pepite / Play--framework-Spring-module

A module to interface Spring and the Play! framework
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Scanning and annotations not working #14

Open Vortilion opened 11 years ago

Vortilion commented 11 years ago


I'm trying to use spring in a Play 1 project, together with the ldap library. So far it works, but only if I use @Inject for injecting two Beans "ldapTemplate" and "ldapPerson". I added the lines

play.spring.component-scan=true play.spring.component-scan.base-packages=ldap.dao

in application.conf, but it seems they're not making any difference. If I change @Inject to "@Autowired" e.g. I get a NullPointer Exception in the code

Security.ldap.authenticate(DistinguishedName.EMPTY_PATH, filter.encode(), password)

xiejunquan commented 8 years ago

need to define static @Inject private static HelloService helloService;