pencil2d / pencil

Pencil2D is an easy, intuitive tool to make 2D hand-drawn animations. Pencil2D is open source and cross-platform.
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[BUG] when using Shortcut key and OnionSkin #1465

Open Kaikogf opened 4 years ago

Kaikogf commented 4 years ago

Issue Summary

• Open Pencil2D with its default shortcuts on PreferencePanel • Select Bitmap layer and the PencilTool • Draw 1 in the first frame, 2 in the second frame, 3 in the third frame, 4 in the forth frame. • Use the DEFAULT shortcut keys for moving frames (CTRL+, for backward and CTRL+. for forward) NOTE: Using only “,” and “.” it also work for the frames. So, and here a doubt, why it is then necessary to have the CTRL key added to those keys? NOTE: When using the shortcut key without pressing CTRL key, the bug is not triggered and the correct action is executed.

• As long as I do not active PreviousOnionSkin everything is going to work ok. Otherwise, when playing with onion skin AND with the default shortcut key, the bug appeared. And for some random situation, all of the sudden some frames changed position at the end. In another occasion one drawing disappear and two frames ended up duplicated. In this case the frames were shifted one frame, frame1 went to frame4...

System Information


MrStevns commented 3 years ago

Thanks for reporting

I tried just now in our latest master and wasn't able to reproduce the bug, it would also be weird that either of those shortcuts would trigger such a bug, since all they do is to scrub to a frame. The "," and "." shortcut will scrub to next frame, regardless if there's a keyframe or not where as ctrl+"," and ctrl+"." will only scrub to keyframes.

Can you still reproduce the problem and if so, is the bug permanent or just visual? will the frames be shown correctly after re-opening the project?

Kaikogf commented 3 years ago

[testing with the last code from Github 16Nov2020 Windows10 pro HUION tablet]

@CandyFace Now its behaviour changed from a bit weird to a bit weird+... LOL Here some text to follow the GIF

First BUG:


BUG (?):

It is not a visual problem @CandyFace. It is permanent and will load the project with these anomalies Sometimes frames change spots...


MrStevns commented 3 years ago

Ah let me clarify: Ctrl+',' and Ctrl+'.' will indeed move the keyframe which is under the scrubber and that is the intended behavior, I made a mistake in my last comment and mixed the shortcut up for moving a keyframe with scrubbing between keyframes: alt+',' and alt+'.' , and . will not move keyframes, only scrub, that is why there's a difference and why you experience different results.

As for the bug, I haven't been able to reproduce it myself, the content may look incorrect but re-opening the project fixes the problem, as such I have only been able to reproduce a cosmetic bug.