perak / meteor-joins

Collection joins for Meteor
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Join Field problem #14

Open m-korkut opened 7 years ago

m-korkut commented 7 years ago

hii , example my two collections 1-studentCollection => There is student information 2- reportCollection => There is report information . Relationship = reportCollection (student_id) ---> studentCollection (_id) join using ,I want to reverse studentCollection --> reportCollection. How can I do it.

studentCollection { _id,name} reportCollection{ _id,student_id,report}}

perak commented 7 years ago

@cezerii this package allows you to list reports with student data included:

  student: {

You cannot do opposite automatically, but you can use transform and do it yourself:

Server side: publish both reports and students

Meteor.publish("students_and_reports", function() {
  return [

Subscribe client side:


And read data like this:

var studentsWithReports = Students.find({}, {
  transform: function(doc) { = Reports.findOne({ student_id: doc._id });
    return doc;

Or, if one student has multiple reports:

var studentsWithReports = Students.find({}, {
  transform: function(doc) {
    doc.reports = Reports.find({ student_id: doc._id }).fetch();
    return doc;


m-korkut commented 7 years ago

Thank you for your solution. I did it in a different way.I use Virtual mongo collection. Do you intend to improve join structure like sql join ?