Open perazz opened 8 months ago
Excellent approach!
I'm wondering if the function versions should have an error handler at all, or just abort in case of any error? The problem with the error handler is that the functions can't be pure
(or event better once F2023 will be widely implemented, simple
), thus preventing some compiler optimizations.
Here's how I would recommend to structure the API, if you are set on having a function version with an error argument.
version that (optionally) performs no internal allocationsfunction
version with all intent(in)
arguments except for the errorpure function
version without the error argumentThe subroutine version should use the present tense verb form for the name (i.e. solve), while the function version should use the past tense verb or noun form (i.e. solved). Thus the interfaces would look something like the following.
interface invert
module procedure invert_sp
end interface
interface inverse
module procedure inverse_sp_with_err
module procedure inverse_sp_pure
end interface
interface operator(.invert.)
module procedure inverse_sp_pure
end interface
pure module subroutine invert_sp(A, err)
real, intent(inout) :: A(:,:)
type(error), intent(out), optional :: err
end subroutine
end interface
function inverse_sp_with_err(A, err) result(inverted)
real, intent(in) :: A(:,:)
type(error), intent(out) :: err
real, allocatable :: inverted(:,:)
inverted = A
call invert(inverted, err)
end function
pure function inverse_sp_pure(A) result(inverted)
real, intent(in) :: A(:,:)
real, allocatable :: inverted(:,:)
inverted = A
call invert(inverted)
end function
That way you only have to implement the algorithm once, in the subroutine, and using error stop
it can be pure. For the people that are trying to be memory efficient or handle error conditions, they can call the subroutine. For the people that like to live dangerously, they can use the functional version with the error argument. For the people that want purity they can use the functional version without the error argument, or the operator.
Here just a few ideas around what has been said: @perazz
a subroutine version, that performs no internal allocations, and intent(inout) arguments where necessary
a subroutine version that (optionally) performs no internal allocations
So, I think that more that "no internal allocations", that can be needed for internal working arrays, for me, the point is that a procedure meant to crunch values but not reshape them (not expected to modify the data layout) should not reclaim property of the data to maximize performance in terms of allocations... Unless the user wants to use a dynamical version that can be built on top of the reference one.
Just to show the idea, take this toy example for inverting a 2x2 matrix:
module linalg
use iso_fortran_env, only: dp=>real64
implicit none
public :: invert, inverse
interface invert
module procedure invert_base_dp
module procedure invert_dp
end interface
interface inverse
module procedure inverse_dp
end interface
subroutine invert_base_dp(A,Ainv) !> base implementation with no allocations
integer, parameter :: wp = dp
real(wp), intent(in) :: A(:,:)
real(wp), intent(inout) :: Ainv(:,:)
real(wp) :: det
det = 1._wp/(A(1,1)*A(2,2)-A(1,2)*A(2,1))
Ainv(1,1) = det*A(2,2) ; Ainv(1,2) = -det*A(1,2)
Ainv(2,1) = -det*A(2,1) ; Ainv(2,2) = det*A(1,1)
end subroutine
subroutine invert_dp(A) !> in-place
integer, parameter :: wp = dp
real(wp), intent(inout) :: A(:,:)
real(wp), allocatable :: Atemp(:,:)
call invert_base_dp(A,Atemp)
A = Atemp
end subroutine
function inverse_dp(A) result(Ainv)
integer, parameter :: wp = dp
real(wp), intent(inout) :: A(:,:)
real(wp), allocatable :: Ainv(:,:)
call invert_base_dp(A,Ainv)
end function
end module
program main
use linalg
real(8) :: A(2,2), B(2,2)
A(1,1) = 1; A(1,2) = 2
A(2,1) = 3; A(2,2) = 4
base : block ! The user shall give the required buffers because he knows he wants to recycle it
real(8) :: B(2,2)
print *, 'calling base implementation using static data'
call invert(A,B)
print *, B
end block base
inplace : block ! The user just wants to handle his matrix data and doesnt care of keeping the original matrix
! internal allocation will happen to provide in-place inversion
real(8) :: B(2,2)
B = A
print *, 'calling in-place inversion'
call invert(B)
print *, B
end block inplace
functional : block
real(8), allocatable :: B(:,:)
real(8) :: C(2,2)
print *, 'calling functional inversion'
B = inverse(A)
C = inverse(B)
print *, B
print *, C
end block functional
end program
Then, I think that the function interface is nice in style and spirit, but I'm not sure if it would be so much of a priority. Or, maybe functions can be used simply for returning the error handler ?
What constrains us is the LAPACK backend, that destroys input data in most (not all) of our use cases. Made sense, in the old days where memory was very expensive.
So for example in your inversion example, we will still need to create a copy of the original data anyways:
invert_base_dp(A,Ainv) !> base implementation with no allocations
Ainv = A
call getrf(...,Ainv,...)
which makes the subroutine version exactly equivalent to the function one, except for storage that has to be allocated outside of the subroutine
Ideally, we would like for each API operation:
version, that performs no internal allocations, andintent(inout)
arguments where necessaryfunction
version, that has allintent(in)
arguments except for the error handleroperator(.xyz.)
, where applicable, that has onlyintent(in)
argumentsThe function and operator versions should be made
where possible