pengzhanbo / vuepress-theme-plume

Vuepress Theme. A simple, feature-rich, document & blog
MIT License
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运行报错 #3

Closed huankong233 closed 1 year ago

huankong233 commented 1 year ago
yarn run v1.22.19
$ vuepress dev src
/ notes
locales notes dirs [ '/' ] [ '\\notes' ]
⠙ Initializing and preparing dataerror error in hook onPrepared from @vuepress-plume/vuepress-plugin-notes-data
✖ Initializing and preparing data - failed in 92ms
SyntaxError: Invalid regular expression: /^notes\/: \ at end of pattern
    at new RegExp (<anonymous>)
    at prepareNotesData (file:///C:/Users/huan_kong/Desktop/code/blog/node_modules/@vuepress-plume/vuepress-plugin-notes-data/lib/node/prepareNotesData.js:25:25)
    at Object.onPrepared [as hook] (file:///C:/Users/huan_kong/Desktop/code/blog/node_modules/@vuepress-plume/vuepress-plugin-notes-data/lib/node/plugin.js:8:31)
    at Object.process (file:///C:/Users/huan_kong/Desktop/code/blog/node_modules/@vuepress/core/dist/index.js:681:37)
    at async appPrepare (file:///C:/Users/huan_kong/Desktop/code/blog/node_modules/@vuepress/core/dist/index.js:624:3)
    at async file:///C:/Users/huan_kong/Desktop/code/blog/node_modules/@vuepress/cli/dist/index.js:488:7
    at async file:///C:/Users/huan_kong/Desktop/code/blog/node_modules/@vuepress/utils/dist/index.js:106:20
    at async (file:///C:/Users/huan_kong/Desktop/code/blog/node_modules/@vuepress/cli/dist/index.js:486:5)
error Command failed with exit code 1.
info Visit for documentation about this command.
pengzhanbo commented 1 year ago


const re = new RegExp('^notes/') 转成正则语法糖, res.source 也应该是 /^notes\//,不应该出现 丢失 / 的情况。

可否给出 你在使用主题时,对 notes 项 的配置信息? 以及 Node 版本、 主题版本 信息 请一并给出。 我需要进一步在相同的环境中重现问题。

huankong233 commented 1 year ago


huankong233 commented 1 year ago
C:\Users\huan_kong>node -v

C:\Users\huan_kong>yarn -v

C:\Users\huan_kong>pnpm -v

主题版本等均直接克隆的您的仓库 安装时使用的是 pnpm


C:\Users\huan_kong\Desktop\code\>pnpm install
Lockfile is up to date, resolution step is skipped
Packages: +1001
Packages are hard linked from the content-addressable store to the virtual store.
  Content-addressable store is at: C:\Users\huan_kong\AppData\Local\pnpm\store\v3
  Virtual store is at:             node_modules/.pnpm
Progress: resolved 1001, reused 1000, downloaded 0, added 1001, done

+ @vuepress-plume/vuepress-theme-plume 1.0.0-beta.71
+ @vuepress/client 2.0.0-beta.63
+ @vuepress/plugin-google-analytics 2.0.0-beta.63
+ @vuepress/plugin-pwa 2.0.0-beta.63
+ @vuepress/utils 2.0.0-beta.63
+ anywhere 1.6.0
+ vue 3.3.4
+ vuepress 2.0.0-beta.63

+ @types/node 18.16.18

Done in 10.1s

C:\Users\huan_kong\Desktop\code\>pnpm run dev

> dev C:\Users\huan_kong\Desktop\code\
> vuepress dev src --config .vuepress/config.ts --clean-cache --clean-temp

/ notes
locales notes dirs [ '/' ] [ '\\notes' ]
✔ Cleaning temp - done in 4ms
✔ Cleaning cache - done in 0ms
⠙ Initializing and preparing dataerror error in hook onPrepared from @vuepress-plume/vuepress-plugin-notes-data
✖ Initializing and preparing data - failed in 23.78s
SyntaxError: Invalid regular expression: /^notes\/: \ at end of pattern
    at new RegExp (<anonymous>)
    at prepareNotesData (file:///C:/Users/huan_kong/Desktop/code/
    at Object.onPrepared [as hook] (file:///C:/Users/huan_kong/Desktop/code/
    at Object.process (file:///C:/Users/huan_kong/Desktop/code/
    at async appPrepare (file:///C:/Users/huan_kong/Desktop/code/
    at async file:///C:/Users/huan_kong/Desktop/code/
    at async file:///C:/Users/huan_kong/Desktop/code/
    at async (file:///C:/Users/huan_kong/Desktop/code/
 ELIFECYCLE  Command failed with exit code 1.
huankong233 commented 1 year ago

安装了最新的 lts 版本还是不行

C:\Users\huan_kong\Desktop\code\>pnpm run dev

> dev C:\Users\huan_kong\Desktop\code\
> vuepress dev src --config .vuepress/config.ts --clean-cache --clean-temp

/ notes
locales notes dirs [ '/' ] [ '\\notes' ]
✔ Cleaning temp - done in 124ms
✔ Cleaning cache - done in 1ms
⠏ Initializing and preparing dataerror error in hook onPrepared from @vuepress-plume/vuepress-plugin-notes-data
✖ Initializing and preparing data - failed in 23.62s
SyntaxError: Invalid regular expression: /^notes\/: \ at end of pattern
    at new RegExp (<anonymous>)
    at prepareNotesData (file:///C:/Users/huan_kong/Desktop/code/
    at Object.onPrepared [as hook] (file:///C:/Users/huan_kong/Desktop/code/
    at Object.process (file:///C:/Users/huan_kong/Desktop/code/
    at async appPrepare (file:///C:/Users/huan_kong/Desktop/code/
    at async file:///C:/Users/huan_kong/Desktop/code/
    at async file:///C:/Users/huan_kong/Desktop/code/
    at async (file:///C:/Users/huan_kong/Desktop/code/
 ELIFECYCLE  Command failed with exit code 1.

C:\Users\huan_kong\Desktop\code\>node -v
huankong233 commented 1 year ago

改用 20.2.0 依旧报错

C:\Users\huan_kong\Desktop\code\>pnpm run dev

> dev C:\Users\huan_kong\Desktop\code\
> vuepress dev src --config .vuepress/config.ts --clean-cache --clean-temp

/ notes
locales notes dirs [ '/' ] [ '\\notes' ]
✔ Cleaning temp - done in 96ms
✔ Cleaning cache - done in 0ms
⠋ Initializing and preparing dataerror error in hook onPrepared from @vuepress-plume/vuepress-plugin-notes-data
✖ Initializing and preparing data - failed in 24.49s
SyntaxError: Invalid regular expression: /^notes\/: \ at end of pattern
    at new RegExp (<anonymous>)
    at prepareNotesData (file:///C:/Users/huan_kong/Desktop/code/
    at Object.onPrepared [as hook] (file:///C:/Users/huan_kong/Desktop/code/
    at Object.process (file:///C:/Users/huan_kong/Desktop/code/
    at async appPrepare (file:///C:/Users/huan_kong/Desktop/code/
    at async file:///C:/Users/huan_kong/Desktop/code/
    at async file:///C:/Users/huan_kong/Desktop/code/
    at async (file:///C:/Users/huan_kong/Desktop/code/
 ELIFECYCLE  Command failed with exit code 1.

C:\Users\huan_kong\Desktop\code\>node -v
pengzhanbo commented 1 year ago

问题已定位,由于 不同系统的 posix 差异, 在 windows 下位 \, 导致了 notes\ 并没有被 RegExp 正确转译,从而导致错误。 ,已在新版本中修复。

huankong233 commented 1 year ago


huankong233 commented 1 year ago

image 左侧 sidebar 貌似也丢失了 开启了深色,默认打开依然还是白色🤔

huankong233 commented 1 year ago

image 左侧 sidebar 貌似也丢失了 开启了深色,默认打开依然还是白色🤔


huankong233 commented 1 year ago

感觉是似曾相识的问题 image

huankong233 commented 1 year ago

image 如法炮制

export function normalizePath(path) {
  return path.replace(/\/\\+/g, '/').replace(/\\+/g, '/')
huankong233 commented 1 year ago

image 如法炮制

export function normalizePath(path) {
  return path.replace(/\/\\+/g, '/').replace(/\\+/g, '/')


huankong233 commented 1 year ago

image 深色浅色切换貌似也有问题,很奇怪

pengzhanbo commented 1 year ago

深色模式切换,在主题内部进行判断时,为正确进行初始化,导致了默认暗色时,错误的显示为浅色,导致 按钮交互错误。

huankong233 commented 1 year ago

问个问题哈,我看到可以 自定义样式 但是要怎么样用呀,看文档没怎么看懂,在 .vueress/styles/index.scss 下创建了文件但是貌似没有生效

pengzhanbo commented 1 year ago

在本主题中, 使用的是 vuepress 的官方插件 @vuepress/plugin-palette 实现 自定义样式的支持。 但是 这个插件存在一些问题。 如果你重新指定了 读取vuepress config 文件的路径,如

vuepress dev src --config .vuepress/config.ts

config.ts 从默认的 src/.vuepress/config.ts 移动到与src 同层级的 .vuepress 目录中,这个插件并不会做识别判断,而是从 src/.vuepress/styles/index.scss 中加载自定义样式, 而不是你期望的 .vuepress/styles/index.scss

所以只需要在 src/.vuepress/styles/index.scss 中 自定义样式即可。

huankong233 commented 1 year ago

@huankong233 在本主题中, 使用的是 vuepress 的官方插件 @vuepress/plugin-palette 实现 自定义样式的支持。 但是 这个插件存在一些问题。 如果你重新指定了 读取vuepress config 文件的路径,如

vuepress dev src --config .vuepress/config.ts

config.ts 从默认的 src/.vuepress/config.ts 移动到与src 同层级的 .vuepress 目录中,这个插件并不会做识别判断,而是从 src/.vuepress/styles/index.scss 中加载自定义样式, 而不是你期望的 .vuepress/styles/index.scss

所以只需要在 src/.vuepress/styles/index.scss 中 自定义样式即可。


huankong233 commented 1 year ago



// light
html:not(.dark) .plume-home{
  background-image: linear-gradient(
    rgba(34, 34, 34, 0.2),
    rgba(34, 34, 34, 0.2)
  url("") !important;

// dark
html.dark .plume-home{
  background-image: linear-gradient(
    rgba(34, 34, 34, 0.6),
    rgba(34, 34, 34, 0.6)
  url("") !important;
huankong233 commented 1 year ago

image image

pengzhanbo commented 1 year ago

@huankong233 在本主题中, 使用的是 vuepress 的官方插件 @vuepress/plugin-palette 实现 自定义样式的支持。 但是 这个插件存在一些问题。 如果你重新指定了 读取vuepress config 文件的路径,如

vuepress dev src --config .vuepress/config.ts

config.ts 从默认的 src/.vuepress/config.ts 移动到与src 同层级的 .vuepress 目录中,这个插件并不会做识别判断,而是从 src/.vuepress/styles/index.scss 中加载自定义样式, 而不是你期望的 .vuepress/styles/index.scss 。 所以只需要在 src/.vuepress/styles/index.scss 中 自定义样式即可。



pengzhanbo commented 1 year ago


我在 配置中新增了 bannerMask 的选项,用于指定 遮罩蒙版的不透明度。

type HomeFrontmatter {
  banner?: string
  bannerMask?: number | { light?: number; dark?: number }

支持配置在 深色、浅色 模式下的不同的 蒙版不透明度。


home: true
banner: /images/background.png
  light: 0.2
  dark: 0.5
huankong233 commented 1 year ago


我在 配置中新增了 bannerMask 的选项,用于指定 遮罩蒙版的不透明度。

type HomeFrontmatter {
  banner?: string
  bannerMask?: number | { light?: number; dark?: number }

支持配置在 深色、浅色 模式下的不同的 蒙版不透明度。


home: true
banner: /images/background.png
  light: 0.2
  dark: 0.5


huankong233 commented 1 year ago

bannerMask: light: 0.2 dark: 0.5

