass get push set topologicaltravel getallclassmaintypes function var function _k var mp get if return var return concat this pt get get replacemerge normalmerge replaceall function xr function var newoption keyinfo maintype keyinfo subtype function br return type type subtype determinesubtype existing null set null set var function var existing newoption if var getclass keyinfo subtype series if return if tooltip if return if constructor name keyinfo name mergeoption this optionupdated else var componentindex keyinfo new this this brandnew requirenewview init this this optionupdated null else mergeoption this optionupdated push option push push void push void this set set series ju this this this seriesindices ju this prototype getoption function var et this option return function if hasclass for var pt length hs null length delete prototype gettheme function return this theme prototype getlocalemodel function return this locale prototype setupdatepayload function this payload prototype getupdatepayload function return this payload prototype getcomponent function var this componentsmap get if var if return if null for var length if return prototype querycomponents function var maintype if return var index id name this componentsmap get return length null pt function push null id null name lt function return prototype findcomponents function var maintype function var index id name return null null null null maintype index id name query return function return filter lt filter this querycomponents lt this componentsmap get function return prototype eachcomponent function var this componentsmap if var each function for var length var call componentindex else for var get this findcomponents null length var call componentindex prototype getseriesbyname function var te null return lt this componentsmap get series function return null name prototype getseriesbyindex function return this componentsmap get series prototype getseriesbytype function return lt this componentsmap get series function return subtype prototype getseries function return lt this componentsmap get series function return prototype getseriescount function return this componentscount get series prototype eachseries function ls this this seriesindices function var this componentsmap get series call this prototype eachrawseries function this componentsmap get series function call componentindex prototype eachseriesbytype function ls this this seriesindices function var this componentsmap get series subtype call this prototype eachrawseriesbytype function return this getseriesbytype prototype isseriesfiltered function return ls this null this seriesindicesmap get componentindex prototype getcurrentseriesindices function return this seriesindices slice prototype filterseries function ls this var this seriesindices function var this componentsmap get series call push this this seriesindices this seriesindicesmap prototype restoredata function ju this var this componentsmap each function _t hasclass push topologicaltravel getallclassmaintypes function get function series function ck if var seriesindex seriesid seriesname return null componentindex null id null name restoredata internalfield ju function var seriesindices componentsmap get series function push componentindex seriesindicesmap ls function void function option option componentsmap series componentscount var aria null enabled enabled function ak var color colorlayer function colorlayer _t hasclass object typeof ot et null theme option ot dk mergeoption null rt function if var return function null null te null set lt function return get var te null return lt function return null function return hasownproperty subtype lt function return subtype subtype function var return pt replacemerge function set replacemergemaintypemap zt const var mk getdom getzr getwidth getheight getdevicepixelratio dispatchaction isssr isdisposed on off getdataurl getconnecteddataurl getoption getid updatelabellayout const function mk function this this var xp lk function function this coordinatesystems return prototype create function var xp function var create concat this coordinatesystems prototype update function this coordinatesystems function update update prototype getcoordinatesystems function return this coordinatesystems slice register function xp get function return xp const ki lk var ik min max pk function function this timelineoptions this medialist this currentmediaindices this api return prototype setoption function pt series function data re data vo data pt dataset function source re source vo source et var this optionbackup function rk var baseoption timeline options media media timeline function function return timeline timeline options media null function option query push function return function return option baseoption timelineoptions mediadefault medialist this newbaseoption baseoption timelineoptions length timelineoptions timelineoptions medialist length medialist medialist mediadefault mediadefault mediadefault this optionbackup prototype mountoption function var this optionbackup return this timelineoptions timelineoptions this medialist medialist this mediadefault mediadefault this currentmediaindices et baseoption this newbaseoption prototype gettimelineoption function var this timelineoptions if length var getcomponent timeline et getcurrentindex return prototype getmediaoption function var this api getwidth this api getheight this medialist this mediadefault if length return for var length max const nk pk var wr is areastyle linestyle nodestyle linkstyle chordstyle label labelline function bp var itemstyle if for var length var normal emphasis normal ot normal normal null emphasis ot emphasis emphasis null function me if normal emphasis var normal emphasis normal emphasis null emphasis emphasis emphasis focus emphasis focus focus blurscope emphasis blurscope blurscope function ps me itemstyle me linestyle me areastyle me label me labelline me upperlabel me edgelabel function var is is textstyle if for var length var w_ hasownproperty function ir ps label emphasis emphasis label function va return function return function fk function in in var fk left top right bottom hk grid geo parallel legend toolbox title visualmap datazoom timeline wp borderradius barborderradius bordercolor barbordercolor borderwidth barborderwidth function rs var itemstyle if for var wp length var wp null wp function edge alignto null margin null edgedistance edgedistance margin function downplay blur blur downplay function if for var length children function function bk wr va series function is function vk if is bp ps label upperlabel edgelabel emphasis emphasis label emphasis upperlabel emphasis edgelabel var markpoint bp ir var markline bp ir var markarea ir var data if graph type nodes var links edges if re for var length ir categories function ps if re for length ir if markpoint data var data for length ir if markline data var data for length ir ir ir gauge type axislabel title detail treemap type me breadcrumb itemstyle levels function ps tree type ps leaves var xaxis yaxis radiusaxis angleaxis singleaxis parallelaxis radar push valueaxis categoryaxis logaxis timeaxis wr function wr va function axislabel axispointer label wr va parallel function var parallelaxisdefault axislabel axispointer label wr va calendar function me itemstyle daylabel monthlabel yearlabel wr va radar function name name null axisname axisname name delete name null namegap null axisnamegap axisnamegap namegap delete namegap wr va geo function is ir wr va regions function ir wr va timeline function ir me label me itemstyle me controlstyle var data function me label me itemstyle wr va toolbox function me iconstyle wr feature function me iconstyle axispointer label tooltip axispointer label series pt series series function if var type if line null clipoverflow clip clipoverflow else if pie gauge if null clockwise clockwise clockwise label data re for var length null hoveroffset emphasis emphasis emphasis scalesize null emphasis scalesize hoveroffset else if gauge var function zk for var split length null return pointer color null function gk for var split length null null itemstyle color else if bar var if rs rs backgroundstyle rs emphasis data re for var if data rawindexof stackedbydimension var data getbyrawindex stackresultdimension if all positive negative samesign hr break return var function this data data sourceformat wr this sourceformat sourceformat this serieslayoutby serieslayoutby ur this startindex startindex this dimensionsdetectedcount dimensionsdetectedcount this metarawoption metarawoption var this dimensionsdefine dimensionsdefine if for var length var null type this type ordinal function tp return instanceof function cp var serieslayoutby function xk var if return dimensionsdefine startindex dimensionsdetectedcount if ye var auto null function null null wt function null length qi length length null else if nr function qk for var length if var return function push else if wr function push else if ar var oi length return startindex dimensionsdefine dimensionsdetectedcount sourceheader dimensions return new data sourceformat serieslayoutby dimensionsdefine dimensionsdefine startindex startindex dimensionsdetectedcount dimensionsdetectedcount metarawoption et function ap return new data sourceformat re ha ar function zk return new data data sourceformat sourceformat serieslayoutby serieslayoutby dimensionsdefine et dimensionsdefine startindex startindex dimensionsdetectedcount dimensionsdetectedcount function var if re ha else if length ye for var length var if null if ye break if nr break else if for var in if fe wr break return function if var return function var name name name displayname displayname type type if null name return name null displayname displayname name var get name return name count set name count function if qi for var length null else var for length function var sourceformat return nr wr var hn wn un function function var tp ap this source var this data data sourceformat ha this offset this dimsize this data this return prototype getsource function return this source prototype count function return prototype getitem function prototype appenddata function prototype clean function protoinitialize function var prototype pure persistent internalfield function var function var sourceformat serieslayoutby startindex dimensionsdefine if dp ha getitem count fillstorage else var getitem null var count null var function for var this data this dimsize this offset return function for var this data this dimsize for var var function return this data this data length this dimsize function for var length this data push ye ur pure appenddata ye qi pure appenddata function throw new error do not support appenddata when set serieslayoutby row nr pure appenddata wr pure appenddata function var this data function for var length push ar appenddata ha persistent pure appenddata function this data clean function this offset this count this data null function return kk hn ye ur function return hn ye qi function for var length var null return hn nr hn wr function for var interpolatedvalue return null void prototype getrawvalue function return ji this getdata prototype formattooltip function function var return type text frag function es return new var function function this reset reset this plan plan this count count this ondirty ondirty this dirty return prototype perform function var this upstream skip if this dirty var this context data outputdata context outputdata this pipeline this pipeline currenttask this this plan this plan this context var this modby this moddatacount modby moddatacount function return reset this dirty reset this dirty this doreset this modby this moddatacount var step if this dueend outputdueend this count this count this context this progress var this dueindex math min null this dueindex this dueend if var this progress if for var length this doprogress else this doprogress this dueindex this outputdueend null this settedoutputend this settedoutputend else this dueindex this outputdueend null this settedoutputend this settedoutputend this dueend return this unfinished prototype dirty function this dirty this ondirty this ondirty this context prototype doprogress function reset this callingprogress this callingprogress start end count next next this context prototype doreset function var this dueindex this outputdueend this dueend this settedoutputend null this reset this reset this context progress forcefirstprogress progress length null this progress this modby this moddatacount null var this downstream return dirty prototype unfinished function return this progress this dueindex return function return null return function dt throw new error function ha var type return ordinal time wt null ue null nan typeof console console warn console var ao number function return parsefloat time function return ue trim function return ke function return ao get var lt function return lte function return gte function return no function function wt dt this opfn this rvalfloat vr return prototype evaluate function return wt this opfn this rvalfloat this opfn vr this rvalfloat function function var desc this resultlt null min max this incomparable min return prototype evaluate function var wt vr wt vr isnan isnan if this incomparable this incomparable var return this resultlt io function function this rval this iseq this rvaltypeof typeof this rvalfloat vr return prototype evaluate function var this rval if var typeof this rvaltypeof number number this rvaltypeof vr this rvalfloat return this iseq function oo return eq ne new io eq new no null var so function function return prototype getrawdata function throw new error not supported prototype getrawdataitem function throw new error not supported prototype clonerawdata function prototype getdimensioninfo function prototype clonealldimensioninfo function prototype count function prototype retrievevalue function prototype retrievevaluefromitem function prototype convertvalue function return ha function uo return pp sourceformat dt data function fo var sourceformat data if pp dt ye for var length push slice return if nr for length push return function ho if null if wt isnan return if return function vo return et var function do length dt dt var get type dt var function return function lo var new so data sourceformat sourceformat startindex serieslayoutby ur dt var dimensionsdefine if function var name index name displayname displayname push null dt else for var go yo function mo var constructor return array slice new function var float if var length if for var new else new var _o function function this chunks this rawextent this extent this count this rawcount this calcdimnametoidx return prototype initdata function this provider this chunks this indices null this getrawindex this getrawidxidentity var getsource this defaultdimvaluegetter rp sourceformat this dimvaluegetter this rawextent this dimensions function return type type property property this initdatafromprovider count prototype getprovider function return this provider prototype getsource function return this provider getsource prototype ensurecalculationdimension function var this calcdimnametoidx this dimensions get if null if type return else length return type set this chunks new float this rawcount this rawextent prototype collectordinalmeta function var this chunks this dimensions this rawextent ordinaloffset length for var var parseandcollect isnan math min math max ordinalmeta ordinaloffset type ordinal prototype getordinalmeta function return this dimensions ordinalmeta prototype getdimensionproperty function var this dimensions return property prototype appenddata function var this provider this count appenddata var count return persistent this initdatafromprovider prototype appendvalues function for var this chunks this dimensions length this rawextent this count math max length type for var for var var rp arrayrows call this property var return this rawcount this count start end prototype initdatafromprovider function for var this provider this chunks this dimensions length this rawextent function return property var type if fillstorage fillstorage else for var getitem for var var this dimvaluegetter var persistent clean clean this rawcount this count this extent prototype count function return this count prototype get function if this count return nan var this chunks return this getrawindex nan prototype getvalues function var if null for var this dimensions length push else for var length this rawcount return nan var this chunks return nan prototype getsum function var if this chunks for var this count this rawcount return if this indices return var this indices if null this count return for var this count var if return return prototype indicesofnearest function var this chunks if return null for var this count var this getrawindex math abs return length prototype getindices function var this indices if var this count if constructor array new for var else new buffer else var for new ks this rawcount this count length return prototype filter function if this count return this for var this clone count new ks rawcount length chunks var void getrawindex if else if else for var apply null return indices count extent updategetrawidx prototype selectrange function var this clone count if return this var mt length if return this var count new ks rawcount chunks if indices var if for var isnan else if var for isnan if if for isnan else for for var getrawindex var getrawindex return indices count extent updategetrawidx prototype map function var this clone return this updatedims prototype modify function this updatedims this prototype updatedims function for var chunks length count rawextent length for var for var getrawindex var apply null if null for object typeof length var prototype lttbdownsample function var this clone chunks this count math floor this getrawindex new ks this rawcount math min math ceil for var for var math min math min var this getrawindex isnan var math min var for var this getrawindex isnan math min math max return this getrawindex count indices getrawindex this getrawidx prototype downsample function for var this clone chunks math floor this count rawextent new ks this rawcount math ceil length for var var this getrawindex var this getrawindex math min return count indices updategetrawidx prototype each function if this count for var length this chunks this count var this getrawindex switch case break case break case break default for var apply null prototype getdataextent function var this chunks if return var this count if this indices return this rawextent slice if this extent return slice for var var this getrawindex return this extent prototype getrawdataitem function var this getrawindex if this provider persistent return this provider getitem for var this chunks length push return prototype clone function var new this chunks qe function return if for var length chunks mo else chunks return this copycommonprops indices this cloneindices updategetrawidx prototype copycommonprops function count this count rawcount this rawcount provider this provider dimensions this dimensions extent et this extent rawextent et this rawextent prototype cloneindices function if this indices var this indices constructor void if array var this indices length new for var this indices else new this indices return return null prototype getrawidxidentity function return prototype getrawidx function return this indices prototype updategetrawidx function this getrawindex this indices this getrawidx this getrawidxidentity internalfield function function return ha this dimensions rp arrayrows objectrows function return ha this dimensions keyedcolumns original function var value return ha instanceof array this dimensions typedarray function return const ep var function function this sourcelist this storelist this upstreamsignlist this versionsignbase this dirty this sourcehost return prototype dirty function this setlocalsource this storelist this dirty prototype setlocalsource function this sourcelist this upstreamsignlist this versionsignbase this versionsignbase this versionsignbase prototype getversionsign function return this sourcehost uid this versionsignbase prototype preparesource function this isdirty this createsource this dirty prototype createsource function this setlocalsource var this sourcehost this getupstreamsourcemanagers length if ef var void void void if var preparesource getsource data sourceformat getversionsign else re get data ha ar var this getsourcemetarawoption metarawoption st serieslayoutby serieslayoutby null st sourceheader sourceheader st dimensions dimensions serieslayoutby sourceheader cp serieslayoutby sourceheader dimensions else var if var this applytransform sourcelist upstreamsignlist else cp get source this getsourcemetarawoption null this setlocalsource prototype applytransform function var this sourcehost get transform get fromtransformresult null length var return function preparesource var getsource null push push getversionsign function po var pt length dt for var do length math max length return null zk sourcelist upstreamsignlist prototype isdirty function if this dirty return for var this getupstreamsourcemanagers noheader return blocks function var tx kp noheader return function bo var noheader function to return html so richtext xo tx blocks de var ordermode if sortblocks slice var valueasc asc valuedesc desc if var new null sort function return evaluate sortparam sortparam else seriesdesc reverse function var valueformatter valueformatter html null push var richtext rendermode join richtext op join html if return var vp header ordinal useutc rendermode namestyle return richtext rendermode rx richtext op we function wo var rendermode noname novalue markertype name useutc valueformatter valueformatter function return function return vp if var markupstylecreator maketooltipmarker markertype markercolor vp ordinal valuetype value namestyle valuestyle return richtext rx function mo var return push padding align right markupstylecreator wraprichtextstyle join op function co return we function ao return function return we join nbsp nbsp function ex if return useutc rendermode ordermode markupstylecreator valueformatter valueformatter function op return function rx return markupstylecreator wraprichtextstyle function ax return zn getdata getitemvisual style visualdrawtype function nx return get padding richtext var np function function this richtextstyles this nextstylenameid return prototype generatestylename function return ec_auto_ this nextstylenameid prototype maketooltipmarker function var richtext this generatestylename null qs color type rendermode markerid return this richtextstyles style content prototype wraprichtextstyle function var function return var this generatestylename return this richtextstyles function ix var series dataindex multipleseries getdata mapdimensionsall defaultedtooltip length getrawvalue ax if var function do var getdata qe function var getdimensioninfo return tooltip null displayname function var getdimensioninfo otherdims tooltip push ne namevalue markertype subitem markercolor name displayname value valuetype type push push type return length function ji inlinevalues inlinevaluetypes blocks inlinevalues inlinevaluetypes blocks inlinevalues else if var getdimensioninfo ji type else var xc name getname return ne section header noheader sortparam blocks ne namevalue markertype item markercolor name noname ke value valuetype concat var wa tt function rf return getname getid var af universaltransitionenabled nf function function var null apply this arguments this return selecteddataindicesmap return prototype init function this seriesindex this componentindex this datatask es count io reset po this datatask context model this this mergedefaultandtheme wa this sourcemanager new this preparesource var this getinitialdata sx this this datatask context data wa this databeforeprocessed ox this this initselectedmapfromdata prototype mergedefaultandtheme function var ds this yi this subtype _t hasclass series ot gettheme get this subtype ot this getdefaultoption bn label show this filldatatextstyle data fa prototype mergeoption function ot this option this filldatatextstyle data var ds this fa this option var wa this sourcemanager dirty preparesource var this getinitialdata sx this this datatask dirty this datatask context data wa this databeforeprocessed ox this this initselectedmapfromdata prototype filldatatextstyle function if re for var show this getshallow animationthreshold prototype restoredata function this datatask dirty prototype getcolorfrompalette function var this ecmodel prototype getcolorfrompalette call this return getcolorfrompalette prototype coorddimtodatadim function return this getrawdata mapdimensionsall prototype getprogressive function return this get progressive prototype getprogressivethreshold function return this get progressivethreshold prototype select function this innerselect this getdata prototype unselect function var this option selectedmap if var this option selectedmode this getdata if series all return this option selectedmap void this selecteddataindicesmap for var length var rf this selecteddataindicesmap prototype toggleselect function for var length this isselected this unselect this select prototype getselecteddataindices function if all this option selectedmap return slice call this getdata getindices for var this selecteddataindicesmap mt push return prototype isselected function var this option selectedmap if return var this getdata return all rf getitemmodel get select disabled prototype isuniversaltransitionenabled function if this af return var this option universaltransition return enabled prototype innerselect function var this option selectedmode length if if series selectedmap all else if multiple selectedmap selectedmap for var selectedmap this innerselect registerclass function return _t registerclass protoinitialize prototype type series base seriesindex ignorestyleondata hassymbolvisual defaultsymbol circle visualstyleaccesspath itemstyle void visualdrawtype fill var function ox var name xc name function lo var getrawdata mapdimensionsall seriesname return function var getdimensioninfo displayname push displayname join function io return model getrawdata count function po var model return setdata getrawdata cloneshallow ro function ro outputdata end outputdata count model getrawdata cloneshallow outputdata function sx bo changable_methods downsample_methods function wrapmethod it eo function eo var vp return setoutputend this count function vp var ecmodel scheduler getpipeline uid if var currenttask if var agentstubmap get uid return zt nf lp zt nf nf const nt nf var bp function function this group new rt this uid hi viewcomponent return prototype init function prototype render function prototype dispose function prototype updateview function prototype updatelayout function prototype updatevisual function prototype toggleblurseries function prototype eachrendered function var this group traverse tc bp mu bp const gt bp function ji var tt return function var pipelinecontext large progressiverender large large progressiverender progressiverender return reset var hr cmd ko lx math sqrt oo math atan function ux if var data len for switch case case break case break case break case var lx lx oo break case se se for var ko se increaseversion var zp math sqrt of math sin sf math cos os math pi function fx return math sqrt function gp return fx fx function hx return zp zp var zp sf of of sf hx hx if gp var math round os os os adddata var no mlvhzcqtsa mlvhzcqtsa gi vo ee cx function function return null apply this arguments this return bt prototype applytransform function pt function px return null setdata function dx var function bo var new hr if return var hr cmd match no if return for var length for var charat void match vo length parsefloat for var var void void void void void void void void void switch case adddata break case adddata break case adddata break case adddata break case adddata break case adddata break case adddata break case adddata break case adddata break case adddata break case len data adddata break case len data adddata break case adddata break case adddata break case len data adddata break case len data adddata break case vx break case vx adddata return tostatic return buildpath function var px setdata data getcontext rebuildpath rebuildpath applytransform function ux this dirtyshape function gx return new cx dx function fp var new pt return shape setshape shape setstyle style baketransform ux path getcomputedtransform tolocal setlocaltransform getcomputedtransform copytransform buildpath buildpath applytransform applytransform zlevel zlevel var fo function this cx this cy this yx function function return call this this return bt prototype getdefaultshape function return new fo prototype buildpath function moveto cx cy arc cx cy math pi pt yx prototype type circle const tr yx var ho function this cx this cy this rx this ry mx function function return call this this return bt prototype getdefaultshape function return new ho prototype buildpath function var cx cy rx ry moveto beziercurveto beziercurveto beziercurveto beziercurveto closepath pt mx prototype type ellipse const lf mx var _x math pi hp yn math sin to math cos wo math acos math atan sx math abs ns math sqrt vs math max yr math min cr function uf var ns cx cy var xo function this cx this cy this this this startangle this endangle math pi this clockwise this cornerradius xx function function return call this this return bt prototype getdefaultshape function return new xo prototype buildpath function function zo var vs vs if if var var startangle endangle if isnan isnan var cx cy clockwise sx hp hp if cr cr if hp cr moveto to yn arc cr moveto to yn arc else var void void void void void void void void void void void void void void void void to yn to yn cr if var cornerradius function yo var if var length if return concat else return var sx if yr yr yr yr vs vs cr cr to yn to yn var function uo var if cr var yt yr vt yr uf yt ft uf vt moveto cx cy arc cx cy yt arc cy cx ft cy ft ft cx ft vt arc ft cx ft cy vt ft ft ft ft else moveto arc else moveto cr cr yt yr uf vt yr ft uf yt lineto cx cy arc cx cy vt arc cy cx ft cy ft ft cx ft yt arc ft cx ft cy yt ft ft ft ft lineto arc lineto else moveto closepath prototype iszeroarea function return this shape startangle this shape endangle this shape this shape pt xx prototype type sector const me xx var qo function this cx this cy this this bx function function return call this this return bt prototype getdefaultshape function return new qo prototype buildpath function var cx cy math pi moveto arc moveto arc pt bx prototype type ring const bs bx function tx var smooth points if length if var function ko var if for var length ea ra ea ra for length var if else if push er continue ca ho var tu tu ho ho var wv wv ra ea ra ea push push return push shift smoothconstraint moveto for var length var beziercurveto else moveto for var length lineto closepath var jo function this points null this smooth this smoothconstraint null cx function function return call this this return bt prototype getdefaultshape function return new jo prototype buildpath function tx pt cx prototype type polygon const de cx var qo function this points null this percent this smooth this smoothconstraint null ax function function return call this this return bt prototype getdefaultstyle function return stroke fill null prototype getdefaultshape function return new qo prototype buildpath function tx pt ax prototype type polyline const le ax var jo function this this this this this percent mx function function return call this this return bt prototype getdefaultstyle function return stroke fill null prototype getdefaultshape function return new prototype buildpath function var if this subpixeloptimize var jo this style else var percent moveto lineto prototype pointat function var this shape return pt mx prototype type line const ie mx var ne tn function this this this this this cpx this cpy this percent function dx return null cpx null cpy re cpx cpx re cpy cpy bv le cpx bv le cpy var lx function function return call this this return bt prototype getdefaultstyle function return stroke fill null prototype getdefaultshape function return new tn prototype buildpath function var cpx cpy cpx cpy percent moveto null null jo ne ne ne jo ne ne ne quadraticcurveto ia ne ne ne ne ia ne ne ne ne beziercurveto prototype pointat function return dx this shape prototype tangentat function var dx this shape return vn pt lx prototype type bezier curve const zs lx var en function this cx this cy this this startangle this endangle math pi this clockwise ix function function return call this this return bt prototype getdefaultstyle function return stroke fill null prototype getdefaultshape function return new en prototype buildpath function var cx cy math max startangle endangle clockwise math cos math sin moveto arc pt ix prototype type arc const ff ix var rn function function var null apply this arguments this return type compound return bt prototype updatepathdirty function for var this shape paths this shapechanged length shapechanged this dirtyshape prototype beforebrush function this updatepathdirty for var this shape paths this getglobalscale length path createpathproxy path setscale segmentignorethreshold prototype buildpath function for var paths length buildpath shape prototype afterbrush function for var this shape paths length pathupdated prototype getboundingrect function return this updatepathdirty call this pt prototype getboundingrect call this pt const hf rn var an function function this colorstops return prototype addcolorstop function this colorstops push offset color const px an var nn function function var call this this return type linear global return bt px const eo nn var in function function var call this this return type radial global return bt px const wp in var zn xn vf new lt cf new lt on function function this corners this axes this origin for var this corners new lt for this axes new lt this fromboundingrect return prototype fromboundingrect function var this corners this axes width height if set set set set for var transform for lt sub lt sub normalize normalize this origin dot prototype intersect function var return vf set cf set this intersectcheckoneside this vf cf this intersectcheckoneside this vf cf lt copy vf cf prototype intersectcheckoneside function for var var this axes if this getprojminmaxonaxis corners zn this getprojminmaxonaxis corners xn zn xn if return var math abs xn zn math abs zn xn math min len lt scale else math abs xn zn math abs zn xn math min len lt scale return prototype getprojminmaxonaxis function for var this axes this origin dot length var dot math min math max const pf on var sn ln function function var null apply this arguments this return notclear incremental displayables temporarydisplayables cursor return bt prototype traverse function call this prototype usestyle function this style prototype getcursor function return this cursor prototype innerafterbrush function this cursor this displayables length prototype cleardisplaybles function this displayables this temporarydisplayables this cursor this markredraw this notclear prototype cleartemporaldisplayables function this temporarydisplayables prototype adddisplayable function this temporarydisplayables push this displayables push this markredraw prototype adddisplayables function for var length this adddisplayable prototype getdisplayables function return this displayables prototype gettemporaldisplayables function return this temporarydisplayables prototype eachpendingdisplayable function for var this cursor this displayables length this displayables for this temporarydisplayables length this temporarydisplayables prototype update function this updatetransform for var this cursor this displayables length this displayables parent this update parent null for this temporarydisplayables length var this temporarydisplayables parent this update parent null prototype getboundingrect function if this rect for var new ut this displayables length var this displayables getboundingrect clone needlocaltransform applytransform getlocaltransform sn union this rect return this rect prototype contain function var this transformcoordtolocal if this getboundingrect contain for var this displayables length if this displayables contain return return tr const rx ln var df math max gf math min up function ex return pt extend function kx return function zo var dx return function function var call this this return applytransform applytransform buildpath buildpath return bt cx function or up function yf if up hasownproperty return up function gs var gx return center ox getboundingrect zp function yp var new ue style image width width height height onload function center setstyle ox width width height height return function ox var width height height return width height width width height width height var ye function go for var length math abs right left bottom top function nx return isgroup function fs if var function var return traverse function nx anid anid traverse function if nx anid var anid if var attr ct nt dataindex function var rotation rotation return function hn return null shape shape shape function xp return function var df gf width var return df gf height function vx var df gf width width df gf height height if return width height function ao var recthover style strokenoscale if width height return indexof image image slice new ue gs replace path center function hs for var length length var if bx return function bx var qp if function vn return return var qp if return var qp return function qp return function no var itemtooltipoption componentmodel itemname formatter maintype componentindex componenttype name vars name index var formatterparamsextra mt function vars push var nt el componentmaintype componentindex tooltipconfig name option content formatterparams function zx var isgroup traverse function ya if if for var length zx else zx or circle tr or ellipse lf or sector me or ring bs or polygon de or polyline le or rect st or line ie or beziercurve zs or arc ff var gx tt cn ji kp function function this group new rt this uid hi viewchart this rendertask es plan pn reset dn this rendertask context view this return prototype init function prototype render function prototype highlight function var getdata datatype hx emphasis prototype downplay function var getdata datatype hx normal prototype remove function this group removeall prototype dispose function prototype updateview function this render prototype updatelayout function this render prototype updatevisual function this render prototype eachrendered function ya this group markupdatemethod function gx updatemethod protoinitialize void prototype type chart function fx xs emphasis ua fa function hx var wn null highlightkey function ze var ls return null ss ls ss highlightkey null null pt function fx getitemgraphicel eachitemgraphicel function fx function pn return cn model function dn var model ecmodel api payload pipelinecontext progressiverender view gx updatemethod incrementalpreparerender render return render gn tc kp mu kp var gn incrementalpreparerender progress function view incrementalrender model ecmodel api payload render forcefirstprogress progress function view render model ecmodel api payload const et kp var sf throttleoriginmethod wx throttlerate ux throttletype function xf var null function new date gettime null apply var function for var settimeout return clear function cleartimeout null debouncenextcall function function io var if var sf if wx ux if null return xf debounce sf ux wx return function ws var sf clear clear sf var yx tt zx itemstyle cn vs linestyle cn ns yn linestyle stroke itemstyle fill function xx return visualstylemapper zx console warn unknown style type zx itemstyle function qx return visualdrawtype yn console warn unknown style type fill var mn createonallseries performrawseries reset function var getdata visualstyleaccesspath itemstyle getmodel xx getshallow decal setvisual decal dirty var qx null if auto fill auto stroke var getcolorfrompalette name null getseriescount setvisual colorfrompalette fill auto fill fill fill stroke auto stroke stroke stroke if setvisual style setvisual drawtype isseriesfiltered return setvisual colorfrompalette dataeach function var getdataparams setitemvisual style us new rt createonallseries performrawseries reset function if ignorestyleondata isseriesfiltered var getdata visualstyleaccesspath itemstyle xx getvisual drawtype return dataeach hasitemoption function var getrawdataitem if us option var us ensureuniqueitemvisual style us option decal setitemvisual decal us option decal us option decal dirty in setitemvisual colorfrompalette null sn performrawseries overallreset function var eachseries function var getcolorby if iscolorbyseries var type get set yx scope eachseries function if iscolorbyseries isseriesfiltered var getrawdata getdata yx scope qx visualstyleaccesspath itemstyle each function var getrawindex each function var if getitemvisual colorfrompalette var ensureuniqueitemvisual style getname count getcolorfrompalette bf math pi bn function function this stagetaskmap this ecinstance this api this dataprocessorhandlers slice this visualhandlers slice this allhandlers concat return prototype restoredata function restoredata this stagetaskmap each function var overalltask dirty prototype getperformargs function if pipeline var this pipelinemap get pipeline id context progressiveenabled progressiverender idxinpipeline blockindex step null moddatacount return step modby null math ceil null moddatacount prototype getpipeline function return this pipelinemap get prototype updatestreammodes function var this pipelinemap get uid getdata count progressiveenabled incrementalpreparerender threshold get large get largethreshold mod get progressivechunkmode null pipelinecontext context progressiverender moddatacount large prototype restorepipelines function var this pipelinemap eachseries function var getprogressive uid set id head null tail null threshold getprogressivethreshold progressiveenabled preventincremental preventincremental blockindex step math round count pipe datatask prototype preparestagetasks function var this stagetaskmap this api getmodel this api this allhandlers function var get uid set uid de reset overallreset reset this createseriesstagetask overallreset this createoverallstagetask this prototype prepareview function var rendertask context model ecmodel api block incrementalpreparerender this pipe prototype performdataprocessortasks function this performstagetasks this dataprocessorhandlers block prototype performvisualtasks function this performstagetasks this visualhandlers prototype performstagetasks function var this function return setdirty dirtymap dirtymap get pipeline id function if visualtype visualtype visualtype var stagetaskmap get uid seriestaskmap overalltask if var agentstubmap each function dirty dirty updatepayload var getperformargs block each function perform perform else each function dirty var getperformargs block skip performrawseries isseriesfiltered context model updatepayload perform this unfinished this unfinished prototype performseriestasks function var eachseries function datatask perform this unfinished this unfinished prototype plan function this pipelinemap each function var tail do if block blockindex idxinpipeline break getupstream while prototype updatepayload function remain context payload prototype createseriesstagetask function var this seriestaskmap seriestaskmap seriestype gettargetseries function var uid set get es plan mn reset dn count in context model ecmodel api useclearvisual isvisual islayout plan plan reset reset scheduler pipe createonallseries eachrawseries eachrawseriesbytype each prototype createoverallstagetask function var this overalltask overalltask es reset wn context ecmodel api overallreset overallreset scheduler var agentstubmap agentstubmap seriestype gettargetseries function var uid set get es reset tn ondirty an context model overallprogress agent block pipe de createonallseries eachrawseriesbytype each getseries dirty prototype pipe function var this pipelinemap get uid head head tail tail pipe tail idxinpipeline count pipeline wrapstagehandler function return overallreset seriestype pn uid hi stagehandler visualtype function wn overallreset ecmodel api payload function tn return overallprogress cn function cn this agent dirty this getdownstream dirty function an this agent this agent dirty function mn return plan plan model ecmodel api payload null function dn useclearvisual data clearallvisual var resetdefines pt reset model ecmodel api payload return length function return kx ln var ln kx function kx return function var data resetdefines if dataeach for var start end dataeach else progress progress function in return data count function pn wf null try ys jx catch return wf var wf ys jx function qx for var in prototype xt qx ys qx jx ys eachseriesbytype ys eachrawseriesbytype function wf ys eachcomponent function series maintype subtype wf subtype const jx bn var da fe ffdb ff fb ae bcf ea bfff const rn color colorlayer da ffd fd da ffdb ff ae da fe ffdb ff fb bcf ea bfff var ie ce tb tf function return axisline linestyle color ie splitline linestyle color splitarea areastyle color rgba rgba minorsplitline linestyle color eb ff cffb fddd ff ff dd ff rb darkmode color eb backgroundcolor tb axispointer linestyle color crossstyle color label color fff legend textstyle color ie textstyle color ie title textstyle color eef fa subtextstyle color ce toolbox iconstyle bordercolor ie datazoom bordercolor textstyle color ie brushstyle color rgba handlestyle color bordercolor cbe movehandlestyle color opacity fillercolor rgba emphasis handlestyle bordercolor color movehandlestyle color opacity databackground linestyle color width areastyle color selecteddatabackground linestyle color ce areastyle color ce visualmap textstyle color ie timeline linestyle color ie label color ie controlstyle color ie bordercolor ie calendar itemstyle color tb daylabel color ie monthlabel color ie yearlabel color ie timeaxis tf logaxis tf valueaxis tf categoryaxis tf line symbol circle graph color eb gauge title color ie axisline linestyle color rgba axislabel color ie detail color eef fa candlestick itemstyle color color ea bordercolor bordercolor ea rb categoryaxis splitline show const en rb var kn function function return prototype normalizequery function var if var br maintype main null subtype sub null else var index name id name dataindex datatype function for var length length var slice data maintype tolowercase hasownproperty return cptquery dataquery otherquery prototype filter function var this eventinfo if return var targetel packedevent model view if return var cptquery dataquery return maintype subtype index componentindex name id name dataindex datatype filterforexposedevent filterforexposedevent otherquery function return null prototype aftertrigger function this eventinfo null jp symbol symbolsize symbolrotate symboloffset ab jp concat symbolkeepaspect on createonallseries performrawseries reset function var getdata if legendicon setvisual legendicon legendicon hassymbolvisual for var jp length var jp get if symbol symbol defaultsymbol setvisual legendicon legendicon symbol symbolkeepaspect get symbolkeepaspect isseriesfiltered var mt return dataeach function for var getrawvalue getdataparams length var setitemvisual null nn createonallseries performrawseries reset function if hassymbolvisual isseriesfiltered return dataeach getdata hasitemoption function for var getitemmodel ab length var ab getshallow null setitemvisual null function qp switch case color return getitemvisual style getvisual drawtype case opacity return getitemvisual style opacity case symbol case symbolsize case liftz return getitemvisual function zs switch case color return getvisual style getvisual drawtype case opacity return getvisual style opacity case symbol case symbolsize case liftz return getvisual function nb switch case color ensureuniqueitemvisual style getvisual drawtype setitemvisual colorfrompalette break case opacity ensureuniqueitemvisual style opacity break case symbol case symbolsize case liftz setitemvisual function ib function var return eachcomponent maintype series subtype query function push seriesindex toggleselect toggleselect select select unselect unselect function function dispatchaction type seriesindex function oo var issilent eachcomponent maintype series subtype pie function for var seriesindex option selectedmap selected kn createradialgradient function jn var return global width width height height kn kn kn kn createlineargradient colorstops function return solid dashed dotted wt null null linedash linewidth linedashoffset if var strokenoscale getlinescale getlinescale function return return var tv new hr function mf var stroke return null none linewidth function ob return string typeof none function df var fill return null none function sb if null fillopacity fillopacity var globalalpha globalalpha fillopacity opacity fill globalalpha else fill function lb if null strokeopacity strokeopacity var globalalpha globalalpha strokeopacity opacity stroke globalalpha else stroke function td var ac image image if du var createpattern repeat repeat if function typeof dommatrix settransform var new dommatrix translateself rotateself rotation go scaleself scalex scaley settransform return var ub shadowblur shadowoffsetx shadowoffsety fb linecap butt linejoin miter miterlimit function hb var if return if opacity opacity ve var math max math min opacity globalalpha isnan an opacity blend blend ve globalcompositeoperation blend an blend for var ub length var ub ve dpr return shadowcolor shadowcolor ve shadowcolor shadowcolor an shadowcolor function vb var qs inhover null qs inhover if return var hb if fill fill ve ob fill fillstyle fill stroke stroke ve ob stroke strokestyle stroke opacity opacity ve globalalpha opacity hasstroke var linewidth strokenoscale getlinescale getlinescale linewidth ve linewidth for var fb length var fb ve return function cb var transform dpr settransform settransform function ve batchfill fill batchstroke stroke batchfill batchstroke function qs return hoverstyle style function ed jn inhover viewwidth viewheight function jn var transform if shouldbepainted viewwidth viewheight return dirty void isrendered var clippaths prevelclippaths if function jn if return if length length return for var length if return return length ve restore prevelclippaths null allclipped prevel null length ve save function iv for var length var iszeroarea cb beginpath buildpath shape clip allclipped prevelclippaths allclipped isrendered else beforebrush beforebrush innerbeforebrush var prevel var instanceof pt autobatch function sv var df mf return linedash string typeof fill string typeof stroke strokepercent strokeopacity fillopacity style function ov return transform ve cb ve var qs inhover instanceof pt lastdrawtype lastdrawtype vb batchfill batchstroke beginpath function ev var mf df strokepercent path silent createpathproxy var path tv dirty if var fill stroke colorstops colorstops image image void void void void void getboundingrect jp canvasfillgradient canvasfillgradient jp canvasstrokegradient canvasstrokegradient canvasfillpattern td canvasfillpattern canvasfillpattern canvasstrokepattern td canvasstrokepattern canvasstrokepattern fillstyle fillstyle strokestyle strokestyle var getglobalscale setscale segmentignorethreshold setlinedash linedash var setdpr dpr setcontext null setcontext reset buildpath shape tostatic pathupdated rebuildpath setlinedash linedashoffset strokefirst lb sb sb lb setlinedash batchfill fill batchstroke stroke instanceof gs lastdrawtype lastdrawtype vb function av var text if null font font wa textalign textalign textbaseline textbaseline var void void setlinedash linedash setlinedash linedashoffset strokefirst mf stroketext df filltext df filltext mf stroketext setlinedash instanceof ue lastdrawtype lastdrawtype function nv hb qs inhover qs inhover function rv var image ac image image onload if du var getwidth getheight width height if null null null null null null width height swidth sheight drawimage sx sy swidth sheight else if sx sy var drawimage sx sy else drawimage gettemporaldisplayables lastdrawtype lastdrawtype function lv var getdisplayables gettemporaldisplayables save var prevelclippaths null prevel null allclipped viewwidth viewwidth viewheight viewheight inhover inhover for getcursor length beforebrush beforebrush innerbeforebrush jn innerafterbrush afterbrush afterbrush prevel for var length var beforebrush beforebrush innerbeforebrush jn innerafterbrush afterbrush afterbrush prevel cleartemporaldisplayables notclear restore ve innerafterbrush afterbrush afterbrush prevel dirty isrendered var rd new fn mb new qo symbol symbolsize symbolkeepaspect color backgroundcolor dasharrayx dasharrayy maxtilewidth maxtileheight function uo if none return null var getdevicepixelratio getzr svg painter type dirty rd delete var rd get if return var symbol rect symbolsize symbolkeepaspect color rgba backgroundcolor null dasharrayx dasharrayy rotation maxtilewidth maxtileheight none backgroundcolor backgroundcolor null var repeat repeat return function for var length var _b if null wt boolean typeof break push var if join svg var mb get svgelement image var xb dasharrayx function uv if object typeof length return if wt var math ceil return var function return math ceil return length concat dasharrayy sb symbol function fv return function return bb bb dr createcanvas tag attrs key dcl children function for var length var for length length var length length return width math max math min maxtilewidth height math max math min maxtileheight width width height height getcontext function clearrect width height backgroundcolor fillstyle backgroundcolor fillrect width height for var length if for var height if for var length width var for length if break if var symbolsize at symbolsize symbolsize length length length length function at yt vt ft ht var at qt kt ht yt at vt at at ft at color symbolkeepaspect if var yt painter renderonetovnode qt yt children push yt else ed qt mb put image svgelement svgwidth width svgheight height rotation rotation scalex scaley rd set dirty function sb if length return rect if return for var length if break if return sb var for length push push return function xb if length return if wt return math ceil for var length if wt break if return xb var for length if wt var math ceil push else function return math ceil push length concat return function bb for var length return length const mr new je var wb function tb return wb var pv dv zrender db processor filter series_filter statistic visual layout progressive_layout global chart post_chart_layout component brush chart_item aria decal se flaginmainprocess be pendingupdate nd needsupdatestatus lb za id connectupdatestatus function pb return function for var arguments length arguments if this isdisposed return eb this function rb return function for var unfinished unfinished this zr flush prototype getdom function return this dom prototype getid function return this id prototype getzr function return this zr prototype isssr function return this ssr prototype setoption function if this se if this disposed return var if lazyupdate silent replacemerge transition notmerge this se this model var new nk this api this theme this model new scheduler this scheduler ssr this ssr init null null null this locale this model setoption replacemerge cd var seriestransition optionchanged if this be silent updateparams this se this getzr wakeup else try fo this za update call this null catch throw this be null this se this ssr this zr flush this be null this se ks call this js call this prototype settheme function prototype getmodel function return this model prototype getoption function return this model this model getoption prototype getwidth function return this zr getwidth prototype getheight function return this zr getheight prototype getdevicepixelratio function return this zr painter dpr bt hasglobalwindow window devicepixelratio prototype getrenderedcanvas function return this rendertocanvas prototype rendertocanvas function return this zr painter getrenderedcanvas backgroundcolor backgroundcolor this model get backgroundcolor pixelratio pixelratio this getdevicepixelratio prototype rendertosvgstring function return this zr painter rendertostring useviewbox useviewbox prototype getsvgdataurl function if bt svgsupported var this zr return storage getdisplaylist function stopanimation null painter todataurl prototype getdataurl function if this disposed var this model this excludecomponents function eachcomponent maintype function var componentsmap viewid group ignore push group ignore var svg this zr painter gettype this getsvgdataurl this rendertocanvas todataurl image type png return function group ignore prototype getconnecteddataurl function if this disposed var svg type this group math min math max if of var pixelratio this getdevicepixelratio qn function if group var getzr painter getsvgdom innerhtml rendertocanvas et getdom getboundingclientrect left top right bottom push dom left left top top var dr createcanvas pc renderer svg canvas if resize width height var return function dom painter getsvgroot innerhtml connectedbackgroundcolor painter setbackgroundcolor connectedbackgroundcolor refreshimmediately painter todataurl return connectedbackgroundcolor add new st shape width height style fill connectedbackgroundcolor function var new ue style left top image dom add refreshimmediately todataurl image type png return this getdataurl prototype converttopixel function return sd this converttopixel prototype convertfrompixel function return sd this convertfrompixel prototype containpixel function var if this disposed return vs this model function indexof models function var coordinatesystem if containpoint containpoint else if seriesmodels var this chartsmap viewid containpoint containpoint this this prototype getvisual function var vs this model defaultmaintype series seriesmodel getdata hasownproperty dataindexinside dataindexinside hasownproperty dataindex indexofrawindex dataindex null return null qp zs prototype getviewofcomponentmodel function return this componentsmap viewid prototype getviewofseriesmodel function return this chartsmap viewid prototype initevents function var this lv function var function var getmodel target if globalout qn function var nt if null dataindex var datamodel getseriesbyindex seriesindex return getdataparams dataindex datatype if eventdata return eventdata var componenttype componentindex markline markpoint markarea series seriesindex var null getcomponent series maintype _chartsmap _componentsmap viewid event type eventprocessor eventinfo targetel packedevent model view trigger zreventfulcallatlast zr on qs function messagecenter on function this trigger selectchanged function messagecenter on function this trigger function vn on selectchanged function var getmodel isfromclick oo map selectchanged oo pie selectchanged select fromaction oo map selected oo pie selected unselect fromaction oo map unselected oo pie unselected this messagecenter this this api prototype isdisposed function return this disposed prototype clear function this disposed this setoption series prototype dispose function if this disposed this disposed this getdom this getdom dd var this api model componentsviews function dispose chartsviews function dispose zr dispose dom model chartsmap componentsmap chartsviews componentsviews scheduler api zr throttledzrflush theme coordsysmgr messagecenter null delete qn id prototype resize function if this se if this disposed return this zr resize var this model if this loadingfx this loadingfx resize var resetoption media silent this be null this be silent this be null this se try fo this za update call this type resize animation duration animation catch throw this se this se ks call this js call this prototype showloading function if this disposed default this hideloading pd var pd this api this zr this loadingfx add prototype hideloading function this disposed this loadingfx this zr remove this loadingfx this loadingfx null prototype makeactionfromevent function var return type qs type prototype dispatchaction function if this disposed silent ef type this model if this se return void this pendingactions push var silent ud call this var flush this zr flush bt browser wechat this throttledzrflush ks call this js call this prototype updatelabellayout function mr trigger series layoutlabels this model this api updatedseries prototype appenddata function if this disposed var seriesindex this getmodel getseriesbyindex appenddata this scheduler unfinished this getzr wakeup internalfield function function clearcolorpalette eachseries function clearcolorpalette function for var currentstates length var emphasis blur select push selected states select push select hoverstate states emphasis push emphasis hoverstate states blur push blur usestates function if preventautoz var get get zlevel eachrendered function return function var gettextcontent gettextguideline if isgroup for var childrenref duration delay get delay easing get easing null eachrendered function if states states emphasis if gi return if instanceof pt function ge var us normalfill style fill normalstroke style stroke var states select selectfill style style fill null selectstroke style style stroke null dirty var prevstates usestates if statetransition var gettextcontent gettextguideline statetransition statetransition dirty fo function var scheduler restorepipelines model preparestagetasks od od plan od function for var model scheduler componentsviews chartsviews componentsmap chartsmap zr api length alive function var requirenewview requirenewview var _ec_ id type if var br type new gt getclass main sub et getclass sub init push add group viewid id alive model group eccomponentinfo maintype maintype index componentindex prepareview for eachcomponent function series eachseries length var alive rendertask dispose remove group dispose splice id delete id id group eccomponentinfo null if function var model if setupdatepayload var id id index index name name var maintype query subtype var excludeseriesid null pt function var te null null set eachcomponent function if null get id if cs if instanceof nt type kn notblur get emphasis disabled function pe var seriesindex getdata datatype if var wn var getitemgraphicel if for var count getitemgraphicel if var nt xc focus blurscope else var get emphasis focus get emphasis blurscope null xc api else var kc maintype componentindex name api dispatchers type kn focusself notblur qc maintype componentindex api function type kn ua fa else qc instanceof nt function ke if qc var datatype wn getdata type ss toggleselect type select unselect ws sr eachcomponent function null get id series _chartsmap _componentsmap viewid else concat componentsviews concat chartsviews function alive model api za prepareandupdate function fo this za update call this optionchanged null newoption update function var this model this api this zr this coordsysmgr this scheduler if setupdatepayload restoredata performseriestasks create performdataprocessortasks ld this update performvisualtasks fd this var get backgroundcolor transparent get darkmode setbackgroundcolor null auto setdarkmode mr trigger afterupdate updatetransform function var this this model this api if setupdatepayload var eachcomponent function if series var getviewofcomponentmodel if alive if updatetransform var updatetransform update push else push var eachseries function var chartsmap viewid if updatetransform var updatetransform update set uid else set uid this scheduler performvisualtasks setdirty dirtymap pf this mr trigger afterupdate updateview function var this model setupdatepayload et markupdatemethod updateview this scheduler performvisualtasks setdirty fd this this api mr trigger afterupdate this api updatevisual function var this this model setupdatepayload eachseries function getdata clearallvisual et markupdatemethod updatevisual this scheduler performvisualtasks visualtype visual setdirty eachcomponent function if series var getviewofcomponentmodel alive updatevisual api eachseries function chartsmap viewid updatevisual api mr trigger afterupdate this api updatelayout function za update call this sd function if disposed for var model coordsysmgr getcoordinatesystems vs get hoverlayerthreshold bt node bt worker eachseries function if preventusinghoverlayer var chartsmap viewid alive eachrendered function states emphasis states emphasis hoverlayer mr trigger series afterupdate sr function nd getzr wakeup fb function nd getzr storage traverse function gi nd zb function return new function function return null apply this arguments this return prototype getcoordinatesystems function return coordsysmgr getcoordinatesystems prototype getcomponentbyelement function for var eccomponentinfo if null return model getcomponent maintype index parent prototype enteremphasis function ua sr prototype leaveemphasis function fa sr prototype enterblur function ms sr prototype leaveblur function zc sr prototype enterselect function _s sr prototype leaveselect function ss sr prototype getmodel function return getmodel prototype getviewofcomponentmodel function return getviewofcomponentmodel prototype getviewofseriesmodel function return getviewofseriesmodel gb function function for var length id qs function messagecenter on function if of group id if escapeconnect return var makeactionfromevent qn function group group push function id dispatchaction je hd rf prototype hd on pb on hd off pb off hd one function var this this on call this function for var arguments length arguments apply apply this off var lv click dblclick mouseover mouseout mousemove mousedown mouseup globalout contextmenu ef qs vd cd kf hb pd qn of iv new date pv new date dd _echarts_instance_ function rv var ssr if var gd if return var new rf return id ec_ iv qn id dd id gb mr trigger afterinit function ev if var null function null group group g_ pv function group return of function wb of var kv wb function ov qn instanceof rf gd instanceof rf isdisposed dispose function gd return qn function ar return getattribute getattribute dd function nv return qn function yd hb function md ht cd qb push var jx wrapstagehandler prio raw push function xd pd function bv jm createcanvas function kb var tb registermap function zv var tb getmap return var jb function co var et type dt var split length dt var echarts isbuiltin set xa mn xa xa sn xa on xa nn xa function hv eachrawseries function if isseriesfiltered var getdata hasitemvisual each function var getitemvisual decal ensureuniqueitemvisual style decal uo var getvisual decal getvisual style decal uo md function uk var eachseries function var get stack if var get set getdata stackresultdimension getcalculationinfo stackresultdimension stackedoverdimension getcalculationinfo stackedoverdimension stackeddimension getcalculationinfo stackeddimension stackedbydimension getcalculationinfo stackedbydimension isstackedbyindex getcalculationinfo isstackedbyindex data seriesmodel if stackeddimension isstackedbyindex stackedbydimension return length setcalculationinfo stackedonseries length seriesmodel push each yk xd default function xn text loading textcolor fontsize fontweight normal fontstyle normal fontfamily sans serif maskcolor rgba showspinner color spinnerradius linewidth zlevel var new rt new st style fill maskcolor zlevel zlevel add var new xt style text text fill textcolor fontsize fontsize fontweight fontweight fontstyle fontstyle fontfamily fontfamily zlevel zlevel new st style fill none textcontent textconfig position right distance zlevel zlevel return add showspinner new ff shape startangle bf endangle bf spinnerradius style stroke color linecap round linewidth linewidth zlevel zlevel animateshape when endangle bf start circularinout animateshape when startangle bf delay start circularinout add resize function var getboundingrect width showspinner spinnerradius getwidth showspinner showspinner showspinner getheight showspinner setshape cx cy setshape width height setshape width getwidth height getheight resize dr type kn event kn update kn xt dr type nu event nu update nu xt dr type _s event _s update _s xt dr type vu event vu update vu xt dr type ss event ss update ss xt yd light rn yd dark en var gv qb fv registerpreprocessor md registerprocessor _d registerpostinit ub registerpostupdate yb registerupdatelifecycle nf registeraction dr registercoordinatesystem zb registerlayout xb registervisual xa registertransform jb registerloading xd registermap kb registerimpl function cv wb priority db componentmodel _t componentview gt seriesmodel nt chartview et registercomponentmodel function _t registerclass registercomponentview function gt registerclass registerseriesmodel function nt registerclass registerchartview function et registerclass registersubtypedefaulter function _t registersubtypedefaulter registerpainter function function ct function ct ht qb qb push install install fv function js return null length function jb return var hv function function this old this new this oldkeygetter jb this newkeygetter jb this context this diffmodemultiple multiple return prototype add function return this add this prototype update function return this update this prototype updatemanytoone function return this updatemanytoone this prototype updateonetomany function return this updateonetomany this prototype updatemanytomany function return this updatemanytomany this prototype remove function return this remove this prototype execute function this this diffmodemultiple _executemultiple _executeonetoone prototype executeonetoone function var this old this new new array length new array length this initindexmap null _oldkeygetter this initindexmap _newkeygetter for var var shift length this update this update else null this update this update this remove this remove this performrestadd prototype executemultiple function var this new this initindexmap this old _oldkeygetter this initindexmap _newkeygetter for var this updatemanytoone this updatemanytoone null else if this updateonetomany this updateonetomany null else if this update this update null else if this updatemanytomany this updatemanytomany null else if for var this remove this remove else this remove this remove this performrestadd prototype performrestadd function for var for var this add this add else this add this add null prototype initindexmap function for var this diffmodemultiple length var _ec_ this if var js push push const ca hv var wv function function this encode this schema return prototype get function return fulldimensions this getfulldimensionnames encode this encode prototype getfulldimensionnames function return this cacheddimnames this cacheddimnames this schema this schema makeoutputdimensionnames this cacheddimnames function bd return hasownproperty function vf return category ordinal time time float const bf function this otherdims null this var xv tt qv float int ordinal number time function function this dimensions dimensions this dimomitted dimensionomitted this source source this fulldimcount fulldimensioncount this updatedimomitted dimensionomitted return prototype isdimensionomitted function return this dimomitted prototype updatedimomitted function this dimomitted this dimnamemap this dimnamemap rw this source prototype getsourcedimensionindex function return st this dimnamemap get prototype getsourcedimension function var this source dimensionsdefine if return prototype makestoreschema function for var this fulldimcount this source aw var void void void this dimensions if storedimindex name null type ordinalmeta else var this getsourcedimension name null type push property type ordinalmeta null iscalculationcoord replace replace qv uid var this source return dimensions hash serieslayoutby startindex join prototype makeoutputdimensionnames function for var this fulldimcount var void this dimensions if storedimindex iscalculationcoord name else var this getsourcedimension name push return prototype appendcalculationdimension function this dimensions push iscalculationcoord this fulldimcount this updatedimomitted function tw return instanceof function ew for var var iw zf tl el wd gf td qa kv typeof int array array int array qv hasitemoption _namelist _idlist _invertedindicesmap _dimsummary useroutput _rawdata _dimvaluegetter _namedimidx _iddimidx _namerepeatcount jv _approximateextent function function this type list this dimomitted this namelist this idlist this visual this layout this itemvisuals this itemlayouts this graphicels this approximateextent this calculationinfo this hasitemoption this transferable_methods cloneshallow downsample lttbdownsample map this changable_methods filterself selectrange this downsample_methods downsample lttbdownsample var tw dimensions this dimomitted isdimensionomitted this schema for var length var new bf name instanceof bf new bf name type type float coorddim coorddim coorddimindex var otherdims otherdims push null createinvertedindices itemname this namedimidx itemid this iddimidx storedimindex if this dimensions this diminfos this initgetdimensioninfo this hostmodel this invertedindicesmap this dimomitted var this dimidxtoname function set storedimindex return prototype getdimension function var this recognizedimindex if null return if this dimomitted return this dimensions var this dimidxtoname get if null return var this schema getsourcedimension return name void prototype getdimensionindex function var this recognizedimindex if null return if null return var this getdiminfo return storedimindex this dimomitted this schema getsourcedimensionindex prototype recognizedimindex function if wt null isnan this getdiminfo this dimomitted this schema getsourcedimensionindex return prototype getstoredimindex function return this getdimensionindex prototype getdimensioninfo function return this getdiminfo this getdimension prototype initgetdimensioninfo function var this diminfos this getdiminfo function return hasownproperty void function return prototype getdimensionsoncoord function return this dimsummary datadimsoncoord slice prototype mapdimension function var this dimsummary if null return encodefirstdimnotextra var encode return null prototype mapdimensionsall function return this dimsummary encode slice prototype getstore function return this store prototype initdata function var this if instanceof ep var this dimensions tp fe new length new ep var qa function return type diminfos type property initdata this store this namelist slice this idlist this namerepeatcount this doinit count this dimsummary function uv var encode dimensions function var getdimensioninfo coorddim if var coorddimindex bd isextracoord set function yv return ordinal time type bd getdimensionindex name defaulttooltip push each function var bd otherdims null name var each function var concat datadimsoncoord datadimindicesoncoord function return getdimensioninfo storedimindex encodefirstdimnotextra var label length slice var tooltip return length slice length slice defaultedlabel defaultedtooltip useroutput new wv this this schema this useroutput this dimsummary useroutput prototype appenddata function var this store appenddata this doinit prototype appendvalues function var this store appendvalues length start end this shouldmakeidfromname if this updateordinalmeta for var this namelist td this prototype updateordinalmeta function for var this store this dimensions var this store getprovider this updateordinalmeta var this namelist this idlist if getsource sourceformat ar pure for var var getitem if this hasitemoption cr this hasitemoption var name null null te null var id null null te null if this shouldmakeidfromname for td this iw this prototype getapproximateextent function return this approximateextent this store getdataextent this getstoredimindex prototype setapproximateextent function this getdimension this approximateextent slice prototype getcalculationinfo function return this calculationinfo prototype setcalculationinfo function this calculationinfo this calculationinfo prototype getname function var this getrawindex this namelist return null null this namedimidx tl this this namedimidx null prototype getcategory function var this store get this store getordinalmeta return categories prototype getid function return zf this this getrawindex prototype count function return this store count prototype get function var this diminfos if return this store get storedimindex prototype getbyrawindex function var this diminfos if return this store getbyrawindex storedimindex prototype getindices function return this store getindices prototype getdataextent function return this store getdataextent this getstoredimindex prototype getsum function return this store getsum this getstoredimindex prototype getmedian function return this store getmedian this getstoredimindex prototype getvalues function var this this store return getvalues qa function return getstoredimindex getvalues prototype hasvalue function for var this dimsummary datadimindicesoncoord length if isnan this store get return return prototype indexofname function for var this store count prototype ensureuniqueitemvisual function var this itemvisuals var return null this getvisual slice prototype setitemvisual function var this itemvisuals this itemvisuals prototype clearallvisual function this visual this itemvisuals prototype setlayout function this layout this layout prototype getlayout function return this layout prototype getitemlayout function return this itemlayouts prototype setitemlayout function this itemlayouts this itemlayouts prototype clearitemlayouts function this itemlayouts length prototype setitemgraphicel function fc this hostmodel this hostmodel seriesindex this datatype this graphicels prototype getitemgraphicel function return this graphicels prototype eachitemgraphicel function this graphicels function call prototype cloneshallow function return new this schema this schema qa this dimensions this getdiminfo this this hostmodel wd this store this store prototype wrapmethod function var this this wrappedmethods this wrappedmethods this wrappedmethods push this function var apply this arguments return apply this concat jl arguments internalfield iw function var invertedindicesmap function var diminfos ordinalmeta store if new kv categories length for var length for ec const xe function tb return ho dimensions function ho tp ap var coorddimensions dimensionsdefine dimensionsdefine function rb var math max dimensionsdetectedcount length length return function var dimsdef math max length dimensionscount canomitunuseddimensions aw dimensionsdefine rw ew encodedefine encodedefaulter encodedefaulter for var new length function var if var name new bf name return null null get name displayname null type type type null displayname displayname displayname length storedimindex push return if for each function var pt slice if length set else var set function var get null var function null get otherdims coorddim coorddimindex set function var if else name var ordinalmeta ordinalmeta null ordinalmeta dimsdef otherdims name coorddim coorddimindex dimsdef otherdims null var get if if pt length for var length for null coorddim push function var if null type type type null name var name name displayname name defaulttooltip defaulttooltip otherdims var generatecoord generatecoordcount null var value function null name name coorddim if function sort function return storedimindex storedimindex else for var var null coorddim coorddim ab coorddimindex isextracoord null type isextracoord null otherdims itemname null otherdims seriesname type ordinal return function eb for var name set new source dimensions fulldimensioncount dimensionomitted function ab if haskey for var haskey return set var nb function this coordsysdims this axismap this categoryaxismap this coordsysname ob cartesian function var getreferringcomponents xaxis qt models getreferringcomponents yaxis qt models coordsysdims set set vo set firstcategorydimindex vo set null firstcategorydimindex firstcategorydimindex singleaxis function var getreferringcomponents singleaxis qt models coordsysdims single set single vo set single firstcategorydimindex polar function var getreferringcomponents polar qt models findaxismodel radiusaxis findaxismodel angleaxis coordsysdims radius angle set radius set angle vo set radius firstcategorydimindex vo set angle null firstcategorydimindex firstcategorydimindex geo function coordsysdims lng lat parallel function var ecmodel getcomponent parallel get parallelindex coordsysdims dimensions slice parallelaxisindex function var getcomponent parallelaxis set vo set null firstcategorydimindex firstcategorydimindex function vo return category get type function ow var byindex stackedcoorddimension function sb return tw schema schema dimensions store var get stack if function name isextracoord ordinalmeta ordinal type time type coorddim ecstackresult_ id ecstackedover_ id createinvertedindices var coorddim type function coorddim var name coorddim coorddimindex type isextracoord iscalculationcoord storedimindex length name coorddim coorddimindex type isextracoord iscalculationcoord storedimindex length storedimindex ensurecalculationdimension storedimindex ensurecalculationdimension appendcalculationdimension appendcalculationdimension push push return stackeddimension name stackedbydimension name isstackedbyindex stackedoverdimension stackresultdimension function pa return getcalculationinfo stackeddimension function cd return pa getcalculationinfo stackresultdimension const zr function fb var getsourcemanager ap getsource sourceformat ar var function ib var get coordinatesystem new nb ob if return axismap categoryaxismap function lb var get coordinatesystem ki get return coordsysdims coordsysdims function var name axismap get if var get type type vf return getdimensionsinfo getdimensionsinfo dimensions slice useencodedefaulter it null ho coorddimensions generatecoord generatecoord encodedefine getencode encodedefaulter canomitunuseddimensions function ub var return function var categoryaxismap get coorddim null ordinalmeta getordinalmeta createinvertedindices null otherdims itemname null otherdims itemname dimensions createinvertedindices null getshareddatastore ow schema store new xe setcalculationinfo var null function hb if sourceformat ar var function vb for var length null return data return oi function return this defaultdimvaluegetter null return hasitemoption initdata null var sw function function this setting this extent return prototype getsetting function return this setting prototype unionextent function var this extent prototype unionextentfromdata function this unionextent getapproximateextent prototype getextent function return this extent slice prototype setextent function var this extent isnan isnan prototype isinextentrange function return this extent prototype isblank function return this isblank prototype setblank function this isblank mu sw const da sw var cb pb function function this categories categories this needcollect needcollect this deduplication deduplication this uid cb return createbyaxismodel function var option data db return new categories needcollect deduplication dedplication prototype getordinal function return this getorcreatemap get prototype parseandcollect function var this needcollect if return if this deduplication return this categories this categories length var this getorcreatemap return null get this categories this categories length set nan prototype getorcreatemap function return this map this map this categories function db return null value value const ad pb function md return interval type log type function dd var math pow cu return wt function lw return xr function uw math max math min function ff return function hf return function wf return var fw function function var call this this type ordinal var getsetting ordinalmeta return new ad new ad categories function return value ordinalmeta extent getsetting extent categories length return prototype parse function return null nan this ordinalmeta getordinal math round prototype contain function return ff this parse this extent null this ordinalmeta categories prototype normalize function return hf this getticknumber this parse this extent prototype scale function return math round wf this extent this getrawordinalnumber prototype getticks function for var this extent push value return prototype getminorticks function prototype setsortinfo function if null for var ordinalnumbers this ordinalnumbersbytick this ticksbyordinalnumber this ordinalmeta categories length math min length var for var length prototype getlabel function if this isblank var this getrawordinalnumber value this ordinalmeta categories return null prototype count function return this extent this extent prototype unionextentfromdata function this unionextent getapproximateextent prototype isinextentrange function return this getticknumber this extent prototype getordinalmeta function return this ordinalmeta prototype calcniceticks function prototype calcniceextent function type ordinal da da registerclass fw const ld fw var jn wt hw function function var null apply this arguments this return type interval interval intervalprecision return prototype parse function return prototype contain function return ff this extent prototype normalize function return hf this extent prototype scale function return wf this extent prototype setextent function var this extent isnan parsefloat isnan parsefloat prototype unionextent function var this extent this setextent prototype getinterval function return this interval prototype setinterval function this interval this niceextent this extent slice this intervalprecision lw prototype getticks function var this interval this extent this niceextent this intervalprecision if return push value jn value for var return var length length value return push value jn value prototype getminorticks function for var this getticks this getextent length for var value value push push return prototype getlabel function if null return var precision return null xr value auto this intervalprecision fp jn value prototype calcniceticks function var this extent if isfinite reverse var function gb var interval mc null interval var intervalprecision lw return function yb isfinite isfinite uw uw nicetickextent wt math ceil wt math floor this intervalprecision intervalprecision this interval interval this niceextent nicetickextent prototype calcniceextent function var this extent if if var math abs fixmax else isfinite this calcniceticks splitnumber mininterval maxinterval var this interval fixmin jn math floor fixmax jn math ceil prototype setniceextent function this niceextent type interval da da registerclass hw const ka hw var vw typeof float array mb vw float array array function xr return vw new float array new mb var id ec_stack_ function pd return get stack id seriesindex function rd return dim index function cw var return eachseriesbytype function mw push function pw var function sb var function var coordinatesystem getbaseaxis if time type value type for var getdata dim index getdimensionindex mapdimension dim getstore count var get push var for var in if hasownproperty var if sort function return for var null null math min return return function var coordinatesystem getbaseaxis getextent if category type getbandwidth else if value type time type var dim index math abs scale getextent math abs else var getdata math abs count var get barwidth get barmaxwidth get barminwidth get bargap get barcategorygap push bandwidth barwidth barmaxwidth barminwidth bargap barcategorygap axiskey rd stackid pd dw function dw var function var axiskey bandwidth bandwidth remainedwidth autowidthcount categorygap null gap stacks stacks var stackid autowidthcount width maxwidth var barwidth width width math min remainedwidth remainedwidth var barmaxwidth maxwidth var barminwidth minwidth var bargap null gap var barcategorygap null categorygap var return function var stacks bandwidth categorygap if null var mt length math max var gap remainedwidth autowidthcount math max function var maxwidth minwidth if width var width math min math max width else width math max var function width width width width var function bandwidth offset width width width function gw var cw pw function var getdata coordinatesystem getbaseaxis pd rd setlayout bandwidth bandwidth offset offset size width function yw return seriestype plan ji reset function if mw var getdata coordinatesystem getbaseaxis getotheraxis getdimensionindex mapdimension dim getdimensionindex mapdimension dim get showbackground mapdimension dim getcalculationinfo stackresultdimension pa getcalculationinfo stackedonseries ishorizontal function bb return toglobalcoord datatocoord log type get barminheight getdimensionindex getlayout size getlayout offset return progress function for var count xr xr xr master getrect width height getstore null next var get get void get var void void void void if var datatopoint datatopoint math abs else datatopoint datatopoint math abs for var if break none if var null level level level length level math min length return as new date value this getsetting locale prototype getticks function var this extent if this interval return push value level var this getsetting useutc function ib var fs function for var new date push value gettime push value notadd function var length if function tb var ue ue function return ws ws function return year function return month function return day function return hour function return minute function return second switch case year return case month return case day return case hour return case minute return case second return case millisecond return millisecond wi value lb new date value for var unshift value value for length push return for var length var wi if nk length wi null if length sort function return value value for var push break var lt function return lt function return value value length for length for var length push value value level sort function return value value var for length value value push return this minlevelunit this approxinterval return concat push value level prototype calcniceextent function var this extent if rr rr var new date new date getfullyear getmonth getdate rr this calcniceticks splitnumber mininterval maxinterval prototype calcniceticks function var this extent this approxinterval null this approxinterval this approxinterval var uf length math min function for function ab return function mb return ts function xw return function db return mc function lb var new date switch wi case year case month us case day ys case hour zs case minute xs case second qs ks return gettime da registerclass sw const bw sw var ww da prototype rl ka prototype pb wt rb math floor eb math ceil yf math pow lr math log ed function function var null apply this arguments this return type log base originalscale new ka interval return prototype getticks function var this extent this originalscale getextent return rl getticks call this function var value wt yf this base return this fixmin zf value this fixmax zf this prototype setextent function var lr this base lr math max lr math max rl setextent call this prototype getextent function var this base ww getextent call this yf yf var this originalscale getextent return this fixmin zf this fixmax zf prototype unionextent function this originalscale unionextent var this base lr lr lr lr ww unionextent call this prototype unionextentfromdata function this unionextent getapproximateextent prototype calcniceticks function var this extent if var for isnan math abs var wt eb wt rb this interval this niceextent prototype calcniceextent function rl calcniceextent call this this fixmin fixmin this fixmax fixmax prototype parse function return prototype contain function return ff lr lr this base this extent prototype normalize function return hf lr lr this base this extent prototype scale function return wf this extent yf this base type log da tw ed prototype function zf return pb xr tw getminorticks rl getminorticks tw getlabel rl getlabel da registerclass ed const kb ed var ob function function this prepareparams return prototype prepareparams function var this determinedmin this determinedmax return null null min max minfixed maxfixed isblank prototype modifydataminmax function this vb prototype setdeterminedminmax function this nb prototype freeze function this frozen nb min _determinedmin max _determinedmax vb min _datamin max _datamax function cw var rawextentinfo return new ob rawextentinfo function xf return null null ti nan parse function aw var type cw getextent calculate setblank isblank var min max ecmodel if time var cw bar if function getbaseaxis axis var pw function bb var axis getextent function xb if var rd return null null pd axis if void return min max var function math min offset var function math max offset width math abs math abs var return min max min max return extent fixmin minfixed fixmax maxfixed function var aw extent get splitnumber instanceof kb base get logbase var type get interval interval time setextent calcniceextent splitnumber fixmin fixmin fixmax fixmax mininterval get mininterval null maxinterval get maxinterval null null setinterval setinterval function al if get type switch case category return new ld ordinalmeta getordinalmeta getordinalmeta getcategories extent case time return new bw locale ecmodel getlocalemodel useutc ecmodel get useutc default return new da getclass ka function nl var getlabelmodel get formatter category type scale getextent null return time scale type function return scale getformattedlabel function return function var scale getlabel return replace value function return function return null value kd null level level level null function return scale getlabel function kd return category type scale getlabel value function fb var math pi width height math abs math cos math abs math sin math abs math sin math abs math cos return new ut function od return get interval auto function mw return category type od getlabelmodel function qf var return mapdimensionsall function cd mt var co function function return prototype getneedcrosszero function return this option scale prototype getcoordsysmodel function function wb return zr null var ub isdimensionstacked pa enabledatastack ow getstackeddimension cd function yb var instanceof rt new rt var al return setextent function zb zt co function xb return ot null null normal state function dw return math abs function ti var if return for var length var sa var return dw dw sa var kb function nd for var length se function lw for var length var project isfinite isfinite ea ra var iw function function this name return prototype setcenter function this center prototype getcenter function var this center return this center this calccenter pw function this type polygon this exterior this interiors rw function this type linestring this points ew function function var call this this return type geojson geometries center return prototype calccenter function for var this geometries if return function jb for var length var return exterior var this getboundingrect return width height prototype getboundingrect function var this rect if return var return this geometries function polygon type lw exterior points function lw isfinite isfinite isfinite isfinite new ut this rect prototype contain function var this getboundingrect this geometries if contain return for var length var if polygon type var interiors if ti exterior for var length if ti continue return return prototype transformto function var this getboundingrect width height for var new ut calculatetransform this geometries length var polygon type nd exterior interiors function nd points function nd this rect copy this center width height prototype cloneshallow function null this name var new this geometries this center return rect this rect transformto null iw qb function function var call this this return type geosvg elonlyforcalculate return prototype calccenter function for var this elonlyforcalculate getboundingrect width height uo kb isgeosvggraphicroot kr getlocaltransform parent return cn se iw function vd for var length kw function kw for var push return function bd return function jb if utf encoding return var utf scale return null features function var geometry encodeoffsets coordinates if switch type case linestring coordinates kw break case polygon case multilinestring vd break case multipolygon function return vd utf encoding lt features function return geometry properties geometry coordinates length function var properties geometry switch type case polygon var coordinates push new pw slice break case multipolygon coordinates function push new pw slice break case linestring push new rw coordinates break case multilinestring push new rw coordinates var new ew name cp return properties function return new xt style text font align verticalalign padding rich overflow truncate null lineheight getboundingrect var il tt function ow var nw labels od return vw gw auto function iz return il autointerval il autointerval calculatecategoryinterval zw bw labels labelcategoryinterval function nw return il il function vw for var math round math ceil var mw get showminlabel get showmaxlabel for var coord coord shift coord unshift coord coord coord pop coord push coord function return wt wt this scale getminorticks function return function return coord this datatocoord tickvalue this this prototype getviewlabels function return function tz return category type function rz var getlabelmodel ow return get show scale isblank labels labelcategoryinterval labelcategoryinterval function nz var scale getticks nl return labels function return level level formattedlabel rawlabel scale getlabel tickvalue value this labels prototype getlabelmodel function return this model getmodel axislabel prototype gettickmodel function return this model getmodel axistick prototype getbandwidth function var this extent this scale getextent this onband var math abs return math abs prototype calculatecategoryinterval function return function oz var function sz var getlabelmodel return axisrotate getrotate getrotate ishorizontal ishorizontal labelrotate get rotate font getfont nl axisrotate labelrotate math pi scale getextent count if math max math floor for var datatocoord datatocoord math abs math cos math abs math sin var ss value font center top height math max width math max var isnan isnan var math max math floor math min il model getextent lastautointerval lasttickcount return null null math abs math abs axisextent axisextent lasttickcount lastautointerval axisextent axisextent this function hw var const lr lz function fz var extend return _t registerclass function hz var gt extend return gt registerclass function vz var nt extend return nt registerclass function cz var et extend return et registerclass var ol math pi ei hr cmd pz top right bottom left function dz var width height switch case top set set break case bottom set set break case left set set break case right set set function gz var math sqrt if math abs ol ol var math atan if ol return var math cos math sin math cos math sin return math sqrt math sqrt function kf var math sqrt math min math max var return math sqrt function ww var math min math max math min math max return math sqrt var ir function yz var ww width height ir return set ir ir function mz for var data length var var switch case ei break case ei kf ir break case ei ir break case ei ir break case ei var var math cos math sin gz ir math cos math sin break case ei ww ir break case ei kf ir set ir ir return var pr new lt vt new lt jt new lt qr new lt kr new lt function uw if var gettextguideline gettextcontent if var textguidelineconfig candidates pz getboundingrect clone applytransform getcomputedtransform var anchor getcomputedtransform cn get length jt copy for var length dz pr qr lt scaleandadd vt pr qr vt transform var getboundingrect distance vt instanceof pt mz vt path jt yz vt jt vt transform jt transform jt toarray vt toarray pr toarray yw get minturnangle setshape points var jf pe new lt function yw if math pi pr fromarray vt fromarray jt fromarray lt sub qr pr vt lt sub kr jt vt var qr len kr len if qr scale kr scale var qr dot kr if math cos var kf vt vt jt jt pr pr jf pe fromarray jf pe scaleandadd kr math tan math pi var jt vt pe vt jt vt pe vt jt vt if isnan return lt copy pe jt pe toarray function _z if math pi pr fromarray vt fromarray jt fromarray lt sub qr vt pr lt sub kr jt vt var qr len kr len if qr scale kr scale qr dot lt copy pe jt else pe scaleandadd kr math tan math pi var jt vt pe vt jt vt pe vt jt vt if isnan return lt copy pe jt pe toarray function zw var normal ensurestate ignore var get smooth shape shape shape smooth var getmodel linestyle getlinestyle usestyle style function sz var smooth points if if moveto length var ta ta if return lineto void lineto var math min wo wo wo beziercurveto beziercurveto else for var length lineto function zd var gettextguideline gettextcontent if for var normal get show ignore ms length var ms normal if var get show if st states states ignore st var states ignore continue new le settextguideline zw normal normal stateproxy stateproxy stateproxy zw if style style fill null var get showabove textguidelineconfig textguidelineconfig showabove buildpath sz else removetextguideline function gd for var normal getmodel labelline ae length var ae getmodel return function xw for var length var if defaultattr ignore var label getcomputedtransform getboundingrect style margin clone applytransform width height var new pf null push label labelline labelline rect localrect obb priority priority defaultattr defaultattr layoutoption computedlayoutoption axisaligned transform return function qw var length if sort function return rect rect for var var rect var return function rect rect rect function if var else function for var var rect label function for var for function var math abs for var math ceil return function kw return qw height function jw var sort function return priority priority var new ut function if ignore var ensurestate emphasis null ignore ignore ignore for var length var axisaligned localrect transform label labelline copy rect width height for var obb length var if intersect rect if axisaligned break if obb obb new pf localrect transform new pf intersect obb break attr ignore defaultattr ignore attr ignore defaultattr labelguideignore push function bz if for var length push slice return function wz var label gettextguideline return dataindex dataindex datatype datatype seriesindex seriesmodel seriesindex text label style text rect hostrect labelrect rect align style align verticalalign style verticalalign labellinepoints bz shape points var qw align verticalalign width height fontsize ze new ia fd tt tz tt function qf for var length var null var jf rotation cz function function this labellist this chartviewlist return prototype clearlabels function this labellist this chartviewlist prototype addlabel function var style hosttarget textconfig getcomputedtransform getboundingrect plain ut applytransform ze setlocaltransform ze ze ze rotation ze originx ze originy ze scalex ze scaley var hosttarget if getboundingrect plain var getcomputedtransform ut applytransform var gettextguideline this labellist push label labelline seriesmodel dataindex datatype layoutoption computedlayoutoption null rect hostrect priority width height defaultattr ignore ignore labelguideignore ignore ze ze scalex ze scalex scaley ze scaley rotation ze rotation style align align verticalalign verticalalign width width height height fontsize fontsize cursor cursor attachedpos position attachedrot rotation prototype addlabelsofseries function var this this chartviewlist push var model get labellayout mt length group traverse function if ignore return var gettextcontent nt disablelabellayout addlabel dataindex datatype prototype updatelayoutconfig function var getwidth getheight function return function uw for var this labellist length var this labellist label hosttarget defaultattr void layoutoption layoutoption wz layoutoption computedlayoutoption var math pi settextconfig local position null null null attachedpos rotation null rotate rotate attachedrot offset dx dy var if null setstyle setstyle style null setstyle setstyle style labellinepoints var gettextguideline setshape points labellinepoints fd needsupdatelabelline rotation null rotate rotate rotation scalex scalex scaley scaley for var attr oldlayoutselect ht emphasis attr oldlayoutemphasis ct else if attr fi valueanimation var st style opacity style opacity zt style opacity if oldlayout states select var oldlayoutselect qf jf qf states select jf if states emphasis var oldlayoutemphasis qf jf qf states emphasis jf os if ignore invisible var tz points shape points oldlayout attr shape ct shape setshape style strokepercent zt style strokepercent oldlayout const az cz var hd tt function jw registerupdatelifecycle series beforeupdate function var hd labelmanager hd labelmanager new az clearlabels registerupdatelifecycle series layoutlabels function var hd labelmanager updatedseries foreach function addlabelsofseries getviewofseriesmodel updatelayoutconfig layout processlabelsoverall function var dr createcanvas getwidth getheight style return position absolute left top width px height px setattribute data zr dom id width height ct jw var mz function function var call this this motionblur lastframealpha dpr virtual config incremental zlevel maxrepaintrectcount dirty firsttimepaint used drawindex startindex endindex prevstartindex null prevendindex null xu string typeof id id dom var style return xv onselectstart function return padding margin borderwidth painter dpr return bt prototype getelementcount function return this endindex this startindex prototype afterbrush function this prevstartindex this startindex this prevendindex this endindex prototype initcontext function this ctx this dom getcontext this ctx dpr this dpr prototype setunpainted function this firsttimepaint prototype createbackbuffer function var this dpr this domback back this id this painter this ctxback this domback getcontext this ctxback scale prototype createrepaintrects function if this firsttimepaint return this firsttimepaint null var this maxrepaintrectcount new ut function if isfinite iszero if length new ut copy push else for var length var if intersect var new ut copy union break if copy union var width height width height width height for var this startindex this endindex if var shouldbepainted isrendered dirty getprevpaintrect null var dirty isrendered getpaintrect null for this prevstartindex this prevendindex var shouldbepainted zr isrendered getprevpaintrect do for length if iszero splice else for var length intersect union splice while return this paintrects prototype debuggetpaintrects function return this paintrects slice prototype resize function var this dpr this dom style this domback width px height px width height width height this ctxback scale prototype clear function var this dom this ctx width height this clearcolor var this motionblur this lastframealpha this dpr this this domback this createbackbuffer this ctxback globalcompositeoperation copy this ctxback drawimage var this domback function if clearrect transparent var void no global width height canvasgradient jp width height canvasgradient width height scalex scalex scaley scaley td dirty function setunpainted painter refresh save fillstyle fillrect restore save globalalpha drawimage restore length function width height je const wd mz var ri pz function function this type canvas this zlevellist this prevdisplaylist this layers this layerconfig this needsmanuallycompositing this type canvas var nodename canvas nodename touppercase this opts this dpr devicepixelratio xu this singlecanvas this root style xv innerhtml this storage var this zlevellist this prevdisplaylist var this layers if var width height null width width null height height this dpr devicepixelratio width this dpr height this dpr this width this height var new wd this this dpr builtin initcontext ri zlevel ri push ri this domroot else this width lo this height lo var this domroot function iz var document createelement div return style csstext position relative width px height
pemistahl commented 7 months ago

Well, it's obvious, isn't it? Your text contains lots of weird abbreviations such as hz or bd and compounds such as parsegeojson or registercoordinatesystem which have nothing to do with grammatically correct English. The statistical model is trained on grammatical English, that's why Lingua is not able to correctly identify the language of code.

Savan2708 commented 7 months ago

Well, it's obvious, isn't it? Your text contains lots of weird abbreviations such as hz or bd and compounds such as parsegeojson or registercoordinatesystem which have nothing to do with grammatically correct English. The statistical model is trained on grammatical English, that's why Lingua is not able to correctly identify the language of code.

ok understood, thank for the help

Savan2708 commented 7 months ago

Well, it's obvious, isn't it? Your text contains lots of weird abbreviations such as hz or bd and compounds such as parsegeojson or registercoordinatesystem which have nothing to do with grammatically correct English. The statistical model is trained on grammatical English, that's why Lingua is not able to correctly identify the language of code.

so, is there any way to handle this type of conditions if i get this type of files while processing large data ?

pemistahl commented 7 months ago

If there exists a library for recognizing programming languages, then maybe yes. With Lingua alone, this is not possible.