Closed XJIOP closed 6 years ago
I can not reproduce this error. Need more information about what version of the python is used, in all broadcasts it is observed? What version of gevent is installed? What player is used for viewing broadcasts?
Based on the provided log, try to comment the line
#self._recvbuffer = self._socket.read_all()
in /aceclient/ Will this error occur?
This part of the log bothers me. After we closed the connection to acestream engine- Close video stream: http:// ....
This should not be, provided that there are no other broadcasts [LINE:302 ]# DEBUG [13.08 15:41:43] <<< RESUME [LINE:118 ]# DEBUG [13.08 15:41:43] >>> EVENT play [LINE:302 ]# DEBUG [13.08 15:41:43] <<< STATE 2 [LINE:302 ]# DEBUG [13.08 15:41:43] <<< STATE 0 [LINE:302 ]# DEBUG [13.08 15:41:43] <<< SHUTDOWN
After stop playing video, sometimes get such errors