penumbra-zone / penumbra

Penumbra is a fully private proof-of-stake network and decentralized exchange for the Cosmos ecosystem.
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Tracking issue: narsil design and implementation #2219

Closed hdevalence closed 7 months ago

hdevalence commented 1 year ago

Because Penumbra uses custom cryptography to achieve privacy, we can't easily make use of existing custody tooling like HSMs or hardware wallets without extending them to add support for our cryptography. However, secure custody is a critical operational requirement. Our plan to address it is to build a threshold signing implementation using FROST, providing off-chain multisignatures indistinguishable from any other transactions.

This tool is Narsil, and it will act as a custodian and audit log for a single Penumbra account, sharing control of that account's spending authority across multiple Narsil shards.

While FROST solves the cryptographic part of threshold signatures, it doesn't solve the engineering problem of building a way for the participants to reliably communicate with each other and agree on what messages they should be signing. That problem is also subtle and difficult to solve, but we realized we already have a tool that allows a set of participants to come to consensus on what messages have occurred: Tendermint consensus.

Using Tendermint internally gives us fault-tolerant state replication with an off-the-shelf tool, but it also has another important advantage. Because the Narsil cluster has fault-tolerant replication of the audit log of every transaction the account has authorized, by implication, it has fault-tolerant replication of the entire account state. This means that users can choose to maintain their account state off-chain, using their Narsil cluster as a personal rollup, and only post state commitments, nullifiers, and proofs to the L1.

This seems particularly useful for active market makers, who can cheaply perform frequent updates to their own state (e.g., updating their liquidity positions potentially every block), while saving on gas and saving other users from scanning irrelevant state updates.

Architecture Overview

Narsil provides implementations of the Custody and View protocols, pluggable into any Penumbra client, to provide threshold signing capability.

Narsil is composed of several discrete parts:

Given that Penumbra transaction authorization requests contain complete transaction plans, the Narsil ledger is a complete log of all account activity for a given Penumbra account (and all its associated addresses).

This diagram shows how data flows through the system:

       │ pcli (or other client) │
            ▲               ▲
            │ custody       │ view
            │ protocol      │ protocol
            ▼               ▼
┌──────┬────────┬──────┬────────┬───────────────────────┐     ┌────────┐
│      │Custody │      │  View  │     client protocol   │     │Penumbra│
│      │Service │      │Service │◀──────────────────────┼─────│Fullnode│
│      └────────┘      └────────┘                       │     └────────┘
│         │ ▲               ▲                           │
│         │ │          View │                           │
│    Auth │ │ Auth   Advice │               absent for  │
│ Request │ │ Data          │                replicas   │
│         │ │          ┌────────┐          ┌ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─  │
│         │ │          │ Narsil │ FROST       Narsil  │ │
│         │ └──────────│ Ledger │─────────▶│  Shard     │
│         │            └────────┘           ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┘ │
│         │                 ▲     FROST          │      │
│         └─────────────┐   │  ┌─────────────────┘      │
│                       │ ABCI │                        │
│narsild                │   │  │                        │
                        │   │  │
                        ▼   │  ▼

Authorization Flow

A custody client, such as pcli, constructs a TransactionPlan with a complete description of a proposed Penumbra transaction, and signs it with an Ed25519 key used for preauthorization. The TransactionPlan and PreAuthorization are included in an AuthorizeRequest sent to the custody protocol endpoint of a Narsil instance in that account's Narsil cluster. The Narsil instance wraps the AuthorizeRequest in a Narsil packet and submits it to its associated Tendermint instance.

AuthorizeRequests are identified by their transaction's EffectHash, indexing them by content (the effects of the proposed transaction). This provides a number of useful behaviors:

When a new AuthorizeRequest is received by the ledger, the ledger initiates a ceremony. Ceremonies are indexed first by EffectHash and then by a sequence number, and represent a particular attempt to threshold-sign the transaction. The state of a ceremony is tracked on-chain by a CeremonyState, whose state transitions are as follows:

┌───────┐   ┌─────────────┐   ┌─────────────┐   ┌────────┐
└───────┘   └─────────────┘   └─────────────┘   ├────────┤
    │              │                 │          │AuthData│
    │              │                 │          └────────┘
    │              │                 │
    │              │                 │          ┌────────┐
    └──────────────┴─────────────────┴─────────▶│ Failed │

Ceremonies start in the Pending state. This corresponds an AuthorizeRequest that has been received by the chain but has not yet met policy requirements (e.g., for a certain number of pre-authorizations). Once policy requirements have been met, the ledger selects a committee of shards to participate in the FROST ceremony. As shards submit their FROST messages, the ledger advances the ceremony to either the Finished or Failed states. The Finished state contains the AuthorizationData necessary to authorize the transaction. Depending on the cause of the failure, a failed ceremony can be restarted. Also, multiple ceremonies can be run in parallel to reduce latency.

As proposed TransactionPlans are observed, each Narsil instance can also records all of the notes and other state fragments that they would create, and forward them to the view service as scanning advice. This allows transactions authorized by Narsil to safely skip inclusion of encrypted payload data, and post only rolled-up state commitments: because transactions from the Narsil-controlled account can only be authorized by threshold signing, and Narsil shards only consider transaction plans posted to the ledger, the Narsil ledger is guaranteed to contain openings of every authorized transaction's state commitments.

Key Generation

A Narsil cluster is initialized with a set of shard operators, the entities responsible for sharing control of the funds it custodies. Shard operators have the following keys:

Of these keys, the ShardIdentityKey, ConsensusKey, ShardMessageKey are declared by the shard operator as part of the ShardDescription declared at genesis. At genesis, the shard operators begin a DKG, which results in an AccountGroupInfo describing the jointly-controlled account and the shares of each operator.

Next Steps

This list charts a pathway to an MVP:

hdevalence commented 7 months ago

Closing as not planned; we shelved this design but could pick it up in the future.