percivalalb / DoggyTalents

Train your dogs!
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
55 stars 48 forks source link

dog immunity not disabling #447

Closed thinkbunda closed 6 months ago

thinkbunda commented 12 months ago

I have disabled dog immunity in the config files and as a test in a creative world, the dog still wont die. It's quite annoying and i was wondering if this issue could be fixed?

I have looked online everywhere and people have talked about "collar shears" but the newest 1.20.1 forge install items have no collar shears?

percivalalb commented 6 months ago

Hey, thanks for taking the time to create this issue and I'm sorry I didn't get round to resolving it. I've not worked on this project for a while and have decided to archive the git repository. Fear not, there is a fork which might be of interest. I don't expect to be back within the Minecraft community so farewell and happy mining!