penumbra-zone / cuiloa

Block explorer for the Penumbra Zone network
Apache License 2.0
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Adding Staking and Validators as navigable resources #82

Open ejmg opened 3 months ago

ejmg commented 3 months ago


Add Staking and Validators as data sources a user can navigate with Cuiloa.


As of now, Cuiloa only allows users to navigate data that is provided by the current indexer and its schema. As a partial result of this, information like Staking and Validators is not currently visible. At minimum, Penumbra's RPC endpoints provide a solution to this for the client to query and render up-to-date information for current staking and existing validators.

A basic version of this could be as simple as relying on's SDK on the client-side for querying + a basic page that renders the data into easily digested views like those currently used by Cuiloa's other pages.

A more advanced version of this could use the same SDK to perform the queries on the server side and to expose this information via the API (and with the same pages and components described above).

Finally, the indexer itself could be leveraged to examining this data if it is currently indexed e.g. via ABCI Events. If not, adding support for this directly into the indexer could be yet another, possibly more long-term and robust, approach to implementing this feature.