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Add ability to import other BIP39 derivation scheme wallets #6

Open HashMapsData2Value opened 3 years ago

HashMapsData2Value commented 3 years ago

Many hardware wallets, such as Ledger's Nano series, relies on BIP39. Algorand also uses BIP39 but does it in a different way, such that you cannot take a Ledger 24 word recovery phrase and then insert it into the Algorand Mobile Wallet. While calculating the 25th checksum word is trivial, since the derivation scheme is different, there is not a 1-to-1 translation. Furthermore, hardware wallets such as Ledger forces you to create multiple accounts off of the same recovery seed, with some type of baked in incrementation.

Since a lot of people were asking about this, I added a part about it in the /r/AlgorandOfficial FAQ here.

Other members of the community have created tools to deal with this (e.g., this or this), but external tools are riskier/feel sketchier to use than the Algorand official wallet. So it would be great if this feature could be added.

bitcoin333 commented 2 years ago works perfectly, converting BIP39 to Algorand