pengx17 / logseq-plugin-tabs

A Logseq plugin which lets you open pages in tabs like working in the browser
MIT License
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Feature Request: go to existing tab instead of changing the current one #98

Closed hmijail closed 5 months ago

hmijail commented 5 months ago

Imagine you have 2 tabs, each of them opened to a different document You are reading tab A, so your tabs are : A, B.

In A you find a link to B. You click on it. Currently, this causes the A tab to open B, so now your tabs are: B, B.

Instead, it would be great to have an option so that tab B got activated, without changing tab A: A, B.

hmijail commented 5 months ago

Actually tabs are behaving like this now. I swear they didn't when I posted this request! Anyway, closing it now.