perak / kitchen-site

Meteor Kitchen site source code
MIT License
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Kitchen Site is down #439

Open koernigo opened 5 years ago

koernigo commented 5 years ago

Hi, the site is down.
I asked this before, but it would probably be hugely helpful if the kitchen tool could be made available as an install vs. cloud only.



Extra-Extra-Dev commented 5 years ago

site down again?

Any word on the distributed exe being updated to the current version so we can have a backup?

Extra-Extra-Dev commented 5 years ago

Site down again. :-(

pwachara commented 5 years ago

Hi, the site is down. I asked this before, but it would probably be hugely helpful if the kitchen tool could be made available as an install vs. cloud only.



pwachara commented 5 years ago

Site down again! Could you please address this conclusively?


Extra-Extra-Dev commented 5 years ago

Hi Petar! Yeah the site is down again. I have a few questions. 1) I've notice the site has been really fast. What did you do to improve it? 2) The site goes down often on weekends. Is this from heavy use? Does this pattern translate in to something we should be aware of for any apps prepared with MK? 3) I realize we can modify JSON manually to use the MK command line locally locally. But I believe the UI-editor offered is is older (I've read, not tried). I'd like to use this, but I'm afraid of regressing app in the JSON settings that I depend on as per the current online version. I would use offline to author, but as the version is outdated, my pipeline is at risk. Would it be possible to update a current distributable version so we can run locally and stay off your CPU?

Really love MK. Happy to support you in any way.

perak commented 5 years ago

Hi all,

Site is up and running (I didn't touch it - no idea why it looks down to you).

@Extra-Extra-Dev answers:

  1. I didn't touch it - no idea why it is fast :)

  2. I reviewed log files and nothing strange is there, and no heavy use by weekends. No idea why it goes down by weekend (but it is up & running for me now)

  3. Humm... UI and command line tool are not the same version? Maybe I missed to update one of these. Will do it when I find some free time (Sorry, I'm busy with other things).

Sorry for "no idea" answers :P

Extra-Extra-Dev commented 5 years ago


HAHAHAHa well.. I think I speak for everyone in thanking you for everyone and the response. I admit .. . due to my own bad work habits, I'm often on here on Friday nights (EU time) and it goes down often. Maybe it's a faulty observation!

As for the site.... it's been faster for me when it's up. Like very! Weird.

*Combined, I think your fans are curious your hosting environ. Maybe the collective knowledge can help with the outages esp if you've not touched it.

Version differences... yes. I believe the "version issue" is that the command line is 0.9.107 yet the MK UI from GIT at is not touched in 2 years. I think I may speak for others in assuming the could not possibly be compatible (and in my case didn't research!). But I believe thats the backup others are seeking for offline authoring and compiling. Any clarity there is appreciated. I have some UI/authoring ideas for you too. When I feel I'm in sync with you I'd love to contribute back!

perak commented 5 years ago

I had brute force attacks on site for a long time, and my suspect was that it causes blackouts. No idea who and why were brute-forceing my server, but it took more than a year. Looks like now attacks stopped (that could be reason it is faster), but outages continues.

I was investigating, and dig all possible log files, but nothing which tells me why it dies. Looks like there is dead loop somewhere - during outages nodejs eats 100% CPU. What I suspect is that someone's project has self-reference or something and when saving a document, server re-parses json (maybe I can skip this re-parseing...) and enters into dead loop.

Second suspect could be bug in some of zillion nodejs modules included into project. But this is hard to debug. It never happened locally - happens only in production.

Fixing this bug is time consuming, and this project is not priority for me. I wish to fix it and release you guys from pain, but I'm not sure when I will do it - cannot promise anything.

Extra-Extra-Dev commented 5 years ago

It's down again. I had a running theory this week it was with the --live feature. But I've not used it all week thinking I was the culprit. But no. hahahaha Lets see if it perks up and self-heals.

I've built a pretty sweet app using your site. I'd like to contribute-in some feature ideas regarding: connection overrides, non-reactive sources, a few bug fixes, some UI enhancements (editor view, expandable panes).

perak commented 5 years ago

@Extra-Extra-Dev it self-healed! :o

(that's art of coding! :D )

So, possibly --live option is an issue.

Extra-Extra-Dev commented 5 years ago

Site down more than 24 hours. Sad panda.

Extra-Extra-Dev commented 5 years ago

oh oops. and now back.. .Maybe talking about it woke it up ;-)