Dependabot can't resolve your Rust dependency files.
As a result, Dependabot couldn't update your dependencies.
The error Dependabot encountered was:
error: failed to parse manifest at `/home/dependabot/dependabot-updater/dependabot_tmp_dir/Cargo.toml`
Caused by:
editions are unstable
Caused by:
feature `edition` is required
this Cargo does not support nightly features, but if you
switch to nightly channel you can add
`cargo-features = ["edition"]` to enable this feature
If you think the above is an error on Dependabot's side please don't hesitate to get in touch - we'll do whatever we can to fix it.
You can mention @dependabot in the comments below to contact the Dependabot team.
Dependabot can't resolve your Rust dependency files.
As a result, Dependabot couldn't update your dependencies.
The error Dependabot encountered was:
If you think the above is an error on Dependabot's side please don't hesitate to get in touch - we'll do whatever we can to fix it.
You can mention @dependabot in the comments below to contact the Dependabot team.