perak / kitchen-site

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custom.bootstrap.less isn't created on build & download (not in downloaded zip file) #169

Open a4xrbj1 opened 8 years ago

a4xrbj1 commented 8 years ago

I'm having difficulties using the bootstrap3 theme.

I've used build & download (javascript + html) and I get the following error message in the terminal:

While processing files with flemay:less-autoprefixer (for target web.browser):
client/styles/styles/styles.less:1: Unknown import: /client/styles/framework/bootstrap3/custom.bootstrap.less

I've checked and the file "custom.bootstrap.less" isn't in the downloaded zip file. As I'm just in my second day trying to learn frontend development I'm not able to solve this myself, help is appreciated.

I've noticed that when I select "bootstrap3" as the frontend then the theme isn't showing a drop down menu like it was shown in Brandon Hammond's video on MeteorKitchen (but in his version it showed bootstrap and not bootstrap3". Not sure if this is the correct behavior or something is wrong there as well. It would be much better if there is a dropdown of available themes rather than letting the user type which leads typo errors etc.

perak commented 8 years ago

Hi @a4xrbj1

typing from my mobile phone. please check/search other (closed) issues - other people reported the same problem. Trick is that file is created automatically when you start app for the first time, but too late and meteor reports the missing file. If you waitfew seconds, you'll see that meteor will restart automaticaly and no more errors will be shown in this and in any future sessions.

My plan is to change nemo64: bootstrap package (or to simply include file instead waiting it to be auto-generated).

a4xrbj1 commented 8 years ago

Hi @perak

that's unfortunately not the case. It doesn't refresh, just shows this error. I've also started completely from scratch with a new app, selected only the useraccount template and it gives me the same error message right from the start (I've deleted everything inside the project folder and also used what I downloaded).

That's very frustrating that even without changing anything and just creating an app I run into an issue that I can't solve (with my capabilities). It should be easy repeat that same behavior/error

perak commented 8 years ago

hum... I'll check is it something new as son as I reach my computer...

a4xrbj1 commented 8 years ago

"My plan is to change nemo64: bootstrap package (or to simply include file instead waiting it to be auto-generated)."

I'll second that move. Everywhere on the web I find the same recommendation to this problem. It's not a MeteorKitchen specific one but rather one with the package manager in Meteor, see here:

perak commented 8 years ago

@a4xrbj1 I just made new minimal application, build & download, unzip downloaded file, started the app and it works as expected - initially it shows error, but file is automatically created after few seconds, meteor restarts and everything is going fine.

Screenshot: bootstrap-error


a4xrbj1 commented 8 years ago

I did the same and it doesn't reload automatically (or refreshes).

Meteor 1.2.1 Mac OSX 10.10.5 Yosemite

perak commented 8 years ago

OK, I've sent you missing files via e-mail. Your program will work now, but that's not the solution - other user maybe experiencing the same issue but didn't reported.

I'll include these files in next version of meteor-kitchen (hopefully before the end of this week).

Thanks for reporting the issue! :+1:

perak commented 8 years ago

@a4xrbj1 btw, you can copy missing files into ~/.meteor-kitchen/templates/ui/bootstrap3/bootstrap3/ and meteor-kitchen will automatically copy them into correct location in every future build (that's actually what I'll do in the next version - files will be included there in official distribution).

adnoh commented 8 years ago

anything new about this? same problem here with a template project and with a minimal project. Linux / Meteor 1.2.1 / Meteorkitchen 0.9.57 - I've testest with "Build locally"

perak commented 8 years ago

This is already fixed. What is your meteor-kitchen --version ?

perak commented 8 years ago

Ah, I see 0.9.57 . Strange!

fahmipriadi commented 8 years ago

I'm using meteor-kitchen 0.9.68 and meteor, and still experiencing the same issue. Is there any solution?

fahmipriadi commented 8 years ago

I finally able to run the example after changing my server OS from CentOS to Debian. I still dont know what's wrong anyway.

perak commented 8 years ago

@fahmipriadi strange. This bug is fixed long time ago and I didn't experienced it for a while (and nobody else complains).

However... I am testing on CentOS 6 often (using CentOS in VM to compile meteor-kitchen binary) and it behaves normally. How I can reproduce that?

fahmipriadi commented 8 years ago

@perak I was using CentOS 7. Perhaps there are compatibility issues at CentOS 7? I'm gonna try to reproduce the issue some other time. For the time being, i'm gonna use Debian.

egbertomonteiro commented 7 years ago

I'm having the same difficulties using Centos 7.

perak commented 7 years ago

@egbertomonteiro what is your meteor-kitchen --version ?

the4tress commented 7 years ago

I am also having the same issue with CentOS 7.

perak commented 7 years ago

@the4tress I'll try to reproduce and fix this. Installing CentOS 7...

perak commented 7 years ago

@the4tress I just installed CentOS 7, then installed Meteor and Meteor Kitchen, then I ran:

meteor-kitchen --example-minimal ./example-minimal
cd example-minimal

And application is running normally with no errors (see screenshot)

screen shot 2017-01-04 at 1 51 46 pm
meteor --version
meteor-kitchen --version
cat /etc/centos-release
CentOS Linux release 7.3.1611 (Core)

Please help me reproduce your issue.

the4tress commented 7 years ago

I just set up a new CentOS system today. I'll try again and update tomorrow.

Luq16 commented 7 years ago

@perak I having this error. Could yould advise me how to get pass it. Thanks

" While processing files with less (for target web.browser): client/lib/styles.less:1: Unknown import: /client/styles/framework/bootstrap3/custom.bootstrap.less"

perak commented 7 years ago


Luq16 commented 7 years ago

@perak Thank you. Now working. I started all over again. Possible I might have made some mistakes. Thank you.