pentaho / mondrian

Mondrian is an Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) server that enables business users to analyze large quantities of data in real-time.
1.14k stars 724 forks source link

remove #1289

Open stbischof opened 2 years ago

stbischof commented 2 years ago

Signed-off-by: Stefan Bischof

buildguy commented 2 years ago

:x: Build failed in 1m 56s

Build command:

mvn clean verify -B -e -Daudit -amd -DrunITs

:exclamation: No tests found!


Filtered log (click to expand)

``` script returned exit code 1 ```

:information_source: This is an automatic message

stbischof commented 2 years ago

is mondrian still java 8 based?

buildguy commented 2 years ago

:x: Build failed in 3m

Build command:

mvn clean verify -B -e -Daudit -amd -DrunITs

:exclamation: No tests found!


Filtered log (click to expand)

``` script returned exit code 1 ```

:information_source: This is an automatic message

buildguy commented 2 years ago

:white_check_mark: Build finished in 3h 9m 28s

Build command:

mvn clean verify -B -e -Daudit -amd -DrunITs

:exclamation: No tests found!

:information_source: This is an automatic message

hitachivantarasonarqube[bot] commented 2 years ago

SonarQube Quality Gate

Quality Gate failed

Failed condition D Maintainability Rating on New Code (is worse than A)
Failed condition 14 New Code Smells (is greater than 0)

See analysis details on SonarQube

buildguy commented 1 year ago

:x: Build failed in 1h 42m 16s

Build command:

mvn clean verify -B -e -Daudit -amd -DrunITs

:exclamation: No tests found!


Filtered log (click to expand)

``` script returned exit code 1 ```

:information_source: This is an automatic message