pendo-io / pendo-mobile-sdk

Pendo captures product usage data, gathers user feedback, and lets you communicate in-app to onboard, educate, and guide users to value
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💥 Crash on ` -[PNDMutableSet addObject:]` #166

Open msrutek-paylocity opened 1 month ago

msrutek-paylocity commented 1 month ago

Platform + Version

iOS 17.5.1, iPhone 12 Pro Max

SDK Version



Native, SwiftUI

Describe the bug

Crash of the app.

To Reproduce

Yet unknown.

Expected behavior

No crash.

Stack Trace

0  libsystem_kernel.dylib         0xc42c __pthread_kill + 8
1  libsystem_pthread.dylib        0x7c0c pthread_kill + 268
2  libsystem_c.dylib              0x75ba0 abort + 180
3  libsystem_malloc.dylib         0x9588 malloc_vreport + 896
4  libsystem_malloc.dylib         0x91f8 malloc_report + 64
5  libsystem_malloc.dylib         0x87b0 find_zone_and_free + 528
6  CoreFoundation                 0x2f8a8 __rehashs + 224
7  Pendo                          0xb8f5c -[PNDMutableSet addObject:] + 72
8  Pendo                          0x28b00 -[PNDFXActionDispatcher registerObserver:selector:forActionClass:destinationId:] + 256
9  Pendo                          0x289d0 -[PNDFXActionDispatcher registerObserver:forActionClass:destinationId:] + 220
10 Pendo                          0x30a30 +[PNDGlobalActionHandler registerGlobalHandler] + 664
11 Pendo                          0x1096b4 -[PendoManagerMediator initGuidesMediatorWithModel:] + 96
12 Pendo                          0x7e898 -[PendoAPIHelper setupWithInitModel:] + 1116
13 Pendo                          0x7e370 -[PendoAPIHelper getInitModel] + 572
14 Pendo                          0x7ce20 __35-[PendoAPIHelper startSDKInitFlow:]_block_invoke_3 + 192
15 Pendo                          0xf3730 __58-[IIOBFTask continueWithExecutor:block:cancellationToken:]_block_invoke + 72
16 Pendo                          0xf1318 __32+[IIOBFExecutor defaultExecutor]_block_invoke_2 + 128
17 Pendo                          0xf17d0 -[IIOBFExecutor execute:] + 60
18 Pendo                          0xf33f8 -[IIOBFTask runContinuations] + 272
19 Pendo                          0xf2f0c -[IIOBFTask trySetResult:] + 112
20 Pendo                          0xf6660 -[IIOBFTaskCompletionSource trySetResult:] + 60
21 Pendo                          0x7da8c __33-[PendoAPIHelper setupNewSession]_block_invoke + 536
22 Pendo                          0xae84c __80-[PNDSetupManager handleSetupResponse:error:results:completionBlock:retryBlock:]_block_invoke + 2920
23 libdispatch.dylib              0x213c _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 32
24 libdispatch.dylib              0x3dd4 _dispatch_client_callout + 20
25 libdispatch.dylib              0x6f6c _dispatch_queue_override_invoke + 928
26 libdispatch.dylib              0x15894 _dispatch_root_queue_drain + 392
27 libdispatch.dylib              0x1609c _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 156
28 libsystem_pthread.dylib        0x48f8 _pthread_wqthread + 228
29 libsystem_pthread.dylib        0x10cc start_wqthread + 8
MikePendo commented 1 month ago

Hi @msrutek-paylocity maybe you have a full crash report?

msrutek-paylocity commented 1 month ago

@MikePendo Unfortunately, we only have a single occurrence of this crash in Crashlytics and no trace of it in the Apple crash reporting tool.

msrutek-paylocity commented 1 day ago

Hello @MikePendo , we're still sometimes seeing these types of crashes with i.e. EXC_BAD_ACCESS KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS 0x0000ee4f7d871740. Could there be a memory management problem, such as trying to access a deallocated object?