Closed jigarpatel17 closed 4 years ago
When I have used AnimatedList instead of ListView for showing data in listing, it seems like SmartRefresher unable to handle pull to refresh.
SmartRefresher( enablePullDown: true, header: WaterDropHeader(), controller: _refreshController, onRefresh: _onRefresh, onLoading: _onLoading, child: AnimatedList( initialItemCount: 100, itemBuilder: (context, index, animation) => _buildItem(context, 'data: ${index + 1}', animation), ), )
Is there any one to keep both the things together?
It can work with AnimatedList,But your usage has mistake,you must use CustomScrollView+SliverAnimatedList,see here
When I have used AnimatedList instead of ListView for showing data in listing, it seems like SmartRefresher unable to handle pull to refresh.
Is there any one to keep both the things together?