Closed peterrinehart closed 3 months ago
Build command:
mvn clean verify -B -e -Daudit -pl extensions
``` script returned exit code 1 ```
:information_source: This is an automatic message
Build command:
mvn clean verify -B -e -Daudit -pl extensions
``` script returned exit code 1 ```
:information_source: This is an automatic message
Failed conditions
67.1% Coverage on New Code (required ≥ 80%)
C Reliability Rating on New Code (required ≥ A)
See analysis details on SonarQube
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Build command:
mvn clean verify -B -e -Daudit -pl extensions
:ok_hand: All tests passed!
Tests run: 1572, Failures: 0, Skipped: 5 Test Results
:information_source: This is an automatic message
from booting at the same time, which may lead to config file corruption or instances starting without a proper karaf environment.