per1234 / Ariadne-Bootloader

Arduino TFTP bootloader for W5100 Ethernet controller(Arduino Ethernet, Ethernet Shield, etc.)
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Non-password protected reset example sketch #18

Open per1234 opened 8 years ago

per1234 commented 8 years ago

For use on a private network the NetReset example is more complex and uses more memory than necessary. Ideally this would use telnet instead of webserver to make it more lightweight and friendly for command line or automated usage but this means I will need to provide examples of how to send the reset command. telnet is included with Windows but not installed by default but can be installed via command line: pkgmgr /iu:"TelnetClient" ( For some reason this doesn't work for me(just locks up instead of opening the terminal when I try to connect), but realterm does - maybe a firewall issue?