penumbra-zone / penumbra

Penumbra is a fully private proof-of-stake network and decentralized exchange for the Cosmos ecosystem.
Apache License 2.0
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Restructure client code into a bundle of microservices #587

Closed hdevalence closed 2 years ago

hdevalence commented 2 years ago


We're now (or about to be) facing a similar situation on the client side (pcli) as we were in pd prior to #488: we started with code designed to be an MVP, it's been extended beyond that scope, and we're now at the point where further extension risks blowing up the complexity of the code.

At the same time, we're getting a better sense of our needs for the client code, and there are more use-cases to support:

The current client code (pcli + penumbra-wallet) was designed with a much more vague version of the above use cases in mind: penumbra-wallet was supposed to have reusable code that would handle Penumbra-specific logic (like how to scan a block, and what state to serialize as part of the wallet), which pcli would call to do whatever operations it needed. Other applications could use the penumbra-wallet code directly. However, then they have to use the Rust crate (trivial for Rust applications, potentially nontrivial for other languages), and implement the logic required to drive the wallet code, and this is a bunch of effort.


Instead, it would be useful to be able to completely offload responsibility for synchronizing the chain state and performing transactions to a standalone view service. This service would:

This service should be written as a library, so that it can be used in multiple ways:

To clarify terminology:


Our current implementation model looks like the left, with all of the private user data bundled into a big ball in pcli, and all of the public chain data in pd. Instead, I think we should move to the diagram on the right, which separates viewing capability and spending capability:

          ╭   ┌───────┐                
  spending│   │custody│                
capability│   │service│                
          ╰   └───────┘                
               ▲     │                 
               │tx   │auth             
               │plan │data             
               │     ▼                 
          ╭   ┌───────┐                
   viewing│   │wallet │ tx submission  
capability│   │logic  │────────┐       
          │   └───────┘        │       
          │    ▲               │       
          │    │view private state     
          │    │               │       
          │    │               │       
          │   ┌───────┐        │       
          │   │view   │        │       
          │   │service│        │       
          ╰   └───────┘        │       
               ▲               │       
               │sync private state     
               │               │       
          ╭ ┌──┼───────────────┼──────┐
    public│ │  │     Penumbra Fullnode│
     chain│ │  │               │      │
      data│ │  │               ▼      │
          │ │ ┌──┐ app   ┌──────────┐ │
          │ │ │pd│◀─────▶│tendermint│ │
          │ │ └──┘ sync  └──────────┘ │
          │ │               ▲         │
          ╰ └───────────────┼─────────┘
                       ,'   │ `.       
                  .───;     │consensus 
                 ;          │sync      
               .─┤          │   ├──.   
             ,'             │       `. 
            ;   Penumbra    │         :
            :   Network  ◀──┘         ;
             ╲                       ╱ 
              `.     `.     `.     ,'  
                `───'  `───'  `───'    

In this model, we split the existing client code into three entities:

One aspect of this design is where the responsibility for building, signing, and submitting transactions should lie. If this were placed in the view service (in other words, identifying the view service with "the wallet"), we'd need it to know about how to sign transactions (or how to request their signing), which is awkward because it's mixing a weaker capability (viewing) with a stronger capability (signing).

On the other hand, if we define the view service's sole responsibility as providing a read-only view of the current state of some private user data, its role is neatly compartmentalized, and we have a clear progression from "more online + less capability" (with pd at one extreme) to "less online + more capability" (with the custody service at the other).

Moreover, we can arrange these roles into different components in multiple ways, for different use cases (note: horizontal scrolling):

 pcli (basic)                 pcli + pwalletd              pcli + pwalletd              web wallet + keplr           web wallet + keplr        
                                                                + hardware wallet                                               + pwalletd     
┌─────────────────────────┐  ┌─────────────────────────┐  ┌─────────────────────────┐  ┌─────────────────────────┐  ┌─────────────────────────┐
│ ┌───────┐           pcli│  │ ┌───────┐           pcli│  │ ┌───────┐       hardware│  │ ┌───────┐          keplr│  │ ┌───────┐          keplr│
│ │custody│               │  │ │custody│               │  │ │custody│         wallet│  │ │custody│               │  │ │custody│               │
│ │service│               │  │ │service│               │  │ │service│               │  │ │service│               │  │ │service│               │
│ └───────┘               │  │ └───────┘               │  │ └───────┘               │  │ └───────┘               │  │ └───────┘               │
│  ▲     │                │  │  ▲     │                │  │  ▲     │                │  │  ▲     │                │  │  ▲     │                │
│  │     │                │  │  │     │                │  └──┼─────┼────────────────┘  └──┼─────┼────────────────┘  └──┼─────┼────────────────┘
│  │     │                │  │  │     │                │  ┌──┼─────┼────────────────┐  ┌──┼─────┼────────────────┐  ┌──┼─────┼────────────────┐
│  │     ▼                │  │  │     ▼                │  │  │     ▼            pcli│  │  │     ▼      web wallet│  │  │     ▼      web wallet│
│ ┌───────┐               │  │ ┌───────┐               │  │ ┌───────┐               │  │ ┌───────┐               │  │ ┌───────┐               │
│ │wallet │               │  │ │wallet │               │  │ │wallet │               │  │ │wallet │               │  │ │wallet │               │
│ │logic  │────────┐      │  │ │logic  │────────┐      │  │ │logic  │────────┐      │  │ │logic  │────────┐      │  │ │logic  │────────┐      │
│ └───────┘        │      │  │ └───────┘        │      │  │ └───────┘        │      │  │ └───────┘        │      │  │ └───────┘        │      │
│  ▲               │      │  │  ▲               │      │  │  ▲               │      │  │  ▲               │      │  │  ▲               │      │
│  │               │      │  └──┼───────────────┼──────┘  └──┼───────────────┼──────┘  │  │               │      │  └──┼───────────────┼──────┘
│  │               │      │  ┌──┼───────────────┼──────┐  ┌──┼───────────────┼──────┐  │  │               │      │  ┌──┼───────────────┼──────┐
│  │               │      │  │  │              pwalletd│  │  │              pwalletd│  │  │               │      │  │  │              pwalletd│
│ ┌───────┐        │      │  │ ┌───────┐        │      │  │ ┌───────┐        │      │  │ ┌───────┐        │      │  │ ┌───────┐        │      │
│ │view   │        │      │  │ │view   │        │      │  │ │view   │        │      │  │ │view   │        │      │  │ │view   │        │      │
│ │service│        │      │  │ │service│        │      │  │ │service│        │      │  │ │service│        │      │  │ │service│        │      │
│ └───────┘        │      │  │ └───────┘        │      │  │ └───────┘        │      │  │ └───────┘        │      │  │ └───────┘        │      │
│  ▲               │      │  │  ▲               │      │  │  ▲               │      │  │  ▲               │      │  │  ▲               │      │
└──┼───────────────┼──────┘  └──┼───────────────┼──────┘  └──┼───────────────┼──────┘  └──┼───────────────┼──────┘  └──┼───────────────┼──────┘
   │               │            │               │            │               │            │               │            │               │       
┌──┼───────────────┼──────┐  ┌──┼───────────────┼──────┐  ┌──┼───────────────┼──────┐  ┌──┼───────────────┼──────┐  ┌──┼───────────────┼──────┐
│  │     Penumbra Fullnode│  │  │     Penumbra Fullnode│  │  │     Penumbra Fullnode│  │  │     Penumbra Fullnode│  │  │     Penumbra Fullnode│
│  │               │      │  │  │               │      │  │  │               │      │  │  │               │      │  │  │               │      │
│  │               ▼      │  │  │               ▼      │  │  │               ▼      │  │  │               ▼      │  │  │               ▼      │
│ ┌──┐ app   ┌──────────┐ │  │ ┌──┐ app   ┌──────────┐ │  │ ┌──┐ app   ┌──────────┐ │  │ ┌──┐ app   ┌──────────┐ │  │ ┌──┐ app   ┌──────────┐ │
│ │pd│◀─────▶│tendermint│ │  │ │pd│◀─────▶│tendermint│ │  │ │pd│◀─────▶│tendermint│ │  │ │pd│◀─────▶│tendermint│ │  │ │pd│◀─────▶│tendermint│ │
│ └──┘ sync  └──────────┘ │  │ └──┘ sync  └──────────┘ │  │ └──┘ sync  └──────────┘ │  │ └──┘ sync  └──────────┘ │  │ └──┘ sync  └──────────┘ │
│               ▲         │  │               ▲         │  │               ▲         │  │               ▲         │  │               ▲         │
└───────────────┼─────────┘  └───────────────┼─────────┘  └───────────────┼─────────┘  └───────────────┼─────────┘  └───────────────┼─────────┘
             .──│.                        .──│.                        .──│.                        .──│.                        .──│.         
           ,'   │ `.                    ,'   │ `.                    ,'   │ `.                    ,'   │ `.                    ,'   │ `.       
      .───;     │consensus         .───;     │consensus         .───;     │consensus         .───;     │consensus         .───;     │consensus 
     ;          │sync             ;          │sync             ;          │sync             ;          │sync             ;          │sync      
   .─┤          │   ├──.        .─┤          │   ├──.        .─┤          │   ├──.        .─┤          │   ├──.        .─┤          │   ├──.   
 ,'             │       `.    ,'             │       `.    ,'             │       `.    ,'             │       `.    ,'             │       `. 
;   Penumbra    │         :  ;   Penumbra    │         :  ;   Penumbra    │         :  ;   Penumbra    │         :  ;   Penumbra    │         :
:   Network  ◀──┘         ;  :   Network  ◀──┘         ;  :   Network  ◀──┘         ;  :   Network  ◀──┘         ;  :   Network  ◀──┘         ;
 ╲                       ╱    ╲                       ╱    ╲                       ╱    ╲                       ╱    ╲                       ╱ 
  `.     `.     `.     ,'      `.     `.     `.     ,'      `.     `.     `.     ,'      `.     `.     `.     ,'      `.     `.     `.     ,'  
    `───'  `───'  `───'          `───'  `───'  `───'          `───'  `───'  `───'          `───'  `───'  `───'          `───'  `───'  `───'    

In particular, if pviewd is only responsible for presenting a view of the private user data, we could conceivably support its use as an information backend for a web wallet (e.g., a power user deploys a personal pwalletd on a VPS or a raspberry pi, or someone deploys a public pviewd in SGX, or ...), and if it's not responsible for transaction signing, we can use it contexts (like a web wallet) where we have an external transaction signer.

One thing that this model can't do, by design, is the current implementation of "pending" notes. Right now, in pcli, we modify the local state and implement an ad-hoc state change + rollback system to track transactions that we've submitted to the chain but which have not yet been recieved. This causes a huge increase in the complexity of the state management code, but the block interval is <10s, we're paying that increase in complexity for a very short time window, and we could alternatively just wait for the transaction to be confirmed before reporting success, in which case the problem goes away completely. Beyond the simplification of the state management code, not doing this also means that we only need to feed data through the view service in one direction (away from the public chain, towards higher cryptographic capability) rather than two.

As with the pd restructuring in #488, I think it would be better to do a parallel rewrite using our existing code as a reference, rather than a refactoring of the existing code. The big advantage of this approach is that we unlink the progress on this project from our other projects, we can merge in-progress code and compare it with the existing implementation, and we can avoid carrying over architectural decisions that might not still make sense. To do this, I'd suggest that we make new crates: view, custody, wallet-next and then pcli-next, which should eventually replace the existing wallet and pcli crates. The view crate would have the implementation of the view server, as well as a pviewd binary that stands up the server. The pcli-next crate would use the view server as described above.

This work should be done before we substantially expand the scope of the wallet functionality, so starting now seems good.

hdevalence commented 2 years ago

Snipped #645 out of this issue, since I think we should do it as a second refactoring similarly to this one, after we finish this one.

hdevalence commented 2 years ago

Shipped in testnet 17!