When you select a champion, there could be objective checkboxes specific to the champion's abilities.
For example, for Nasus, an additional checkbox would appear for "Q damage" which takes into account AD, crit chance, and also CDR (how often he gets to Q)
This might also simplify your idea that you started working on, regarding poke and burst. Instead of having generic poke (special-cased for every champion), for Singed there would be an extra checkbox for how much damage his Q does per second. Well, in this particular case, the ability scales directly from AP (so you could just check AP), so maybe a checkbox isn't necessary but it could appear in the list of stats.
When you select a champion, there could be objective checkboxes specific to the champion's abilities.
For example, for Nasus, an additional checkbox would appear for "Q damage" which takes into account AD, crit chance, and also CDR (how often he gets to Q)
This might also simplify your idea that you started working on, regarding poke and burst. Instead of having generic poke (special-cased for every champion), for Singed there would be an extra checkbox for how much damage his Q does per second. Well, in this particular case, the ability scales directly from AP (so you could just check AP), so maybe a checkbox isn't necessary but it could appear in the list of stats.