pepite / play--pdf

Render a PDF document from your HTML template
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Polish characters disappear #7

Open jgonera opened 14 years ago

jgonera commented 14 years ago

PDF module "eats" Polish characters. It doesn't matter if the characters are in the template or passed in some variable - they just disappear. There is a meta tag with UTF-8 in the template and e.g. Spanish characters work fine. Of course for normal HTML pages generated by render() Polish characters are also properly displayed.

Polish characters are: ęóąśłżźćń

Interestingly, "ó" does not disappear. I suppose it's because it exists in other languages too.

jgonera commented 14 years ago

Specifying font path by yahp.FOP_TTF_FONT_PATH in application.conf works (it uses other fonts then and shows Polish characters), but I guess it should also work without specifying external fonts.

FroMage commented 13 years ago

Do you still have the issue with the latest version?

jgonera commented 13 years ago

Just checked with the latest version from git and the problem persists. I guess the default font would have to be changed to fix this.

dbroeglin commented 11 years ago

I'm having a similar issue with cyrillic characters. However, I'm not familiar at all with flying saucer and this module. Could you give me a few hints on how to make this work ? I develop on Mac and deploy on Linux. From what I gathered it will matter but an explanation on either one of them should be enough.