penpot / penpot

Penpot: The open-source design tool for design and code collaboration
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bug: Designs degraded (lost labels etc) after update to Penpot 2.0 #4368

Open eriknaslund opened 3 weeks ago

eriknaslund commented 3 weeks ago

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Load one of your designs which used the Material Design 3 ( library.
  2. Notice that the button labels, input field text etc has disappeared.

Expected behavior

Designs should not have been altered after the Penpot 2.0 update, and button labels, input field texts etc should still display.

Actual behavior

Button labels, input field texts etc have disappeared (see first screenshot). They're gone in the asset browser as well, when browsing Material Design 3 components (see second screenshot).

Screenshots or video

image image

Desktop (please complete the following information)

Smartphone (please complete the following information)

No response

Environment (please complete the following information)

Frontend Stack Trace

No response

Backend Stack Trace

No response

Additional context

No response

abdusalamApps commented 3 weeks ago

It's the same for me :( Not only this problem. Some of my changes got reverted somehow too.


I even imported the Material 3 library in a new project too and got the same results.

madalenapmelo-kp commented 3 weeks ago

Hi @eriknaslund,

Thank you for reporting this! This issue is a result of a fix we introduced to the z-index behavior, which was used in that file.

We are already working on fixing this library and we expect to publish the fixed library shortly, once the fixed version is published you will need to download and use the new version of this library.

In the meantime, you can fix the positions manually if you want to keep working with the current version while we work on the fixed one. We apologize for the inconvenience, and I will let you know as soon as the new file is available!

abdusalamApps commented 3 weeks ago


Hi, could you share info on how I can fix it myself if I don't want to wait. Also, if I'm gonna download the fixed version when it's ready I'm gonna have to set my colors and typgraphy in the new library.

Thanks in advance and thank you very much for the work you're doing with this great open source project!

UPDATE: Nevermind, I figured it out ^_^

garrett commented 3 weeks ago how do you fix this problem? I'm encountering it (or something that looks like it) in some of my own design files.


Here's a file where I've tried to isolate it down to the parts with the bug: bug missing-content(1).zip (Extract the .zip to get the Penpot file to import.)

It should look like just about like this:



madalenapmelo-kp commented 3 weeks ago

Hi @garrett,

This seems to be a different issue, I've opened a bug on Taiga so that we can look into this issue, you can find the details here:

madalenapmelo-kp commented 3 weeks ago

@garrett while we look into this, you can use the workaround seen in the video to unblock you :slightly_smiling_face: