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Implement the SEP24 flow in an iframe #102

Open prayagd opened 1 month ago

prayagd commented 1 month ago


Currently the MYKOBO flow is implemented as redirect to other tab when user clicks on "Start offramping", Instead of that it should be iframe on the same screen.

Acceptance Criteria


prayagd commented 1 month ago

@pendulum-chain/devs Before writing this ticket i want to confirm if something of this level is possible or not, also Note - this is not a feature for the current version but to be maintained as backlog ticket for future version

gianfra-t commented 1 month ago

IIRC we had some issues with the iframe regarding detection of the user's submission. As I understand it is not easy (or possible?) to communicate and read the content of an iframe with a different URL, therefore I don't know how it would be possible to close the iframe once the user is done with the KYC.

@Sharqiewicz you may have more insights on this perhaps.

ebma commented 1 month ago

It's possible and we did this in the first iterations of the prototype IIRC. Regarding the callback for the KYC, you might be right that it's not easy but in the worst case we just show a button above or below the iframe that the user can click to close the iframe again.

TorstenStueber commented 1 month ago

It should not be a problem to close the iframe. We are currently repeatedly querying the Mykobo API whether the SEP24 flow has been completed and only then continue the flow. We can then just close the iframe once we detect this.

I think that the only reason why the iframe solution might not be feasible is if Mykobo explicitly disallows that their website is embedded (e.g., through this or this). Something we can easily test.

prayagd commented 1 month ago

@pendulum-chain/devs Do we need design for this? I just wrote a basic user story based on how it should work

prayagd commented 1 month ago

Let me know if anything is missing or anymore tech details are to be added.

prayagd commented 1 month ago

Hey team! Please add your planning poker estimate with Zenhub @bogdanS98 @ebma @gianfra-t @TorstenStueber

ebma commented 1 month ago

Yes, some design would be nice. Doesn't have to be perfect but just so we know where to place the iframe and in what size etc.

prayagd commented 1 month ago

cc @Klausdmz can we get a basic design of this, you can find the user story above in the main description. Let me know if any questions we can pick it up in the design sync.

TorstenStueber commented 1 month ago

Does this really need a design? We just need to know

Klausdmz commented 4 weeks ago

@prayagd Here are two screens showing the iframe design: Screen 1 and screen 2.

The recommended size is 535 x 550 pixels, as it aligns with the source content and fits well within the layout, including the title and message above. For mobile devices, it should be proportionally scaled down to prevent horizontal scrolling and ensure it fits within the screen. This helps avoid nested scrolling, where the user has to scroll both on the main page and within the iframe.

ebma commented 4 weeks ago

Looking at the screenshots, it seems like it's a separate/new screen replacing the existing form with its input fields. Is this intended? If the form is replaced by that iframe, what should happen once the KYC is done?

TorstenStueber commented 4 weeks ago

I wonder whether it is best UX to switch to a new screen. On the one hand it is cleaner that way but on the other hand the user loses all context about the input value and expected exchange rate.

@ebma It makes sense to just ping the anchor API to recognize whether the flow has been completed (that's what we already do). Once completed we could then switch to the progress screen. However, this would also require to move the signing progress widget introduced in this issue to the progress screen (right now it is still on the initial screen).

Klausdmz commented 4 weeks ago

If we want to keep the existing form with the input fields visible alongside the KYC iframe on the same screen, it would need to be positioned below the form. This setup would require users to scroll down to the bottom of the page to access the iframe on mobile, which isn’t very intuitive. Perhaps a compact summary card with key information could be a better solution? Here's an idea:

Screenshot 2024-08-30 at 12 13 27
TorstenStueber commented 4 weeks ago

That sounds alright to me, we would need to communicate again that there are two different output values, similar to the discussion in this ticket.

gianfra-t commented 3 weeks ago

@pendulum-chain/product I see that this is still in being prepared, but besides the iframe that is a certainty we want, do we also want to display this compact version the summary card @Klausdmz shared in the previous message? Or is this still in discussion.

prayagd commented 3 weeks ago

@gianfra-t we are still finalising the designs, to include a summary card of the input field form and also the message for the user to show that please dont change the amount on the anchor screen.

prayagd commented 3 weeks ago

@Klausdmz Please share the new design here we discussed today,

Klausdmz commented 3 weeks ago

Just updated the summary card and iframe design here and here. The iframe height was reduced from 550 to 450 px, and I highlighted the output amount due to its relevance at this step. I also added instructions to enter that amount in the field. What do you think?

TorstenStueber commented 3 weeks ago

What is the reasoning to reduce the height of the iframe? Is it bad if it is taller? There is not way to predict the height of screen of the user and there will be many cases where the iframe does not fit as ideally as on the designs.

A smaller iframe makes does not necessarily improve the UX, it feels more like looking at the content through a peephole (my opinion).

prayagd commented 3 weeks ago

What is the reasoning to reduce the height of the iframe? Is it bad if it is taller?

I assume it is to fit the summary card and the text shown above, as it is important for the user to know what the input details with a summary card. correct me if wrong cc @Klausdmz

We can improve the screen iteratively, even if the iframe becomes smaller the user can navigate within the iframe using the scroll. So IMO its good to go. Will update the main ticket description.

prayagd commented 3 weeks ago

@pendulum-chain/devs ticket description updated and design too

Klausdmz commented 3 weeks ago

@TorstenStueber The height reduction is intended to avoid nested vertical scrolling, which can negatively impact the UX, particularly on mobile. Initially, I specified the height in px based on a particular screen size, but for a responsive design, it’s better to define the height as a percentage of the screen height. In both desktop and mobile views, this would correspond to 50% of it. I’ve also updated the summary card, now emphasizing the quote instead of the amount to receive.

Sharqiewicz commented 3 weeks ago

Communication with the iframe is limited for several reasons.

TorstenStueber commented 1 week ago

I will move this out of icebox as Mykobo is working on making the iframe solution possible.

vadaynujra commented 5 days ago

What is expected from them and have they shared any timeline by when they plan to complete?

TorstenStueber commented 4 days ago

We should remove the gas pump symbol from the design. We removed it also from the most recent version of the fee details box on the main screen. The fees are not gas fees but anchor fees.

vadaynujra commented 4 days ago

Makes sense @TorstenStueber. @prayagd could you create a ticket for this and check what would be a better alternate symbol?

prayagd commented 3 days ago

175 here is the ticket, tried to find the alternative for offramp icon but i guess there i no standard icon for it. Should i ask @Klausdmz to make a new one?

Based on the slack message about this ticket, there was a conclusion that we are not going to proceed with this solution. Should i move it to icebox?

TorstenStueber commented 2 days ago

I did not mean to create a new ticket but just to change the specification of this ticket here instead.

Anyway, we can icebox it for now

vadaynujra commented 2 days ago

Updated the title replacing 'MYKOBO' to 'SEP24' for when we next look at it more broadly for the SEP24 flow. Moving to Icebox.