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Create Webhook does not work #26

Closed fsoft72 closed 1 year ago

fsoft72 commented 1 year ago

Hello, I was trying to set a webhook to see what kind of data is sent, but creating the webhook gives me an error. The error is: Something wrong has happened (on backend).

I am attaching a screenshot.


superalex commented 1 year ago

Hello @fsoft72

I've checked the the server logs and it seems the url is giving a timeout error. As the backend tries to validate the payload url it's failing, could you please create a webhook with a valid payload url?

fsoft72 commented 1 year ago

Hello @superalex , now it works. I see the requests from your website and the test server sometimes is slow on responding (~3000ms) and I think this is what triggered the timeout. By keeping the test server alive, I was able to add the webhook.

superalex commented 1 year ago

Great! :)