pep-dortmund / toolbox-workshop

Materialien zum PeP et al. Toolbox-Workshop
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fixed path to data file #246

Closed LuckyJosh closed 4 years ago

LuckyJosh commented 4 years ago

Sorry, I forgot to fix this small bug until now. Just a path to the data file was not updated.

maxnoe commented 4 years ago

Why wasn't this catched by Travis?

LuckyJosh commented 4 years ago

The rule from the Makefile is:

build/%.html: %.ipynb
jupyter-nbconvert --output-dir=build --execute --allow-errors --to html_embed $<

Due to the --allow-errors flag the conversion is not stopped when an error occurs.

maxnoe commented 4 years ago

Ah dam, we show some errors in the python and numpy notebook, right?

We should have another way to do this. Maybe use with pytest.raises?