penumbra-zone / cuiloa

Block explorer for the Penumbra Zone network
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Find Alternative/Long-Term solution to @microlinkhq/react-json-view #83

Closed ejmg closed 1 month ago

ejmg commented 3 months ago


The current fork of react-json-view is now abandoned, just as the original was. Find a longterm solution for JSON rendering on Cuiloa.


The current fork of react-json-view is more or less dead. An additional complication is NextJS's switch to server-components (and react-18). This means that using react-json-view requires overriding NPM's normal dependency resolution by intentionally allowing unmet peers (that's react-json-view) and opens up the project to future errors downstream of, well, react-json-view simply not working.

There are a few candidates out there that could be slotted in as a solution, partial or otherwise. These currently include:

Writing a super minimal JSON rendering would also be a potential solution but that should probably be avoided.