pentaho / mondrian

Mondrian is an Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) server that enables business users to analyze large quantities of data in real-time.
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Naive question #671

Open balwaniPrem opened 8 years ago

balwaniPrem commented 8 years ago

Trying to install mondrian, and ran into an issue with "ant"

On the step for set up - when running ant

C:\mondrian> ant

i end up getting the following output instead.

help: [echo] [echo] You must specify a specific project target when using the ANT build. [echo] Targets are one of the following: [echo] [echo] - help [echo] This is the help. [echo] [echo] - info [echo] Shows configuration info. [echo] [echo] - binzip [echo] Compiles Mondrian and wraps everything in a neat little package, [echo] including documentation. [echo] [echo] - workbench-dist [echo] Compiles PSW and wraps everything in a neat little package. [echo] [echo] - jar [echo] Creates a Mondrian jar. [echo] [echo] - workbench [echo] Creates Mondrian and workbench jars. [echo] [echo] - clean [echo] Deletes build output. [echo] [echo] - clean-deep [echo] Clean build output and generated sources. [echo] [echo] - javadoc [echo] Create the API documentation. [echo] [echo] - test [echo] Runs the tests. Requires FoodMart to be installed. (see below) [echo] [echo] - jacoco [echo] Runs the tests with jacoco to measure coverage. Requires FoodMart [echo] to be installed. (see below) [echo] [echo] -load-foodmart [echo] Will load the test DB FoodMart using the JDBC parameters specified. [echo](see below) [echo] [echo] To run the tests, you must have FoodMart available in a database. [echo] You can pass the DB configuration through the command line arguments, [echo] like so: [echo] [echo] ant -Dmondrian.foodmart.jdbcURL="jdbc:mysql://localhost/foodmart" \ [echo] -Dmondrian.foodmart.jdbcUser=foodmart \ [echo] -Dmondrian.foodmart.jdbcPassword=foodmart \ [echo] -Dmondrian.jdbcDrivers=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver \ [echo] -Ddriver.classpath="/opt/mysql-connector-java-5.1.25-bin.jar" [echo] test [echo] [echo] Alternatively, these can be written to a file at the root of the project. [echo] Create a file '' containing this: [echo] [echo] mondrian.foodmart.jdbcURL=jdbc:mysql://localhost/foodmart [echo] mondrian.foodmart.jdbcUser=foodmart [echo] mondrian.foodmart.jdbcPassword=foodmart [echo] mondrian.jdbcDrivers=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver [echo] driver.classpath=/opt/mysql-connector-java-5.1.25-bin.jar [echo] [echo] To load foodmart into your DB, you can call the 'load-foodmart' target [echo] before 'test'. [echo] [echo] The parameters can be adjusted to point to a different DB than MySQL. [echo]

BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 0 seconds

Is there a specific target i should be selecting/specifying for the proper build steps?

chubbard commented 8 years ago

You can just build it with: ant jar. The jar file will be under dist folder in the top level of the mondrian project. Are you trying to do development on mondrian source code rather than just using maven, gradle, etc to pull dependencies?