perak / kitchen-examples

Meteor Kitchen examples
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Array of Objects Nested Objects Crud Example #4

Open rjmoggach opened 9 years ago

rjmoggach commented 9 years ago

The invoice example is great and I'd love to see a deeper example that shows how to best implement joins using an array of objects, crud, and nested objects or arrays...

Good use cases for an example might be a movie credits app, a recipe app, an orgchart app, user groups with group managers who can manage row level permissions... you name it. Lots of great ideas but you're the expert. Great work. So easy to get going with this.

perak commented 9 years ago

Thanks :)

I am being busy last few months, but you can expect new examples soon.

Also, if you want to help, you can create screencast video showing and explaining how to create simple app ("minimal" example?) with meteor kitchen - I'l put that video into home page and add you into "hall of fame". That's 'cause English is not my primary language and it will sound stupid if I do that, so I need somebody's help :)

rjmoggach commented 9 years ago

Here you go!

perak commented 9 years ago

Hey Robert, that's awesome! Exactly what I imagined. Thank you very much! I'l put video to kitchen site today!

:+1: :+1: :+1:

perak commented 9 years ago

OK @robmoggach you are famous now :)

I put video on top of "getting started" page:

And added you to contributors list:

Thank you very much! :)

rjmoggach commented 9 years ago

I've done a quick mockup of an example that would be well received - obviously use the bootswatch themes out of the box instead of trying to build to this mockup. The features required should showcase a lot of the MK functionality. If it's not immediately obvious... it's a notes app. Has private and public areas and uses the account system. Notes are stored in folders. Folders can have subfolders. Notes have versions and can be public or private. Live markdown preview on right.


rjmoggach commented 9 years ago

I believe that example should answer a lot of questions that aren't answered in the docs so well worth it.

perak commented 9 years ago

Hi Robert,

Good idea.

Is that screenshot from real app or you drew it?

About private notes: where other users can find other user's public notes? (where are public notes displayed?). In some directory called "public", or something?

I think it's relatively easy to be created with "kitchen", so I'l try something for weekend (I will be busy this week).

perak commented 9 years ago

(BTW, we can also communicate via e-mail)

sireskay commented 9 years ago

Loving this conversation, I will iterate back to what @robmoggach said earlier regarding have group with subgroups and flocks. here is what I have to make, any suggestion will be great. You have a church with members, each member belong to a group and the group belong to a flock. i want each members to be able to message individual within there group, as well as there flock. Any suggestion how to lay this out with MK?

perak commented 9 years ago

I don't know how your program is organized, but it looks like you need to filter what particular user can see as his contacts - server side. So, if I understand well, user's contacts are people from his group and his flock - that should be done in publish method.

Now while writing this text, I see that you cannot just subscribe to custom, manually written publish code. MK's "query" will generate code for publish & subscribe, but limited to only simple return from find() function. You cannot write custom publication and instruct MK just to subscribe to it client side. This is actually functionality that I should add to MK - I'l create new issue for this.
