penumbra-zone / cuiloa

Block explorer for the Penumbra Zone network
Apache License 2.0
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Fix decoding client state for transactions containing `update_client' ABCI events #80

Closed ejmg closed 3 weeks ago

ejmg commented 3 months ago


App currently throws a runtime error when attempting to decode any IBC Client updates and this should be fixed.


As of now, any Transaction that contains IBC Client updates cannot be decoded by current protobuf schema handling. This is because of an internal Any schema decoding error that inevitably gets thrown by the TxResult decoder. This has occurred with anything containing an internalMsgCreateClient protobuf schema (e.g. create_client ABCI events) but occurs with other IBC Client related transactions.

This can probably be fixed by one of the following:

ejmg commented 3 weeks ago

Closed by #104