pentoo / pentoo-overlay

Gentoo overlay for security tools as well as the heart of the Pentoo Livecd
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Go-pot #1929

Closed necrose99 closed 6 days ago

necrose99 commented 1 month ago

Http/s honeypot.. (Laptops dead... desktop took a strike⚡️so new power supply... new surge strip... so my apologies.. on mobile , bit limited if late)

Also pre compiled binaries on release page..

Skeleton ebuild..


DESCRIPTION="A HTTP tarpit written in Go designed to maximize bot misery through very slowly feeding them an infinite stream of fake secrets." HOMEPAGE="" SRC_URI=" -> ${P}.tar.gz"

LICENSE="MIT" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm64 ~arm" IUSE=""

DEPEND="dev-lang/go" RDEPEND=""

src_compile() { go build -o "${S}/go-pot" }

src_install() { dobin "${S}/go-pot" dodoc }

ryanolee commented 1 month ago

Following up on this let me know if you need any support getting this honeypot placed if you find it worth adding :eyes:

blshkv commented 6 days ago

go projects is a pain to maintain. So please create a pull with working ebuild. Until when, i'll close this bug