penkesiva / testprep

Eq Test Prep
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Stacking Fragments #30

Closed penkesiva closed 5 years ago

penkesiva commented 5 years ago

When in Practice Question Fragment

Back button shall bring back the previous top fragment (ex: practice or year or subject) next button shall bring back the next question fragment previous button shall bring back the previous question fragment

salgubelli commented 5 years ago

Let's reframe the problem to a different context ...

do any two of steps 1-3

Step-1) Side menu -> practice -> select a practice category -> shows first question

Step-2) Side menu -> quiz -> select a quiz -> shows first question

Step-3) Side menu -> model test -> select a model test -> shows first question

keep [ressing back key

Result: exits test/practice -> tetst category screen -> home screen => then goes to previous category

penkesiva commented 5 years ago

Can we close this now?

salgubelli commented 5 years ago

It is still reproducible ... practice -> select a practice test -> start ----> without pressing back -> select quiz from toolbar -> select a quiz -> start -> back + exit + back + back => should show overlapping fragments