Currently, we import all the Exec board's pictures into the index page as components (in a sort-of-jank way). Gatsby, however, has a better way to import a bunch of images (and import them quickly).
Ideally, we want a way to import images such that:
We don't have to rename all the image components every time Exec changes
Image loading is fast (it's not super fast right now)
See the docs on how to import images the Gatsby way. The DynamicImage component is probably the key, though you'll probably want to get familiar with the basics of GraphQL and Gatsby first.
Currently, we import all the Exec board's pictures into the index page as components (in a sort-of-jank way). Gatsby, however, has a better way to import a bunch of images (and import them quickly).
Ideally, we want a way to import images such that:
See the docs on how to import images the Gatsby way. The DynamicImage component is probably the key, though you'll probably want to get familiar with the basics of GraphQL and Gatsby first.