pensacola-programming / crud-app

Apache License 2.0
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Auth #4

Open kangelopoulos opened 2 weeks ago

kangelopoulos commented 2 weeks ago

We need two pages in addition to the "to do list" screen - a /login page and a /create-account page.

The create account page should contain a form that prompts the user for

  1. Email
  2. Password
  3. First name
  4. Last name

This will be sent to the database POST /user endpoint.

The login page should contain a form that prompts for:

  1. Email
  2. Password

This will also be sent as a POST request to /user/login.

A stretch goal for the future could be to integrate other forms of authentication (e.g. login with google account/etc).

mulfdev commented 2 weeks ago

just cookies for now? should we accept a jwt?

kangelopoulos commented 1 week ago

My plan is to use jwt from the start! It's pretty simple even for new folks. But a vanilla cookie lacks all security.