pendulum-chain / vortex

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Status message screen - Successful #55

Closed prayagd closed 1 month ago

prayagd commented 3 months ago

As a user of the Vortex platform, I want to receive confirmation of my successful withdrawal,
So that I can be assured my funds have been transferred to my bank account.

Acceptance Criteria:

  1. When a request is successful, I see a modal window with:
    • A blue circle icon with a pink checkmark at the top
    • A prominent heading "Request made successfully" in blue text
    • The transaction ID displayed (in this case, 4325567934)
    • Information on normal processing times (15 minutes)
    • Instructions to contact support if the transaction is not completed after 60 minutes
    • Button to contact support viz Telegram
    • A prominent "Return home" button
  2. The modal should be centered on the screen and overlay the main content.
  3. If I click "Return home", the modal should close and I should be taken back to the main dashboard.
  4. If I click the Telegram , I should be directed to the respective support channels.
  5. The transaction ID should be easily copyable for reference if I need to contact support.



prayagd commented 3 months ago

A transaction ID is displayed below the success message, labeled as "Transaction ID: [alphanumeric string]".

@pendulum-chain/devs can you please let me know which txn id we can show here? Ideal would be the stellar one where the funds are sent to the anchor's account.

ebma commented 3 months ago

What exactly is our definition of 'withdrawal' here? As a user, I would expect that I have received the money on my bank account when I see a message that states a successful withdrawal. But we don't have that information and I would be confused if I check my bank account after seeing the 'success' message for a withdrawal while not having received the money yet. I.e. I think we should be more specific with the phrasing here.

prayagd commented 2 months ago

@ebma the text is updated based on your suggestion, hope this is clear now.

prayagd commented 2 months ago

Hey team! Please add your planning poker estimate with Zenhub @ebma @Sharqiewicz @TorstenStueber

Sharqiewicz commented 2 months ago

@prayagd What are the links to the Telegram and Discord support channels?

Sharqiewicz commented 2 months ago

@prayagd There is no Discord button in the design

Sharqiewicz commented 2 months ago

@prayagd Is the ‘email’ field mandatory to continue? Which endpoint has the email field be submitted to?

Sharqiewicz commented 2 months ago

@prayagd When the user clicks on Telegram or Discord, should the modal window remain or be closed?

prayagd commented 2 months ago

@prayagd Is the ‘email’ field mandatory to continue? Which endpoint has the email field be submitted to?

not mandatory

@prayagd When the user clicks on Telegram or Discord, should the modal window remain or be closed?

Remain and redirected to the support channel

@prayagd There is no Discord button in the design

You are right, will get you the design

@prayagd What are the links to the Telegram and Discord support channels?

will get you the link

prayagd commented 1 month ago

@Sharqiewicz sorry for the confusion, its telegram support channel. I updated the description too. here it the link

TorstenStueber commented 1 month ago

@prayagd there are a couple of undefined items here

TorstenStueber commented 1 month ago

@prayagd can you please clarify my questions?

prayagd commented 1 month ago

what should the TG button do? what should the email input field do? as discussed, we would want to use a third party tool what is a criterion for showing the failure screen? the main source of failures are usually that one step does not make any progress and we are just in a waiting loop

Apologies @TorstenStueber missed this

TorstenStueber commented 1 month ago

Thanks. Will you create a ticket for the first two points?

prayagd commented 1 month ago

@TorstenStueber the first one is already developed by Kacper and second one i have added the ticket