pengwynn / pingwynn

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Second! aka how does GitHub starts new projects #2

Closed elcuervo closed 11 years ago

elcuervo commented 11 years ago

Hi Wynn!. Thank you for this Q&A about GitHub!.

I was wondering how does GitHub starts new projects like, the GeoJSON support or Hubot.

pengwynn commented 11 years ago


Almost every feature on and project we publish comes from tackling a problem we face ourselves. For it was a personal interest of @haacked's:

I’m interested in helping developers be explicit and clear about their intent for their code.

Hubot was born out a desire to make Chat the core of our workflow. He builds and deploys code, graphs metrics, and most importantly finds animated gifs.

These types of efforts arise organically from the bottom up, but they aren't single person efforts. Part of our ethos is Never Work Alone™. Find a buddy and tackle it together. Chances are, if you can't convince someone to work on something with you, the idea might need some work.

We open source work that truly has value outside of GitHub, isn't core to our business, and for which we can put in the time to document it and maintain it. Boxen is a great example of this.

Any Über secret project that didn't make it to the spotlight that you'd like to share?

We don't like to comment on future plans because plans change. We prefer to Surprise and Delight™. :sparkles: