pengan1987 / intro-to-demoscene

Introduction to Demoscene
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Nitpicking about demoparties vs LAN parties #2

Open Kabuto opened 1 year ago

Kabuto commented 1 year ago

Regarding chapter 10 and the snippet "that does not include game content":

Most demoparties do allow for homebrew games to be entered in competitions.

Some have explicit game competitions (such as Revision) while those without a game compo typically allow for games to be entered in the Wild category.

Was the intended meaning something like "that discourage gaming"? Quote from 2019's Revision party:

No games at the party. This is a demoscene party, dedicated to computer art, not a LAN or Leecher event. Gamers will be thrown out!

pengan1987 commented 1 year ago

Yes, your understanding is correct, I saw the “no games” rule on Revision as early as 2013 I think it should state it differently