pengxingang / Pocket2Mol

Pocket2Mol: Efficient Molecular Sampling Based on 3D Protein Pockets
MIT License
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sampling issues #32

Closed MachineGUN001 closed 10 months ago

MachineGUN001 commented 10 months ago


thanks for your great effots on this highly interesting works.

when I try to run the with configs file below

    checkpoint: ./ckpt/

  seed: 2023
  num_samples: 200
  beam_size: 50
  max_steps: 50
    focal_threshold: 0.5
    pos_threshold: 0.25
    element_threshold: 0.3
    hasatom_threshold: 0.6
    bond_threshold: 0.4

the script works but some errors occured,

the error info is below

100%|██████████| 50/50 [00:05<00:00,  8.60it/s]
100%|██████████| 50/50 [00:05<00:00,  8.57it/s]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 209, in <module>
    next_idx = np.random.choice(np.arange(n_tmp), p=prob, size=min(config.sample.beam_size, n_tmp), replace=False)
  File "mtrand.pyx", line 939, in numpy.random.mtrand.RandomState.choice
ValueError: probabilities do not sum to 1

Could you please see the issue and how to fix it up? Many Thanks,



surendraphd commented 3 months ago

Hi, How did you solve the above issue. I am also getting the same issue.

MachineGUN001 commented 3 months ago


if n_tmp <> 0:
   next_idx = np.random.choice(np.arange(n_tmp), p=prob, size=min(config.sample.beam_size, n_tmp), replace=False)