penumbra-zone / cuiloa

Block explorer for the Penumbra Zone network
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Replace Prisma with pg and pgtyped + Fix IBC Decoding #104

Closed ejmg closed 4 weeks ago

ejmg commented 1 month ago

Part of #7, #87, #89

This PR removes Prisma and replaces it with pg using pgtyped for type safe queries and without none of the overhead and pain of Prisma.

This PR also, incidentally, addresses the encoding issues that were lingering for IBC related transactions via's support for providing a typeRegistery at runtime. Notable are any queries involving update_client, create_client, send_packet, header, and recv_packet.

Several errors in query logic that were uncaught with Prisma have now been corrected, too.

Closes #46, #80 , #42, #47