pentium3 / sys_reading

system paper reading notes
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Secrecy: Secure collaborative analytics on secret-shared data #42

Closed pentium3 closed 2 years ago

pentium3 commented 3 years ago

pentium3 commented 3 years ago

MPC enables mutually distrusting parties to jointly compute arbitrary functions over private data, while preserving data privacy from each other and from external entities.

Replicated Secret Sharing[ch2.2]:

oblivious primitives[ch2.3]: They discussed how to compose Boolean/Equality/Compare-swap/sort-shuffle/... operations by only using partial data(without knowing the actual value).

oblivious operators[ch3.1-3.2]: use oblivious primitives to implement relational DB operators(eg. SELECT, JOIN, ...). They should hide both access patterns and output size from the computing parties.

composition costs of operators: ch3.3

ch4: optimizations of operators

pentium3 commented 3 years ago

some cypto background knowledge:


pentium3 commented 3 years ago

related: sgx oram fhe dp mpc oblivious operators

pentium3 commented 1 year ago