penberg / limbo

Limbo is a work-in-progress, in-process OLTP database management system, compatible with SQLite.
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Profile-Guided Optimization (PGO) benchmark report #78

Open zamazan4ik opened 1 week ago

zamazan4ik commented 1 week ago


Thank you for the project! I evaluated Profile-Guided Optimization (PGO) on many projects - all the results are available at . Since this compiler optimization works well in many places including optimization databases (including SQLite), I decided to apply it to the project - here are my benchmark results.

Test environment


For benchmark purposes, I use built-in into the project benchmarks. For PGO optimization I use cargo-pgo tool. Release bench result I got with taskset -c 0 cargo bench command. The PGO training phase is done with taskset -c 0 cargo pgo bench, PGO optimization phase - with taskset -c 0 cargo pgo optimize bench.

taskset -c 0 is used for reducing the OS scheduler influence on the results. All measurements are done on the same machine, with the same background "noise" (as much as I can guarantee).


I got the following results:

According to the results, PGO measurably improves Limbo's performance.

Rusqlite performance wasn't improved since cargo-pgo cannot optimize non-Rust code with PGO. It's possible to achieve with manually passing corresponding compiler switches to the C-part but I didn't do that during this test since I was interested only in optimizing Limbo's speed.

Further steps

I can suggest the following action points:

I would be happy to answer your questions about PGO.

P.S. It's just a benchmark report with some an idea for improvement for the project. I created the Issue only because Discussions are disabled for the repository.

penberg commented 1 week ago

Hey, thanks for sharing! 10-15% improvement is indeed a lot so worth exploring. The microbenchmarks are currently all we have, but once we get TPC-H benchmarks going (#4), worth checking them out too. Really curious to hear more about what optimizations PGO does. I opened discussions for this repository so we can continue there.