penge / my-notes

Simple and fast note-taking in Chrome with Google Drive support.
MIT License
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Keep UI buttons when hiding sidebar #363

Closed anddam closed 2 years ago

anddam commented 2 years ago

Hiding the sidebar currently removes #new-note #open-options #sync-now buttons from UI.

Please keep those into the UI by moving #sidebar-buttons from its #sidebar parent into #toolbar as sibling of current

penge commented 2 years ago

When the Sidebar is hidden and you don't see the notes list, creating a new note and knowing which note is currently open, becomes problematic. That's why I chose to hide the icon.

Options can be opened with Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + O. I hid the icon as I think it's not essential to see the icon at all times.

Sync can be done with Cmd/Ctrl + R. Sync should have the notes list visible as this action can change the list.

I like when B (Bold icon) is alligned with the content. If we would choose to show the Sidebar icons when the Sidebar is hidden, B icon wouldn't be aligned with the content. And I'd like to be consistent about that - to be aligned. Sidebar icons are not part of content, so I hid them.

I don't see a strong reason to keep those 3 icons visible. I am open to talk about this idea more and make some changes though.

penge commented 2 years ago

I just had an idea we could show all three icons left to the info icon (last icon), when the sidebar is hidden. I'd like to keep B (Bold) icon the first.