peonso / tibialegacyserver

Tibia Legacy Server is a OpenTibia 7.72 real map server.
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Monster loots at double rate compared to leaked files #59

Closed tarantonio closed 8 years ago

tarantonio commented 8 years ago


ancient scarab loot

xml (chance 0-100000):

        <item id="1987" chance="100000"><!-- bag -->
                <item id="2162" chance="21800"/><!-- 21.8% magic light wand -->
                <item id="2540" chance="1000"/><!-- 1% scarab shield -->
                <item id="2440" chance="600"/><!-- 0.6% daramanian waraxe -->
        <item id="2150" chance="2400" countmax="4"/><!-- 4 2.4% small amethyst -->
        <item id="2149" chance="1200" countmax="3"/><!-- 3 1.2% small emerald -->
        <item id="2159" chance="10000" countmax="2"/><!-- 2 10% scarab coin -->
        <item id="2159" chance="2000"/><!-- 2% scarab coin -->
        <item id="2135" chance="1000"/><!-- 1% scarab amulet -->
        <item id="2142" chance="2000"/><!-- 2% ancient amulet -->
        <item id="2463" chance="20000"/><!-- 20% plate armor -->
        <item id="2148" chance="88800" countmax="100"/><!-- 100 88.8% gold coin -->
        <item id="2148" chance="75700" countmax="66"/><!-- 66 75.7% gold coin -->
        <item id="2148" chance="99900" countmax="22"/><!-- 22 99.9% gold coin -->

tibia leaked file (chance 0-1000):

Inventory     = {(3025, 1, 10), - ancient amulet
                 (3328, 1, 3), - a daramanian waraxe
                 (3031, 100, 444), - a gold coin
                 (3031, 66, 757), - a gold coin
                 (3031, 22, 999), - a gold coin
                 (3046, 1, 109), - a magic light wand
                 (3357, 1, 100), - a plate armor
                 (3018, 1, 5), - a scarab amulet
                 (3042, 2, 50), - a scarab coin
                 (3042, 1, 10), - a scarab coin
                 (3440, 1, 5), - a scarab shield
                 (3033, 4, 12), - a small amethyst
                 (3032, 3, 6)} - a small emerald
tarantonio commented 8 years ago

There is any chance to get a bag on Real Tibia leaked server? Why are we using that bags?

peonso commented 8 years ago

There is an issue for that already, #41.

Monsters only stopped to drop bag in version 8.6, I don't know the logic for what went in or out the bag, from what I remember and I can see in videos, weapon/shield/light sources come inside bags, items with armor outside, gold/food generally came outside, not always though.