pengrad / java-telegram-bot-api

Telegram Bot API for Java
Apache License 2.0
1.78k stars 371 forks source link

Bot example #24

Closed stranck closed 7 years ago

stranck commented 8 years ago

Where I can find example of telegram bot using your library?

pengrad commented 8 years ago

Maybe i will push some my bots to github later. You can use readme, its very easy

stranck commented 8 years ago

Another question: Can I have the message_id when I send a message using "bot.sendMessage(chat, text);"

drecchia commented 8 years ago

SendResponse sendResponse = bot.sendMessage(chatId, "short message sending"); Message message = sendResponse.message();;

xxLinC commented 8 years ago

hey, would be nice if you could ad a little Bot example

fpompermaier commented 8 years ago

I've tried to set up a little example using this APIs but where do I take the chatId?? I have no chat at the beginning of the program..

pengrad commented 8 years ago

@fpompermaier write message to your bot in telegram client. After this u will be able to answer and will see chatId in getUpdates.

stranck commented 8 years ago

I view now the update for 2.0 bot. The question is: how can I change the text of an already sended message?

fpompermaier commented 8 years ago

Thanks @pengrad!

pengrad commented 8 years ago

@stranck bot.execute(new EditMessageText(chatId, messageId, text));

drecchia commented 8 years ago


private Integer getUserId( final Update update ) {

        if ( update.message() != null ) {
            return update.message().from().id();
        } else if ( update.getCallback_query() != null ) {
            return update.getCallback_query().getFrom().id();
        } else if ( update.chosenInlineResult() != null ) {
            return update.chosenInlineResult().from().id();
        } else if ( update.inlineQuery() != null ) {
            return update.inlineQuery().from().id();

        return -1;
stranck commented 8 years ago

I use this code to send a message: SendResponse sendResponse = bot.execute(new SendMessage(channel, "text")); But it return this: image How can I put the chatId into a variable?

pengrad commented 8 years ago

@stranck Seems you are using not last version of library. Try 2.0.1

stranck commented 8 years ago

How can I disable web page preview? Like bot.execute(new EditMessageText(channel, mesasge_id, liveEnd).parseMode(ParseMode.HTML).disableWebPagePreview(true)); ?

pengrad commented 8 years ago

@stranck yes

localhoster commented 8 years ago

Hi, i would also appreciate to see an example of a bot. At least an echo-bot, which simply repeats everything he receives. Maybe some of you guys can post such an example here?

pengrad commented 8 years ago

@localhoster you can try to make this echo-bot. I will help if you get troubles.

stranck commented 8 years ago

@pengrad How can I get the offset of an update?

localhoster commented 8 years ago

Hi @pengrad , sure:) I´ve got this, which is actually working well. But i have doubts because of its "traffic efficiency". Will it be enough if i built a timer, which halts the while-loop for a second? Or is it a better way to make bot wait for incoming messages without generating tons of equerries? I´ve heard something about long-polling and webhooks but the stuff isn´t so self explaining like "while-loop":D

 public class Start {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        TelegramBot bot =;
        String chatId = chatId;
        Integer updateId = 0;
        SendResponse sendResponse = bot.execute(
                new SendMessage(chatId, "Hi! I am an echo bot."));      
        while (true) {
            GetUpdatesResponse updatesResponse = bot.execute(new GetUpdates().limit(0).offset(updateId).timeout(0));
            List<Update> updates = updatesResponse.updates();
            if (updates.size() > 0) {
                for (Update update : updates ) {
                    sendResponse = bot.execute(new SendMessage(chatId, "You sad " + update.message().text()));
                    updateId = update.updateId() +1;
pengrad commented 8 years ago


bot.execute(getUpdates.offset(updateId), new Callback<GetUpdates, GetUpdatesResponse>() {
    public void onResponse(GetUpdates request, GetUpdatesResponse response) {
    public void onFailure(GetUpdates request, IOException e) {
pasondag commented 8 years ago

@pengrad I'm also quite interested by an example to see how the API is intended to be used. I itererated on the example given above (thanks @localhoster !), one version without and with callbacks. I'll be happy to hear comments and best practices advise. Especially the callback version, seems unnatural, there must be some better way.

   public static void example(String token) {
        TelegramBot bot =;
        int updateId = 0;

        int timeoutInSecond = 7;
        while (true) {
            System.out.println("Checking for updates...");
            GetUpdatesResponse updatesResponse = bot.execute(
                    new GetUpdates().limit(100).offset(updateId).timeout(timeoutInSecond));

            List<Update> updates = updatesResponse.updates();
            if (updates.size() > 0) {
                for (Update update : updates) {
                    System.out.println("Update: " + update);
                    if (update.message() != null) {
                                new SendMessage(
                                                "You said %s",
                                                update.message().text() == null
                                                        ? "nothing"
                                                        : update.message().text())));
                    updateId = update.updateId() + 1;
import com.pengrad.telegrambot.Callback;
import com.pengrad.telegrambot.TelegramBot;
import com.pengrad.telegrambot.TelegramBotAdapter;
import com.pengrad.telegrambot.model.Update;
import com.pengrad.telegrambot.request.GetUpdates;
import com.pengrad.telegrambot.request.SendMessage;
import com.pengrad.telegrambot.response.GetUpdatesResponse;

import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;

public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        try {
            new EchoBot().run("token");

        } catch (Exception e) {

    private static class EchoBot {

        private static int LONG_POOLING_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS = 7;

        private AtomicInteger updateId = new AtomicInteger(0);

        public void run(String token) throws InterruptedException {
            TelegramBot bot =;

            while (true) {
                System.out.println("Checking for updates...");

                        new GetUpdates()
                        new Callback<GetUpdates, GetUpdatesResponse>() {

                            public void onResponse(GetUpdates request, GetUpdatesResponse response) {
                                for (Update update : response.updates()) {
                                    System.err.println("Update: " + update);
                                    if (update.message() != null) {
                                                new SendMessage(
                                                                "You said %s",
                                                                update.message().text() == null
                                                                        ? "nothing"
                                                                        : update.message().text())));
                                    updateId.set(update.updateId() + 1);

                            public void onFailure(GetUpdates request, IOException e) {

                Thread.sleep(LONG_POOLING_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS * 1000);
stranck commented 8 years ago

Another thing: how can I convert from chat to string?

danielbronder commented 7 years ago

@stranck You can search for JSON to Java. Here is an link that will help you convert a chat to String. It is pretty easy to understand.

pengrad commented 7 years ago

I've posted some examples in sample module