peppolautoriteit-nl / Invoice-Processes-Draft

Draft documents regarding invoice to payment processes, and which documents to send in which scenario
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Failed delivery of invoice to corner 4 #3

Open PatrickVHL opened 3 years ago

PatrickVHL commented 3 years ago

MLR and Invoice Response do not cover the case where communication between corner 3 and corner 4 fails (persistently). F.e. after 5 retries still no successful delivery of message.

PatrickVHL commented 2 years ago

The discussion within the Post-Award Community (PoAC) about this topic is still open.

Part of the community believes that the Message Level Response is the best way of communicating the failure. Advantages are that the MLR is already available and could easily be extended to accommodate an error code for this type of failure. On the other hand the MLR is specifically used for failures within the domain of schematron business rule violation. MLR would lose it's specific purpose and become a more generic message.

The other part of the community believes this should not be done within a Message Level Response or an Invoice Response. The suggestion would be to use the failure to deliver an Invoice Response to C1 within a timeframe (f.e. 1 hour) to establish a failure in the communication between C3 and C4. The downside

wimkok commented 2 years ago

The communication about not being able to deliver adocument form C3 to C4 must go to sending endpoint C1. C2 is responsible to deliver a correct document to C3. Communication about correctness of documents is done by MLR form C3 to C2 because responsebility about correctness of document lies with C2.