pencleanenergy / MATCH-model

MATCH model for planning time-coincident clean energy portfolios
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Re-implement ExcessGen #19

Closed grgmiller closed 2 years ago

grgmiller commented 3 years ago

In commit, referenced as Commit 2021.03.24 in the CHANGELOG, I had removed the implementation of ExcessGen for renewable generators, in an effort to reduce the model dimensionality. However, looking at this now, I realize that the calculation of ExcessGen for individual generators and timepoints actually serves several useful purposes:

The ExcessGen variable essentially acts as a slack variable, which allows us to re-set the load balance constraint as an equality constraint.

Although there are many benefits to re-implementing, adding this variable back will likely slow down the model, since we would be adding 8760 additional decision variables for each generator, plus any additional constraints.

Adding ExcessGen back in will require:

This will require changes in the reporting module (#23)

grgmiller commented 3 years ago

If we want to re-sell excess generation, there are a few ways this could be implemented:

grgmiller commented 3 years ago

How will this affect the dispatch of storage, in particular when storage may discharge. Currently, we allow storage to discharge whenever it is cost optimal, which is allowed because the load balance constraint says that generation >= load. If implemented, the slack variable would not actually appear in the load balance constraint Injections == Withdrawals DispatchGen + SystemPower + StorageDischarge == Load + StorageCharge

So if we wanted storage discharge to be able to exceed load, we would need to create another slack variable (ExcessDischarge) which would appear in the objective fuction, but would not show up in the load balance constraint. We would also need to set the discharge constraints and any other expressions that rely on storage discharge to also consider the excess discharge. This would probably be best implemented as an option.

grgmiller commented 3 years ago

When performing this update, we want to ensure that all generators (whether variable or renewable) are eligible to count toward our goal, in case we model dispatchable biogas.

grgmiller commented 3 years ago

If we are counting storage as a load-modifying resource, then we need to make sure that our implementation is consistent. For example, when storage is charging (increasing load), it should increase dispatchgen. but then it makes it hard to constrain storage dispatch to excess gen <- are we already able to do this?

grgmiller commented 3 years ago

If we want to use ExcessGen to indicate how many excess RECs we can sell, we need to make sure that ExcessGen does not include any volumes charged by our batteries.

Increasing StorageCharge would also increase DispatchGen by an equal amount, thus decreasing ExcessGen. Do we need a new DV that is DispatchGenToStorage? Then ExcessGen would always be constant

grgmiller commented 3 years ago

What can we learn from how we regulate hybrid charging? If hybrid storage is allowed to charge from the full dispatchgen, couldn't standalone storage do that too?

grgmiller commented 3 years ago

The prior implementation of ExcessGen was as an expression. Would we solve our problems by making it a decision variable?

grgmiller commented 3 years ago

In order to prevent geothermal to look like it is dispatching, should we implement it as baseload, which wouldn't be allowed to have excessgen?

grgmiller commented 3 years ago

Upon implementing excess gen, at least when using an annual goal, the model wants to balance load mostly with system power, and let most of the generation still be ExcessGen. The desired behavior would be for Dispatch Gen to equal load when available, and for system power to only be used to fill in the gaps.

One issue is that system power currently has no cost associated with it, so there is no penalty for using system power and contracted power at the same time. If we assigned a cost to system power, then there would be a disincentive to use it unless necessary.